
Monday, April 07, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday - 04/07/2014

Happy Monday friends, here we are again at the beginning of a new week.  I had a very busy one last week and I know that this one will be equally crazy, but I'm looking forward to the school year winding down and relaxing.

Let's get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday!!!!

As I look outside my window:::
The sun is shining so brightly, I had to close my blinds.  The birds are flying around and in the distance I see sprinklers going on the field. 

Right now I am:::
Saying goodbye to my husband, he is walking out the door to work.  I am also typing up this post and enjoying my morning coffee.....and I'm in my PJ's still, won't get out of those for about another hour.

Thinking and pondering:::
On life.  There are some family issues back home that just don't seem to get resolved, and when we think they are, they rear their ugly head again.   

On my bedside table:::
My Bible
My Kindle
My Cath Kidston Bluebell Hand Cream

On my tv tonight:::
Granite Flats
Star Crossed
The Little Couple
The 100
Here comes Honey Boo Boo
Hangar 1:  The UFO Files
Ancient Aliens

Ghost Adventures
The Universe

Long Island Medium
Granite Flat

Listening to:::
The radio, Lola playing with one of her toys, birds chirping outside

On the menu for this week:::

Monday - Brittany and Jonah's Yummy Pizza Pasta
Tuesday - Pork Chops and Potatoes
Wednesday - Pat's King of Steaks Philly Cheese Steak
Thursday - Homemade Pizza
Friday - Chicken Fried Steak, Garlic mashed potatoes
Saturday - Wahooz for Nic's Birthday
Sunday -  Soda Pork Chops, Salad

On my to do list:::
Iron all my laundry

Call to make eye appointments

Happening this week:::
Monday - Laundry (ironing), Tae Kwon Do
Tuesday - Laundry (ironing, putting away), bathrooms
Wednesday - Tae Kwon Do
Thursday -  Tae Kwon Do
Friday - Nicholas Birthday
Saturday - Boise for the day

What I am creating:::
Finished the crochet mood blanket, and am now on another blanket.  I also have Tae Kwon Do patches to sew on 3 uniforms today.
My quilt is still waiting to be worked on, and I am thinking that this week I'm going to set aside some time and get sewing.  Speaking of quilts, where do you go for cheap fabric?  I would love to get some new one but I can't spend a lot of money on it. 
My simple pleasure:::
Watching old western movies

Homemaking tips:::
One of the simplest tips I can give is to do your dishes right after dinner.  Many years ago, I was the one who would leave them soaking in the sink overnight and then deal with them in the morning.  It seemed like a great idea at the time, but then I would wake up each morning to a disaster of a kitchen and a sink full of dishes, which in turn set the mood for my day.  It wasn't a good one.
So now I just wash right away, put all the leftovers in the fridge and tidy up the kitchen, so when I get up in the morning I actually like going in there.

Looking around the house:::
It's clean and tidy.  I did all my major cleaning yesterday so now I get to sit back and enjoy a day that I don't have to clean anything.....well aside from the usual breakfast, lunch, dinner dishes etc.  Pugs are asleep on the couch, kids are still in bed and it's just me and the morning sun. 
From the camera:::

Crochet blanket

Prayer List:::
My family back in South Africa, more specifically my father and stepmother. 

Bible verse, Devotional:::
"I am coming to you now, but I say these things while I am still in the world, so that they may have the full measure of my joy within them."
John 17:13
PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. happy Monday, Sandra...
    Hope you have a great day..
    love your grannie squares..
    Take care,

  2. Hi Sandra - so glad you liked Granite Flats! It is pretty interesting. We watched the first show of season 2 last night. I love your mood blanket. Hope the issues within your extended family work out for the best. Have a happy week. I am hoping to link up later if I have time.

  3. I love quilting.. but I have to do it on the cheap.. so I usually turn to etsy for my fabric needs since they will sell fat quarter bundles at a great price and most times if you ask the seller they are willing to make a custom order for you with more or less fo what you need. is also pretty great with their prices for certain things.

  4. Happy Monday!!!! Love your mood blanket for fabric a good place is the thrift stores, I love looking through the blouses and skirts a lot of material in skirts....our thrift store has bag sales fill a bag for $5.00 maybe check that out...I use coupons at JoAnn's fabrics and get fat quarters as well....
    Have a great week

  5. Happy Monday :) Well, after more than a year of enjoying reading your blog and telling myself I should get in on the fun, I finally did, and took a shot at "Happy Homemaker Monday". Next time I'll do it in the morning.

  6. Can't participate today ... I'm in the midst of AtoZ challenge on my blog (over my head!! LOL).
    Anyway, just stopping by to say HI and steal a peek at your yummy menu! :)

    I agree w/ you on cleaning the kitchen at night - I don't always do it, but when I do, I'm so glad! :)

  7. Pat's King of Steaks Philly Cheese Steak!!!!!!!! You MUST share this recipe!!! I've tried to make philly's at home a few times with mediocre results.

  8. I have been regularly reading your blogs everyday for the last 2 years..
    Hope you would write more of your daily blogs as and when you get time...
    I love your way of writing and your positive attitude towards life.. very inspiring keeps me going...
    love to see what you cook and your daily chores in pictures...


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
