
Tuesday, August 05, 2014

{ If only I had a camera back then..... }

Oh boy, it is so dark and cloudy outside, I'm just waiting for the rain to start.  It's been such wonderful weather here lately, clouds, rain, cooler temperatures, wind (though I could do without the high winds) and just nice all around.

To say I've been enjoying it would be a huge understatement.

So, how was your Tuesday?  Got anything important done, anything fun?  And speaking of which, have your kids started back at school yet or are they starting soon?

We officially start back up on the 25th, so not a lot of time left to our summer, and before we know it, Fall will be here and then the bitter cold Winter.

Evening Rain

Ohhhh as I am typing this I hear thunder outside, just wish it would hold off just a little longer, at least until Curt is back home from work.

Nope, it has a mind of it's own and it's pouring down.....

Evening Rain

Anyway, I had a very productive, busy, puttering around kinda day, as any homemaker does.  Got things reorganized and moved around a little in the living room, got things done in the kitchen, transplanted some of the veggies to bigger pots and put them outside, cleaned out the deck area, swept, mopped the whole downstairs and moved a chair into my bedroom.

Then we had to go to base.  Hubby had work to do at the commissary and the kids and I walked around the BX for a little, then drove to the post office.  It felt so strange driving around base with the kids, or should I say, on this base, as it brings back a flood of memories from when I used to drive around with them in their car seats.  Time flies!

I got all my stuff mailed off and then met the hubby up at the library where he was setting up his proctored exams for this week.  He just has two exams to take, an Algebra and a Geology and he is done with his Bachelors degree in Management.  So proud of him, he has worked very hard for this.

I'm sure by now you're wondering why on earth my blog title is called "if only I had a camera back then...." and then I've basically said absolutely nothing about that thought.

Well, let me tell you.  As I've been reading my old blog posts, as much as I love reading every single word and remembering my children growing up, and even reading things that I had completely forgotten about, so many times I think "if only I had a camera back then, I would have been able to take daily photos of my kids, shared them here, and enjoyed looking back at our house."

I think it is one of the reasons why not, I take as many pictures of my daily life.  It may seem silly at times because for many of you, I'm sure you could care less what I'm planting, what I ate or drank, what my house looks like or what my children are doing.  But for me, I just think that in a few years, when my children are both married and raising their own children, it will be such a wonderful treasure to have.

They will be able to show their own children what they were doing as little ones, and for me, it will give me a place to come and reminisce.

So excuse me while I snap every single thing that catches my fancy, it really is for a good cause, at least I believe so :)

The past two days I have been waking up around 6:30am and ready to start my day.  It's so weird, I know usually we complain that we don't get enough sleeping and we like sleeping in, but for some reason it is the opposite for me.


I do enjoy the moments where the whole house is fast asleep and I'm the only one awake.  I get my coffee, I read my devotionals and I sit and just watch the sun start to peek over the mountain.

Sun starting to rise

Isn't it just gorgeous?  And what is it about lace curtains that makes everything so pretty?

Morning sun

When we first moved in, we had just plopped the two chairs on either side of the fireplace and called it good.  Usually in a move, I like to get everything unpacked and taken care of, but this time there were a few things that I just didn't get to for a while, I was busy with other things.

Fireplace area

This morning, after hubby left for work, I opened all the blinds and the windows in the living room and got to work.  I moved the shelf into this little corner, and moved one of the chairs to my bedroom.

Fireplace area

It makes it look a lot less crowded and I think when winter comes around, I will be sitting right there in that little corner with my crochet, or a good book and a cup of tea or coffee.

V-stitch blanket

And speaking of crochet, my V-stitch blanket is coming along nicely.  Such a different color palette than my usual Cath Kidston inspired ones, but I'm liking it.

Church Steeple

From my deck we can see the church steeple across the street, isn't it beautiful?

Beautiful trees

Beautiful trees too.

Squirrel stealing bird food

I filled the bird feeder and set it on the deck for a minute, I come back and see this.....

Squirrel stealing bird food

Someone thinks he's a bird.  LOL   He kept eating, ate some more but always with an eye on me, and then scurried off into the tree.  Silly squirrel!

Birthday Card

I also got a beautiful birthday card in the mail, from my sweet friend Tamy.  Thank you so much Tamy, I am always so touched with your sweetness :)

Before I end this post I have to tell you that I'm so excited to have re-found Paperbackswap.  I can't believe I forgot about that website, I used to go on there all the time when I first started blogging and was able to get rid of a lot of my old books and in turn get many ones that I was looking for.

I signed back in a few days ago, posted 6 books and within an hour I had a request for one of them.  That went in the mail this afternoon and now as soon as the person gets it in the mail I will have a credit to use towards a book I want.  Can't wait.

Alright, well I am about to go visit with the hubby as he just got home, we'll be watching some Face Off on TV and I'll be working a little more on my blanket.

Have a very good restful night and I will see you all back here tomorrow :)


  1. That blanket is going to be beautiful! I love the stitch. I love paperback swap! I started collecting some cookbooks from certain years that were special to us. Like our anniversary and birthdays.

  2. Our school starts back on the 18th aug.
    Yep I love taking pics to of everything its making memories :)
    and your blanket is pretty.

  3. Your raindrop photo is a perfect capture, love it! Emma was captivated by your visiting squirrel as she sits here browsing with me this morning.
    Our heatwave in the UK seems to have finally broken this morning and we have had plenty of wind and rain... I am so excited for cosy autumn days, I already made soup last night!
    Paperback swap sounds great! I wonder if there is an English version?
    Have a lovely day xxx

  4. Sounds like we're having the same weather here in PA. My daughter (who will be 3 next Friday) has suddenly developed a fear for the rain and storms so when we're getting a storm at night she refuses to sleep. It's been exhausting. School for my son starts the 20th, but he goes to a public school. With homeschool do you get to choose your own date to start or are you required to start at a certain time? I can't tell you how many times I've thought of homeschooling but for now we're sending him to school. We'll see how first grade goes.

    Oh, I LOVE your blog and all the photos you post and I totally understand why you post them. You have a talent in blog writing AND photography. I enjoy your posts, all of them. No apologizing necessary. If only I could make my blog look as good. I'm always at a loss for what to write and I don't have many visitors so it's definitely become a place for me to keep my memories ... although I'm hoping Blogger never shuts down like my former blogging site did.

  5. The blanket it beautiful. School starts way too soon here, and I am so glad we got the chance to take the kids camping. Since then they have been to the fair to ride rides and eat bad food too (ha ha!)

  6. Sandra,

    First of all, your pictures are amazing. Professional photographer? I might just be asking to borrow some for blogging post ideas.

    I too, love the stillness and peace being the only one up in the morning. It gives God and I a chance to talk about how things went yesterday and the hope and possibilities that can come today. In fact it didn't come out in the form of a prayer this morning but a song. Yes a silly song. I'm always singing weird songs I make up. My family thinks I have my own personal Pandora station in my head.

    I love the idea of capturing the essence of a day in what you see. Words offer only so much even though you may describe them in unparallelled detail, nothing beats showing us what you see.

    Love Face Off too! One of my favorites beside Master Chef and Hell's Kitchen. I haven't heard of paperback swap and will definitely have to be checking into that!

    As always, I love your encouragement and words of love when you stop by and just wanted to let you know, I appreciate and love you.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  7. I really need to get back to being up early too! It's been so nice to not have to get up at 0400 to get hubby off to work though. I miss our property but ohhhh not his commute. ;)

    I saw this today and thought of you, since you checked out this book recently. Hope it's of interest!

  8. What a wonderful visit with you today! I have a wonderful picture of Sylvia kitty behind a lace curtain. I love it!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
