
Monday, July 28, 2014

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/28/2014 }

Good morning everyone, can you believe it's Monday again?  I know I always say that time flies but goodness this weekend really feels like I blinked and missed it.

Anyway, let's get going, I got my coffee and I'm ready to move on.

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
right now, my huge cup of coffee with my vanilla creamer.  I don't know if I am ready to eat anything yet, but if I do, it will probably be wholewheat toast with butter and maybe a slice of cheese.

On today's to do list::::
Laundry - iron one load and put it away.  Other than that, it's all done.
Put the pool away
Give the back yard a good cleaning
Wanted to give my yellow bench another coat but it's cloudy and rainy today
Take Jasmine to Tae Kwon Do tonight

Currently reading::::
Treacherous Trust by L.V. Delcid, for an upcoming review.

On the TV today::::
Portuguese Soaps - Beijo do Escorpiao, Mulheres, Agua de Mar.
Coal House  - Remember the 1940's house, Pioneer House etc?  This is just like it.
Coal House at War - After Coal house, came Coal House at War. 
Whatever is on the DVR that hubby wants to catch up on. 

The weather outside is::::
Cloudy.  You know I just realized that is exactly how it was last Monday too?  Maybe it's becoming a pattern hahaha.  I love rain so I'm quite chuffed with this, cooler temps, some rain, perfect.
On the menu this week::::
Monday - Chicken Tetrazzini, Salad
Tuesday - Oven Chili Dogs
Wednesday - Cheesy Spanish Rice Casserole, Veggies
Thursday - Homemade Quesaritos
Friday -  *Grocery Shopping *
Saturday -
Sunday -

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Pull out the sewing machine and work on the Quilt. 

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
This week I'll be making some Homemade Quesaritos which is our current favorite thing from Taco Bell.  Also trying out a Cheesy Spanish Rice Casserole.  Recipes will be posted on the days I make these meals.  

In the garden::::
Everything is still growing nicely.  I am also wanting to plant Lavender all around my deck, I think it would be amazing out there once it grows.  

Favorite photo from the camera::::
A few houses up the road, we have some horses, and sometimes the kids like walking over to go say hi and check them out.

Homemaking Tip::::
My kids each have a laundry basket in their bedroom.  In order for me to make them do a chore and also teach them something about keeping a home, I have each of them do their own laundry every Saturday.  I just oversee it, but for the most part they already know exactly what to do. 

Visiting with Blog friends (blog you want to share, blog post that caught your eye)::::
So many caught my eye this past week, oh my goodness I found amazing inspiration out there.  I can't wait for some down time today to maybe sit down and go read some older posts on some of these.  I can't even begin to pronounce this blog's name, but you have to go check it out and see what they did with two little caravans.  What a neat idea.

Praying for::::
Rain, we do need it here.
My gran, I love her and miss her so much.

Bible Verse, Devotional that is resonating with me at the moment::::

PLEASE, don't add links to this list that are not part of the Happy Homemaker Monday. I've asked numerous times, and I'm frankly quite tired of having to remove links to other posts that shouldn't be in this list. Please be respectful of my request!


  1. thanks for the inspiration as always Sandra!

    That blog is adorable! Never seen it before ,,,,,,,,,, And I couldn't even begin to guess on how you pronounce it either :) hahaha

  2. Thanks for hosting and getting me back into a routine. :D

    I went and checked out the blog you suggested. Neat place. Interesting mix of Dutch and Lithuanian. The first word is Juniper in English and the second word doesn't translate, but I think it's a place.

  3. "If God is all you have you have all you need" I love that. Thanks. What a great way of interpreting that verse. xx

    Must be so lovely to be near the horses. My two would love it.

    :) xxx

  4. oh my goodness at the blog you found,her pictures are amazing! Wow!

    We had rain earlier this morning and I wish it would have lasted longer.

    I love having my oldest do her own laundry, the little one is to young to work the machines but she does help fold and put up. That's at least two loads a week I don't have to do!

  5. As always Sandra I greatly admire how organised you are, with meals planned for the week! It never quite worked for us when my daughter was young, I always used to try to plan each day but so much food got wasted with ad hoc things coming up, being late home from work etc preventing the planned meals from happening as it was too late/I was too tired/ or there was nobody home to cook or cook for!
    Now I mostly keep all meat/fish in the freezer until I know what's happening and who's home (often not til late in day) and then cook what we fancy eating. Less advanced organising sadly, but also less food wasted, and it does work for us!
    Gill xx

  6. I am right there with you! I have to go grocery shopping before I can plan a menu and then as my post says its my mr. sexy that mainly does the cooking.

  7. I love your homemaking tip, my Emma is too little to do that yet, but at 2yrs old she loves loading and unloading the washer... I hope it's a love that lasts ha!

    Have a lovely week :) xx

  8. coming to link up late in the day ... but better late than never!
    Thanks for being so faithful to host HHM each week!! I so enjoy it!
    Have a great rest of the week.

  9. Oh yes I can't wait to watch Coal House! 1940's house is one of my favorites, so I'm sure I'll like this one too. Have a great week Sandra!

  10. Hi
    Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting , I really appreciate.
    You are a inspiration to me, with your homemaking skills and your way of looking at life.It makes me look at things positively THANKS FOR THAT..
    please do visit my blog and give me your sincere comments..

  11. Looks like a lovely Monday. Sorry I missed out in joining.

  12. I just discovered your blog via Susanne from Living to Tell the Story. I love this idea!!! I'm gonna join in if that's ok. I'm not a full time SAHM anymore...I am a special educator from Sept-June but I DO stay home all summer with my 21 year old and 15 year old daughters :) I hope that counts!!

  13. Sounds like such a lovely week and I look forward to reading more about the recipes you'll be trying out. Have a blessed one!

  14. I am SO happy that you're back blogging more!! :)

  15. Cute blog! And I love this homemaker monday thing...I participated and I hope I did it correctly. Love the laundry basket in kid's room idea!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
