
Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Blogmas 2014 - Day 9 Winter items you can't live without

Well now, I think there are a few that are very high on my list of must haves for the cold weather.

First and foremost, I always look forward to this time of year so I can wear all my boots, love them, love them, love them.


And of course, boot cuffs are a must, at least for me.

Knitted boot cuffs

Cowls....gotta have some cowls.


Some fingerless gloves and some cool wrist warmers....



Chunky scarves....

Arm Knitting

Holiday creamers....yum


And delicious flavored teas....


Last but not least, a warm cozy fireplace and my family around me.  Those are my essentials for a good Winter.  What are yours?



  1. I relate with everything on your list Darlin'! I love that when I've been looking at your posts each day I think "well that's me too". Lol

    Have a lovely day my kindred spirit. xo

  2. Such lovely items to keep you warm! You're very creative and a wonderfully talented lady. I really love the boot cuffs. I think my sore hands could work a pair of those out for my daughter's birthday. She's getting boots and she'd love some cuffs. Great list!

  3. Hi, great post, love all the things you have posted.xx

  4. Love your made me nostalgic and homesick all at the same time :( I love boot cuffs too xxx

  5. Sandra, I LOVE the hand made items you shared. I don't have any of those items; just some warm fuzzy socks - our weather may be "cold" to US; but not to others...Florida weather is so changeable; we might have an 80 degree day and go to the beach - in the middle of "winter"!

  6. OOOOooooo lovely winter essentials!! I am sooooo jealous of the delicious looking and sounding creamers that I see on US bloggers and vloggers posts. They're not here in the UK. The boot cuffs are too cute.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. LMBO Your list looks surprisingly like mine - don't just love the Pacific NorthWest in the Winter?

  9. Boot cuffs sound like such a good idea! I love getting my boots out in the winter. And I LOVE the idea of a gingerbread latte creamer; do you use it just like milk in tea or coffee?

  10. Ahhhh weakness, especially suede boots!! Love the boot cuffs, are those knitted? Where can you find them?

  11. Love love LOVE me some fingerless gloves! I'm having some made for me right now and I can not wait till she finishes them

  12. It's so funny, I look at your posts and think "me too, me too, me too!" I think we are very much alike.

    Some days I think, I'd really like to move somewhere, where the winters are more typical than the constant ups and downs we get. Where there no doubt will be snow during the winter, so I can really enjoy all my cold weather loves. Here in Kansas, you have your shorts out one day, a sweater the next, and then back into shorts... It's ridiculous.

  13. I LOVE the wrist warmers with the eyes. So cute. xxx

  14. Definitely flavored coffees, teas and creamers for me as well. : )

  15. Love your winter essentials! I would add comfy soft sweaters and cardigans to that list! And a good shovel! LOL.

  16. I just can’t help but write a comment about how lovely your boots are. And winter is really the best time of the year to wear boots all day long. Just be sure to spray on some waterproofing on those so they don’t get easily damaged out in the cold.

    Peter @ Colourlock


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