
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tuesday Happenings!

I am so very cold. I thought Spring was making an entrance but then it seemed to have disappeared just as quickly as it made it's entrance. What is going on?

Yesterday especially was quite the crazy weather day, we had rain, thunder, lightning, snow and hail mix all in the space of 30 minutes.  Craziest thing I've seen in a while, and the sky looked so menacing.

Needless to say, it's been cold here, cold enough that I've had to turn on the fire and I haven't had to do that in about three weeks or so.  Cold enough as well that there are quite a few people down with colds, sore throats, sinus issues etc.  Me being one, and my son being the other.

He's had to miss Tae Kwon Do already this week because he's running a bit of a low grade fever, has a sore throat and a runny nose and is just plain feeling sick.  I'm doing no better, though I can't exactly sit down and relax, so I push through it, drink orange juice and lots of hot tea with my favorite winter concoction.

Winter Remedy

Actually had to make a fresh batch as the other one finished not so long ago. I don't go through the winter without this jar in my refrigerator, maybe it's just me, but I do think it helps a lot.

Winter Remedy

I've talked about it before, and if you want to know how to make it, just read my "In Preparation for Winter" post. 

My sourdough starter is doing amazing and I've already made two loaves of bread and a batch of cinnamon rolls.  I fed it again and by Thursday I'll be making another two loaves of bread.

Sourdough Bread

Now, I have to show you something. Remember I told you that I had found something at the Thrift Store that I just had to have because it reminded me of my childhood?

Ok well here it is, and I'm sure many of you will remember it from your homes growing up.

Tupperware Mold

A vintage Tupperware Jello Mold.  Oh my goodness, if I could only explain how this brought back memories.

Funny enough, my brother was over the other day and I brought this to him and said nothing, but his face was hilarious, he immediately remembered seeing it in our kitchen growing up, and how my stepmom would use it to make jello and caramel pudding.

It comes with the different little mold lids like the tulip that is picture, but inside it's got the christmas tree, the star and the heart, JUST like my stepmom's one.  What a great find for my own kitchen.

You know I believe that we need to not sever the memories and the ties that we create in our childhoods, but rather show them to our children, share them with the kids and recreate some of those happy moments from when we were there age.

So yes, you can bet that this weekend there will be some caramel pudding being made in that mold, I'll show you all when it's done :)

Today has been so busy for me, I'm super tired and ready for bed.  I did spend most of the day either doing school work with the 4 kids or on the phone with Tricare and trying to sort out our current medical insurance.  It's NOT fun, it's a royal pain in the behind, and even though I was told over and over by so many of my friends that once you retire things change dramatically, and that everything you're told while active duty about the help out there for retirees is nothing but's quite a shock when you finally deal with it yourself.

But we'll keep going, asking, looking, researching and getting the answers we need.

Anyway, busy day but now I'm sitting down to relax a little, maybe watch some TV and also get some work done on the computer.

I'll leave you with tonight's dinner which was a quick Pork Stir Fry Rice, just something I threw together as I was running quite late with the dinner preparations.

Pork Stir Fry Rice

Alright friends, I need to go and give my son some medicine and rub some more Vicks on his chest, I do hope he starts feeling better soon because he has Tae Kwon Do tomorrow and Thursday and he can't miss it because he's testing for his new belt on Friday.  Fingers crossed!!!


  1. Hello

    Our whole family uses the Lemon/Honey/Ginger all winter too. It is amazing. I did find that the raw honey works much better on colds and sore throats then the honey that has been heated. Usually you can find the raw honey locally at the farmers markets if your store doesn't carry it.

  2. I hope that you and your family are all feeling much better soon. Also wishing for spring to return for you. Health insurance is always a pain I think, Military or Civilian. I don't think the new Obamacare has really made things much easier either, although I guess some people with pre-existing conditions can now get insurance more easily, if they can afford to pay for it. It's always something, it seems. Hope the rest of the week goes well.

  3. We had that same Tupperware mold and I had one of my own when I was first married. Now I wonder what I did with it?
    Hope you all feel better!

  4. I feel your pain with Tricare. I hav been trying to sort out my son's Tricare insurance for months! Each time I talk to a Tricare rep, I get a different instruction. So frustrating!!

  5. I remember those jello molds, my aunt had one but my grandmother wouldn't eat anything she made with it. Grandmother didn't trust plastic! Ha She said it wasn't normal, no way could you clean it right. Hope you and your son are feeling better soon and good luck with that insurance, it's a hot mess for sure

  6. May I recommend sinus rinsing? It has made an enormous difference in our lives. even my 5 year old is able to it herself! Less sickness!

  7. I looove sourdough bread! I can imagine how good it is homemade fresh out of the oven!

    We've had the odd time when we've had every kind of weather in a small space of time too. Really weird.

    I don't recall my mom having any kind of tupperware whatsoever.


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