
Saturday, July 12, 2014

{ The Simple Joys of Home }

Dinner time

I love being home.  I know that according to society, we are supposed to be out and about, socializing and engaging in all sorts of activities.

Homemakers are almost frowned upon in this day and age, talked about as if it's taboo or something dirty.  I will never understand that way of thinking, but I don't condemn anyone for speaking their opinions.

As for me, I will continue to be a joyful homemaker who is more than happy to putter around the house, with a cup of coffee in hand, and a good book in the other.

It's just so deeply ingrained in my soul, that I don't think I could ever be anything else.

Call me crazy, but I just love what I do :)

One of the things I enjoy doing, is making things for the house, especially if I can combine my love of crochet with something cute and practical.  This is the Valance I'm working on for my Hallway window.

Crochet Valance

I've since then made the second row and have sewed the flowers on, but friends, I don't know what is wrong with me, I've now sewn it and pulled it apart twice.  HA!

I'm hoping to get it right tomorrow and move on to the next row and the half flowers.  For goodness sake's, let's hope my brain cooperates.

Another big part of the simple joys of homemaking for me, is the meal preparation and feeding my beautiful family. You know how much I love cooking, the whole process of buying the ingredients and then being able to turn them into a healthy meal, is just so much fun to me.

Chicken Kebabs

And when I can grow those ingredients at home, oh that just makes me even happier.

The strawberries have started coming in, they smell amazing and are soooo sweet.


My chili peppers are also growing beautifully, they should be ready to harvest soon.

Chili Peppers

And then of course, my cucumbers


Those for me are some of the simple joys of homemaking :)

We've been taking it easy, swimming, watching movies, taking drives and really trying to soak in all that summer has to offer, because it goes by so quickly and pretty soon we will be back on our school schedule and ready for the new year.

Coming up, we'll have a 10th Grader and a 6th Grader, Lord help me!

My babies are growing so fast and I'm trying hard to embrace this change and accept it, but goodness it's hard. I would love to have them little forever!

If only it were that easy.

Tomorrow, I have grocery shopping planned and my husband has college classes to work on.  I don't have anything else on the agenda, so I think it's going to be another laid back, lazy summer day for us.  I'm fine with that.

I guess I should get on out of here and get my grocery list and menu plan finished if I intend to do any shopping right?


  1. Good morning Sandra ~ It really sounds like you are enjoying your laid back summer and that's good.

    I enjoy being a homemaker too, but am not able to stay at home full time. You are blessed to be able to do that.

    I love that Homemaker's Creed by Betty Crocker.

    I like your crocheted valance and look forward to seeing it finished.

    Have a nice day today ~ FlowerLady

  2. I'm with you Sandra.

    I think it's a blessing and honor to be a SAHM Mom and homemaker. I LOVE the valance you're working on and I think you should have an Etsy store to sell some of the beautiful things you like to create. Some day I hope to learn crochet and knitting too.

    I'm jealous for your strawberries!! They look delicious!

    Thanks for sharing & God bless


  3. I love when I have a project that I can't wait to finish and my brain just won't work.

    Homemaking is such a blessing, I am glad to be able to enjoy being able to be one full time.

    Have a great Sunday175!

  4. I totally love the Homemaker's Creed you shared. I am a teacher and mom of four grown kids (youngest just turned 18) so I am not home all the time, but my family and home definitely come first for me. Love your blog and look forward to joining you for Happy Homemaker Monday!

  5. I love the flower valance idea. I can't wait to it finished.

  6. Home is my favorite place to be! It sounds like you are having a wonderful summer. Enjoy!

  7. I'm grateful that i'm able to be a SAHM as well.. it takes some sacrifice, but it's worth it to be here for my husband and have my kids with me... :) God is good!

  8. Thank you for your thoughts. I enjoy being home. I also enjoy working with kids in the school and trying to find that just so out of reach library job. Being a homemaker is a full time job for any mom and even more so for those who do it full time with no outside job. I appreciate moms who have dedicated their lives to staying home for their family. ! God bless you and yours this week!

  9. My Mom was a homemaker... Coukdnt run around and do what we wanted to do...Mom was watching...always had clean clothes to wear...Mom was doing laundry, always had food on the table Mom was cooking, she was a nurse, a teacher, a coach, a sewer of clothing, Mom was there just a Phone call away and when she passed her Obit read...she worked as a homemaker raising her girls it was a full time job.
    Love you Aunt Nita


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