
Sunday, July 27, 2014

{ On a quiet Sunday }

Let's sit down and have a little chat.  I want to tell you what I love doing on a quiet Sunday afternoon.

Crochet, yes of course.  Reading, yes definitely.  Gardening, sewing etc., yes and yes and yes, but what I most like doing is sitting down with my laptop and visiting blog land.

First I need to tell you that I am so happy to be back to blogging full time.  I've got this renewed love for the blogging world, something which had been missing for a long time.  It's back, and back with a vigor, very reminiscent of when I made my first posts back in 2006.

I remember the joy I would feel each day thinking about the blog and what I would be posting about, and I would be equally excited at the prospect of going through my blog list and visiting everyone, seeing what they were up to and what they were sharing.

Fast forward to today and I feel the exact same way, and it's a feeling that I am more than happy to embrace.

Right, now that I got that out of the way, let me tell you what I like doing.

Finding new blogs, spending an hour or two reading the posts and going back through the archives, sometimes right to the beginning....especially if those said blogs are from England.  Shocking isn't it?

You know sometimes I wonder why I have such a strong pull to that beautiful country, what is it that makes me long for it, love it, love everything about it and feel so strongly connected.  I always tell my husband I was born in the wrong country.

Anyway, that is exactly what I am doing today, and I have found a ton of new blogs to follow and indulge in.  I feel like I live vicariously through my British friends, especially when they are going for drives on the weekend to the most stunning places on earth.

Truth be told, if I were to be living in England, I may not have a blog, I would be far too busy exploring and visiting, and taking in all the beauty that the country has to offer.

And I realize I just went completely off topic, yet again, I can't help it when I start thinking of England.

Right, I'm back on track and now I want to show you some of the great ones I've come across.  Maybe I'll start doing this every Sunday, sharing some great blogs for you to enjoy too.

Quietly Stitching - Lots and lots of beautiful crochet photos and some stitchery in there too.
Oyster and Pearl - Stunning photos, lots of color.
The Owl and the Accordion - So much to love in this blog, the photos, the inspiration, the bursts of color
Country Rabit - I'm a sucker for vintage looking photos, and for white shelves with tons of Cath Kidston inspired dishes.
Miss Pickering - Another blog that I spent about an hour on when I first came across it, just going back through the posts.

Tell me, what is your favorite way of spending a quiet Sunday afternoon?


  1. What a fun post! I love everything about England! My ancestors came from England and Sweden - the only two foreign countries I would ever want to visit!

    Blogging has been, on again, off again for me for a long time. Like you, I hope I can find the same enthusiasm for it as I once had . . . so many interesting people in the world to meet, with wonderful thoughts and ideas to share!

  2. I am so glad you are blogging more. Your blog is the only one I read weekly. I look forward to it :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
