
Monday, July 13, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/13/2015

Good morning everyone, Happy Monday!

I woke up with a headache and just not feeling too good, I think it's all PMS to be honest, but yeah, not looking forward to today and just want to lay back down, which I may do after I'm done posting today's Happy Homemaker Monday.


The weather in my neck of the woods:
Beautiful morning and no rain in sight this week, which I'm very happy about, not because I don't like rain but because I hate the humidity that comes with it.

Things that make me happy:
Knowing that even in those moments where the finances may be tight, we always come through with the help of God.

Menu for this week:
Ok so we've had visitors pretty much every single weekend since we moved in, not even kidding.  I haven't been able to do 2 weeks shopping like I usually do for me and my family, in a long time, even before we left Idaho.  I need to sit down today and work on a menu plan for us and then get to the store sometime within the next few days.

I do know that for tonight I have Chicken but I'm not even sure how I'm going to make it, will figure it out later.  I may do a Chicken with Peppers and Mashed Potatoes.  Yes, I think I'll do that.

What's on my TV today:
Catching up on shows.  Also watched The Maze Runner yesterday with the family and really enjoyed it, was very good.

Looking around the house:
It's clean and tidy.  That's the one thing about having constant visitors, I've had to keep the place spotless, constantly, in case someone just shows up and needs a place to stay.   Not that I had a dirty untidy house before, but definitely going the extra mile now.

On my To Do List:

Menu Planning
Grocery List
Check on kid's school enrollment

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I actually made a really yummy Samoa Eclair Cake, but it disappeared before I could get a picture of it.  I think I need to make another this week so I can take pics and share it on the food blog.

In the craft basket:
Jasmine's armor, the chest piece is pretty much done, just need to add a few more details, run a hot gun over it so I can make the foam softer and more manageable to mold it to her body, and then paint.

Looking forward to this week:
Well, I'm hoping and praying, but by tonight we may have another vehicle, which we desperately need.  I will give more details when and if it comes through.

Tips and Tricks:
For my tips this week, I want to talk to all the ladies out there.  I have a really cool app for my phone that I came across a while ago.  It's called Snupps.  You sign up and then begin organizing your stuff.  Basically if I am wearing a super cut outfit and matching nail polish or whatever, I take a pic of each thing, like for example the nail polish, and I name it (Essie, and the color), then add it to my nail polish shelf.  It's just a really cool way to keep track of what I have in my collection and wardrobe, it makes it easier when I want to go shopping.

My favorite blog post this week:
Didn't have a chance to read any blogs this week.

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Likewise, didn't find anything new.  I'm thinking I will probably remove these two categories for now, until I actually start blog reading again.

No words needed (favorite photo or picture):

Lesson learned the past few days:

That sometimes it doesn't pay to show people you care.  I'm so tired of being nice, of caring, of checking on people, of trying to be there for them and either being completely ignored, disregarded, unappreciated or just downright ignored.  It's not something I'm used to because I'm not like that, so it bothers me and I'm really just tired of it. 

On my mind:
The car situation, if this pans out today, it will be a huge blessing from God.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.
– 1 John 3:9 (NIV)


  1. I hope you have some time to your yourself and that you feel better soon, it will help you regroup. :D That Samoa Eclair Cake sounds interesting too, can't wait to seethe picture and recipe. Have a great week!

  2. Feel better dear Lady! That "female stuff" can just be the worst!! I'm glad you're going to take some time now to shut down hotel "B" and take some time for just yourself and your family. Rest up and refresh today and tomorrow will be better. ;) Prayers and fingers crossed on the car too!
    Blessings to you. xoxo

  3. Blessings that the car situation works out, share pictures if do :)...... Hopefully some down time in the next week for you, it sounds like it's much needed...
    Whew we it is hot there isn't's still muggy and rainy here in Ohio....our poor garden is sad......
    Have a good week....


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
