
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

{ Peak at the Kitchen }

(The chair pads are not staying, I'm going to crochet some padded cushions instead)

I know a couple of you have been asking to see the finished table and chairs.  I have waited to show any pictures because it's not yet complete.  Honestly, I need to give the yellow bench it's second coat but we've had rain the past few days and I've held of doing that.

Nevertheless, I've decided to go ahead and give you a peak anyway.  I still need to get my bunting up, but for the most part my kitchen is pretty much finished.

For a long time, and I mean, the past 16 years or so that we have been renting while in the military, I have shied away from painting any wall, because first, we weren't allowed to.  Over the past few years, they have started allowing it, but with the condition that you repaint it back to it's original state once you leave the house.....and I didn't want to have to deal with all that.

Problem is that it really kept me from having the kitchen I've always wanted, I made do with what I had and tried to keep things very simple, but it never was what I wanted.

This time, I've decided to throw caution to the wind and just go with it.  I want to walk into my kitchen every morning and smile and know that it is just how I want it.

It's very close to feeling that way, even though I'll admit it already makes me extremely happy.

Chalkboard Wall

The past few days I've been busy working on this wall. Another something I've wanted for years but never did have the nerve to do it in a rental. It still needs a little touch up on the sides, but I will deal with that later.

I am using an enamel mug to hold the chalk, and it will stay right there in that spot.  If need be, I may moved it behind the basket, but for now it's fine where it is.

Am smitten with the wall, and already envision so many ideas for it. It really does make the kitchen for me. MY kitchen, which is light and bright and airy and cute and Cath Kidston and just full of joy.


I am not happy with the curtains or the curtain rod at the moment, so I will be changing that up very soon.  I am trying to talk my hubby into building me a shelf above the window, it will be painted white and I will display all my mason jars up there.....or  my Cath Kidston goodies.  Either one.

He did build me one many years ago, matter of fact let me see if I can find it.

This is the only picture I could find, you can kinda see it up on the left hand corner.  I still kick myself over this shelf because when we moved to Arizona, we didn't take it with us, matter of fact we left it up on the window and the houses were torn down soon after.  UGH!!!

Anyway, I'm hoping for another one here soon.


This project cost me nothing at all, as we had a can of chalkboard paint back from Arizona, that was still unopened....and now that I've opened it, I can't seem to stop chalkboarding everything in sight. Oh boy!

I have a few jars that I am planning to paint labels on, it does make it so much easier to change up what the contents are, and I think it looks cute to boot.

I am also working on chalkboard painting something on my video cabinets, I'll show you once that's done.

Since we're on the subject of paint and my kitchen, I thought I would show you my little plant box that I mentioned the other day. It was something hubby had started building a long time ago and then lost interest and said I could throw it out or keep it. Being the frugal thrifty gal I am, I knew exactly what I wanted it for.

Garden Box

The spinach and lettuce are quite happy in there....and it's painted red, to match the pops of color in my kitchen.

When I was done getting the pictures taken, I headed to base with my husband.  He had to go get some work done at the commissary and I decided to go along and go hang out at the library.  I hadn't been to this one since 2007, actually it's not even where it used to be anymore, it's in a new location and it's pretty big.

I don't know what it is about libraries.  The fun thing?  I was able to keep my very old library card, all she did was add me back into the system.  It shouldn't make me giddy with excitement, but for some reason knowing that I'm using the same old card I used all those years ago, just makes me happy.

Really, I'm quite a sappy girl aren't I?  Hahaha

I was there for about an hour, just walking around, getting to know the new library, checking out books, and I even sat on a super comfy couch for 30 minutes and dug right into one of the books I got.

Library Books

Afghan Lover's Collection
America's Women:  400 years of dolls, drudges, helpmates and heroines
Staking her Claim
Grandma's Wartime Kitchen
A Thousand years over a Hot Stove
The Glass Kitchen
Blessing the Hands that feed us

The book I dug into, was "A thousand years over a hot stove", and I'm intrigued by it already.  The book author follows the different eras and different women through the years and talks about their role in the kitchen and the home, and also shares recipes from those eras.  I am really enjoying it already, and I think I may share it with you all as I go along.  Lots of interesting facts in there, such as what to pack for the journey out west. 

Also, sitting on my kitchen counter I have the book that came in for review.  I have a few recipes I want to try from there, things that I've cooked before but different versions so I want to try these recipes.

Book for review

So there you go, just a tiny peek into my kitchen, I will share more as I add things and finish things up.

Do hope you enjoyed it :)


  1. That's great!! Thanks for the sneak peek ;) Something new and different is always nice. Our kitchen had "blah" off-white colored (cream maybe?) walls and once my husband painted it and we added a few things to the walls, it was much more pleasant to be in!

  2. It looks like it's all coming together pretty well! How exciting to do all the little things you want to make it your space. :)

  3. Very cute!

    I recently read Blessing the Hands That Feed Us and enjoyed it. Hope you like it too.

    So enjoying your more frequent blog posts. I am trying to wean myself off Facebook but we'll see. I'm so proud of you for doing it, despite how I miss you there! :)

  4. You are making that house a lovely home! That book sounds very interesting.

  5. Thanks for the peek. It is a lovely, happy place.


  6. I love the library. And I love their book sales too (ha ha!). Your selection looks very interesting.

  7. OH FUN!! I love glimpses of where others work and hang out ... and I love seeing everyone's individual style shine through! Great job o n the chalk wall - love it (and on the furniture too!).

    By the way, I'm wanting to grow some simple herbs ... just in pots by my window, maybe?! Anyway, I can't find right now. Do you start your herbs from seeds?? If you get a chance, email me any advice! Thanks,

  8. Hi
    I love old books just like you do..
    Here in India we do not have libraries which have an unlimited collection of books and so access to such a collection is not possible.
    the only way we can get what we like is buying it.. which I do , but its not always possible or even affordable.
    But I feel great when like minded people like you get to read what they enjoy reading.
    Please try out some recipes and share some snippets as you always do.

  9. The grocery list reminds me - do you guys have the Anylist app for your phones. It is a shared list so all of you can update from your phones and the others have it immediately. We love it.

    Other books you might enjoy:
    A thousand ways to please a husband
    Eat my globe
    big cotton
    Bread and wine
    Robbing the bees
    The warmest room in the house

  10. Loved the peek into your new kitchen Sandra! So glad you are somewhere where you can make it your own and not live by base housing rules :)

    Quick question - I also love the look of chalkboards and chalkboard labels. I've bought a couple of items (spice jars and canisters) that have the labels already on them. I've found them hard to keep, the chalk keeps rubbing off. I'm not even grasping the container by the chalkboard portion, but still they are rubbing off and illegible. Do you use anything on top of the chalk to make it hold? A spray or anything? Or different chalk? I'm just using the one that came with the canister, but it rubs off after a few days...

    Have a blessed day!!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
