
Sunday, April 06, 2014

Granite Flats!

Oh goodness, I have spent all day catching up, or rather, watching the first Season of Granite Flats, after hearing about it from Deb.  Thank you Deb :)

It's the kind of show I enjoy, set in the 1960's on an Army base in Colorado, during the cold war.  Great family show.  Lord knows we need more like that.

The second season premiered tonight, and that is why I've been watching the first all day.  Even though it's only 8 episodes, between the cooking and cleaning and piles of laundry, it takes me all day long to get through them.  I actually just finished watching the 8th episode a few minutes ago.  By the way, you can watch the whole first season on the BYUtv website by clicking this link.

Not sure if I will watch the first of the new season tonight, or tomorrow.  I'm a little tired so I don't know.

It's been a quiet Sunday.  Usually we have my family come over for dinner and Walking Dead, but since the show is over, we are taking a break as well so it was just us tonight. 

My husband had to work for a few hours today, so while he was gone I got the kitchen cleaned up, the laundry done, picked up the living room and then sat down with my laptop and my crochet.

Crochet blanket

I wasn't planning on a certain amount of squares to crochet today, I was just enjoying my quiet time and the show and my hands seemed to have a mind of their own.

That's the best part of a blanket when I'm using a pattern that I know so well, because I don't have to stop and look and count stitches etc, I can just go for it.

Crochet stack

Ever so often I had to stop to change laundry or pick something up, or help one of the kids. You know as a mom that even on those days that we have nothing planned and are just sitting down to relax, we are constantly being interrupted and there are things that need our attention. We are never really just sitting down doing nothing, or at least, I'm not.

So I got up and did what I had to do, then sat back down on the couch and my hands kept going.

Chicken Roaster

I took a little break to get my chicken in the oven, and I have to show you my baker which I think if I am not mistaken, I've done before. It was part of my Christmas present two years ago, from my husband. I love it.

The chicken even seems to taste better, though I know that's completely ridiculous, but humor me.

Roast chicken

My hubby made it back home around 3:30pm and hung out with the kids until dinnertime.

I went back to my laundry and snippets of the show here and there. Did get all the laundry finished though, so tomorrow I just have to iron everything and put it away, which will keep me busy for a big chunk of the morning.

Dinner time

We enjoyed a wonderful dinner of Roast chicken, Basmati rice and Green Beans sauted with garlic and bacon. Yum!

I got the dishes done and the kitchen cleaned up and then finished off the crochet square I was working on. Quite a pile as you can see.


Those were all done today so I'm quite chuffed with myself.

I think I WILL go ahead and watch the new episode of Granite Flats real quick while hubby gets ready for bed.

I know this blog post is all over the place and quite short and not really very interesting, but being a homemaker not every day is exciting or filled with fun stuff, some days are just normal and quiet and simple, and I'm ok with that.

Just wanted to come in and do my daily post, because even though it may seem like a boring day, when I do go back and read through my blog, it's always fun to see what I was doing, what I was eating, what I was watching and enjoying. My tastes seem to change as I get older, so it's interesting to see where I was and where I am now.

And with that, I am signing off for the night. I will be back in the morning with my Happy Homemaker Monday and I hope you will join me.


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