
Monday, August 04, 2014

{ The Decision on Facebook }


I deactivated my Facebook account almost 3 weeks ago.  I'm not going to go into details again or talk more at length about it, because I think I have pretty much said what I had to on the subject.

I just wanted to come and let you all know, that the time I have been away, I have prayed about it and really looked deep into my heart on this matter.

I don't miss it, not one single bit, and that was one of the biggest things weighing on my heart, the fact that I don't even think about it, or about going on or seeing what is new.  Quite shocked actually because I was so used to it that I thought it would be hard to step away.

By the way, I was told by my husband and kids that my Facebook was back up last week, and it honestly boggled my mind as I have not been on there at all.  I went in and deactivated it again, only to be told this morning that my profile was showing up again.

After some thinking and rethinking, I realized that I've been using Spotify to listen to music, and when I signed up for it, it used my Facebook log in, so last week when I signed in to listen to music it signed into Facebook.  Last night when I signed in again, the same thing happened.

To be sure, hubby and I did a quick test and yes, it turns out it was Spotify that was logging me in.  Problem has been solved, I have deleted Spotify and have deactivated the account, once again.

Anyway, all this to let you know, that I have made my final decision and I will not be returning to Facebook.  I am in touch with my family through email, and a couple close friends too.

I apologize to those who enjoy Facebook and used it as a means to stay in touch with me, all I can ask is that if you really do want to continue, that you email me or follow me along here on my blog.

Aside from that, all I can say is that I have never felt so sure about something in my life.  I have not a single doubt in my mind that it was the best and right decision for me.  God had been pushing me to do this for a long time, I just refused to listen.

And when you listen to God, good things happen.  I guess it's always a struggle I will have in my life, that need to stay in control, to think that I know what I want or need better than the Lord.  Time and again He has proven otherwise but that doesn't stop stubborn ol' me from doing it again.

I felt it fair that I come in and let you know my decision, as a few of you were friends with me on there, and are friends of friends on there.  If anyone asks, feel free to tell them I won't be returning, and you can message them my email or give them my blog address.

Thank you for being understanding and truly caring about me and my family, it means a lot.



  1. I have never used facebook, or twitter and I am very glad that I don't. It is enough for me to keep up with my blog and reading other blogs without other online activities as well. I am glad that you are at peace with your decision, and if you do ever change your mind in the future it isn't irreversible is it after all. I am new to your blog, but looking forward to reading along. xx

  2. I am so happy for you Sandra...I myself have never gotten into Facebook...I have heard so many negative things from it.....I know a lot of drama....I love my life, simple, quiet and some may say boring, but not to me....peaceful....😀

  3. I'm not a facebook user, and my kids keep bugging me to join.

  4. I am on Facebook and since my family lives in another state it has really helped me stay connected much easier. However, there IS a lot of drama I see on there. I've tried so many times to step away but I always find myself sucked right back in. Lately I've only been going on it a few times a day and that is a huge help, although I too feel God pulling me away. And I hate how Facebook only allows you to deactivate instead of completely shutting it down. After you deactivate it you can always reactivate it at any time.

  5. Being at peace in your heart is valuable! It is a treasure not to be taken for granted.

    I'm not a FB person, I have enough to keep me busy with my every day real life. Blogging is enough of social media.

    Love and hugs to you dear Sandra ~ FlowerLady

  6. I don't like FB much either. I am appalled by some of the things people post ~ especially what teens post ~ it is virtual porn, so be sure you are aware of what your teens are looking at out there (also on YouTube). FB is a waste of time. I try to use it for good ~ posting vacation pictures and the like but I try to be very careful and I will and have unfriended or blocked people who are negative or inappropriate. I really don't think our society is better for having TB, twitter and the like. Good for you for stepping away from FB drama! I salute you.

  7. You have to do what is right for you. I am on facebook but not to a great extent, as in all day long, as some people.

  8. I am so thankful you are at peace with this decision. I got rid of Facebook in is one less thing I needed. Although it is a good way to stay in contact with other people and family/friends who are far away there is just too much drama associated with the concept of Facebook. I will pray you remain strong in this new found peace!

  9. I have an FB but i hate the drama on there and im trying to get off oof it i only now post my blog on there now thats that family can keep up with me at times

  10. I have decided to step away from FB. A good friend of ours fell into the river yesterday and never came back up. They are still searching for him. He leaves behind a wife and three kids. The youngest is just a few weeks old. It has really made me re evaluate where I spend my time. I need to be focusing more on my faith and family.

    I need your email address and new mailing address please. I am going to start the old art of writing letters. Please email me at

  11. Sandra,

    I wish I could make that bold jump, but I can't (I really mean won't) give it up just yet. Facebook I mean, I am just limiting my time in how much I am on there. I mean just going through my news feed could fill an entire day.

    But I completely understand and hope at some point I will make the leap, but for me, it's how I keep in touch with family, friends and authors for now.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  12. I deactivated my account about a year ago. What I enjoyed about fb was keeping up with old friends etc, but the downsides that went along with it far outweighed any joy that it brought me. There are enough annoyances in the world, without me actively looking for them on fb. So for me it's farewell and good riddance. There are a myriad of ways for us to contact the people we really want to stay in touch with. But that's just me. Love, B

  13. I've missed you on FB. I've been struggling with the decision to keep or not to keep. My biggest hold up is all the homeschool groups that we belong to use FB almost exclusively. All the AF groups, etc.

    I miss you. I'll email you soon.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
