
Monday, July 14, 2014

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/14/2014 }

Good morning my sweet friends, how was your weekend?  Busy?  Quiet?

Mine was very quiet and relaxing, so relaxing indeed that it slipped by so fast and I'm not wishing it was still Saturday morning.  Oh well.

So here we are, another Monday morning and another Happy Homemaker Monday.  I decided that today was the day to change things up a little.  You know me, I tend to get a little bored with the same things over and over, so I wanted to change the HHM button and make a new one, and then I got to thinking that maybe I should change the categories around a bit too so we don't get tired of the same ones.

I do know that this year, I want to go with a more Vintage type of HHM, really take homemaking back to it's roots, so to speak.  So, without further ado, here is the new button and I ADORE it, it made me smile so big because it honestly represents what Happy Homemaking is all about.....minus the high heels right?  *wink*

If you have already done yours for today, it's fine, don't worry about it :)  You can start with the new one next week.

Here are the categories:
Breakfast time, what is on the plate this morning::::
On today's to do list::::
Currently reading::::
On the TV today::::
The weather outside is::::
On the menu this week::::
If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
In the garden::::
Favorite photo from the camera::::
Homemaking tip::::
Visiting with blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye)::::
Praying for::::
Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating me with at the moment::::

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
I'm a huge believer in eating breakfast every morning, matter of fact, I can't really function unless I've done that.  This morning, I have coffee with my Homemade Vanilla Creamer, and two pieces of wheat toast with butter and Tomato and Apple Jam.

On today's to do list::::
Laundry - one to wash, and two to iron and put away
Sweep and mop floors
Clean the pool, the sides and bottom are a little slimy (yuck)
Take Jasmine to Tae Kwon Do tonight

Currently reading::::
A few books for review, Painting the Moon, Treacherous Trust and Liar, Tempress, Soldier, Spy.

On the TV today::::
Last two episodes of Star Trek: Voyager.  Hubby and I have loved it so much and it's sad to see it end, but we are starting the Star Trek:  Deep Space Nine next, so excited about that.  We're such nerds!
Return to Amish (watching it this morning with Jasmine)
Portuguese Soaps

The weather outside is::::
Beautiful, blue skies, a little breeze and 76 degrees, though it's supposed to get up to 106 today.  It's like I'm back in Arizona all over again lol

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken and Dumplings
Tuesday - Tomato and Basil pasta, Homemade Foccacia
Wednesday - Lightened Up Chicken Enchiladas, Salad
Thursday - Scalloped Potatoes and Ham, Steamed Broccoli
Friday - Crockpot Beef Stroganoff
Saturday - Chicken Tetrazzini, Roasted Vegetables
Sunday - Slow Cooker Meatballs in Mini Bread Bowls, Salad

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Finish my crochet valance, read a little.

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
Last week I tried the One Hour Skillet Foccacia.  It is made in the cast iron skillet, and I have been wanting to give it a go for a while.  It was the highlight of the meal and my family requested it again, so it's back on the menu this week, actually tomorrow for dinner.
Tonight's dinner, Chicken and Dumplings, is also a new recipe I'm trying.  I've made chicken and dumplings before but am always looking to try different variations.

In the garden::::
I harvested two strawberries from my plant and there are others growing.  I have two huge chili peppers almost ready to be harvested too.  Waiting on the cucumber to grow, it's already flowering so shouldn't be too long before they start growing.

Favorite photo from the camera::::
Dinner table

Dinner time

Homemaking Tip::::
Set aside a day to get the baking done.  For me, it's Sundays and I just get in the kitchen, turn on the radio, or open a movie on my laptop and get to work.  I make bread and cookies for the week, prep any vegetables for the meals ahead and replenish any homemade products that I'm running low on. 

Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye)::::
I have to mention my friend Jen's blog.  Jen and I are very much alike and we love old fashioned homemaking and the 1800's period.  We love our family, we love homemaking, history museums and God.  I know that most of you already know Jen at Reflections in the Window, but for those who don't, I think it's a blog you would enjoy :)

Praying for::::
Right now, for our rent deposit to come in, and for our moving claims check to come in as well.  We've left it in the Lord's hands, and for some reason that moving claims wasn't meant to have been resolved this past year, only now.  Only God knows why, and that is fine with me, I don't need to question Him, I trust that He does everything for a good reason.

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment::::
"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
Isaiah 40:8

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. AW thank you for the shout out! We really are so much a like! Matt and I have been discussing where we want to go on our 10 year anniversary trip next year. My vote is out your way!! :-) I've never been past the Mississippi River!

    I really hope this moving claim can be put to rest! God's timing is always perfect. Have a great day!

  2. Hi Sandra, love the new look! :) I've changed the button, but I'd already done the main I'll do the new categories next week. xx

    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as the saying goes: 'Breakfast like a king. Lunch like a prince. Dine like a pauper.' :D

    Have a lovely day.x

  3. I have been slowly learning to become a breakfast eater but I still can't eat for at least an hour and a half after getting up.

    Hubby and I love Star Trek: Next Generation. We haven't been able to get into the other ones so much but haven't given Voyager a try yet.

  4. The whole deposit return things is making me a little nervous too ... I desperately need our deposit back for this place asap - the lease says within 30 days of moving out MINUS a $35 processing fee (REALLY!!?!?!?!). Oh well ... as you are doing, I trust God will provide.
    Just thankful to be MOVING this week (and next). :)
    Love your new updates on the HHM. :)

  5. I love the idea of doing all your baking on one day. When I'm feeling stressed or upset, I like to bake or cook too.

    Praying for you. Hope you get those checks soon. It's ridiculous that it's had to be this long for your movers claim check from a year ago. Not fair to you at all.

    Have a good week!

  6. I love the new categories. I did it although now that I'm looking back there were a few I somehow missed adding. Ooops. Have a great week!!!

  7. Your menu looks delicious Sandra! I like your homemaking tip too. I try to have a baking day on Fridays. The girls like to help and they're more inclined to eat what they've helped prepare.

    Have a great week.

  8. Love the image! I've always had a thing for the vintage style pin up girls.

    I always love your menu's they always sound so good. I'm going to have to try a few of the recipes soon.

    I like the dinner table set up. I may have to steal that idea of putting mason jars on the table. Great minds must think a like because all my daily silverware is in mason jars on top of my counter. I just love looking at the pretty jars.

    Thanks for the blog recommend, I'm going to have to go check her out.

  9. Hope you get your deposit back. I like to bake after church on Sunday and then share with someone else. Hope you have a great week!

  10. Love the new image! :) I hope your claims come in soon, Sandra! I understand what it's like! Beautiful photos again... :) You always inspire me! :)

  11. Love the new style as well, Sandra. I too accidently missed a few of the questions, then caught the mistake, but only after I'd published... it's been a long, long day. Per usual, I'm always late. Inspired by your article on Nando's chicken, I picked up some of the sauce and some chicken at the grocers, and plan on making it Wednesday. I didn't know you made your own creamer, how do you do that?

  12. Hi Sandra--- Love the new button and questions. :)

    Last week was pretty busy as we were on vacation, so now just have to get back into our routine of being home.

    Have a great week!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
