
Saturday, July 18, 2015

Week in review!


Good morning!!!

It's been a very crazy week for me.  Remember when I said I would start posting daily?  Yeah that didn't work out very well and I've learned a valuable lesson, in which I can't promise or say I'll post this or that because right now, my life is just a crazy roller coaster ride.

So week in review, what exactly kept me so busy the past few days?

I would have to say the biggest thing was finalizing the kid's schooling and finally getting them into Connections Academy.  The weight is off my shoulders, I am now feeling relieved and ready to start the new year, and that is happening in less than a month.  Goodness!!

We've also been working on getting a new vehicle.  I didn't want to get into another car payment, it was not something I feel comfortable with but the truth of the matter is that we are down to no reliable vehicle between us.

My car still needs a new engine so it sits in our workshop, waiting, until we can save up some money and recover from this big move so we can get it fixed.  It gets paid off early next year, can you believe that?

My husband's truck is running, but not very well and we need to have it looked at and fixed very soon, because I'm worried that if he keeps driving it, it will eventually break for good and I would hate to be stuck with two vehicles who need new engines.

Right now, we are looking at purchasing another vehicle, we've actually been driving it the past week and I'm in love with it.  But between the dealership trying to make it's money, which they always do, and waiting on our own bank for a loan approval, it's taken the whole week.  I feel as if I've had the phone attached to my ear for days and if you know me, you know how I feel about phone calls.  Hate it!!!


As always I'm enjoying the wild life around me, especially the birds.  I feel like every single day, I get to see one I hadn't seen before and they're all different colors.




I think they're Yellow Bellied Flycatchers, but I may be way off.  If you know what they are let me know.

Anyway, I'm still enjoying my life here in Texas, I'm still loving the new house and our new life and I'm looking forward to getting a reliable vehicle so that we can start adventuring out and getting to know the area, there's nothing worse than moving to a new place and being stuck in the house with no way of going anywhere.


My plans for this weekend are:

- planting out front
- start seeds
- move exercise machine to the closet
- get office finished
- work on garage
- break down all the empty boxes and move to workshop
- finish putting up pictures, shelves etc
- clean the turtle tank

Yes, quite another busy weekend, but next week we are headed to Dallas, and I'm taking my camera so I can get a lot of pictures to share with you all.

I want so badly to try to do better at posting on the blog, because really my only other alternative is to stop blogging altogether, and I'm not quite sure I'm ready for that step.  Guess I need to do some thinking on this one.

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, sending you hugs until the next post :)


  1. Please don't stop posting. That would be so sad. Just post whenever you can. I enjoy your posts and photos so much. Better few posts than none. Have a great weekend.

  2. I understand how busy life can be however, I would be sad to not be able to read your lovely blog. I don't blog my self but as I've mentioned before your blog is among my favorite and the first one I check each time I get online. Even though we haven't met, I sort of feel like you are a friend/penpal and when things aren't going well I feel for you and when things are good, I cheer for you! I also know what you mean about car repairs-ugghh! a necessary evil! My car is 10 years old but only has 51,000 miles and is nothing but trouble and I can't afford a newer car now. Hope you all are doing well-enjoy your weekend!
    Laura B.

  3. Your blog is my favorite also! I've been a regular reader since 2007. I hope you don't stop posting!

  4. You definitely sound busy but so glad things are coming together for you all. Love the pictures! Have a great weekend!

  5. Don't make a permanent decision now. It's OK to just do what you can. In fact, here is one of my favorite sayings by Arthur Ashe: Start where you are, use what you have, do what you can. I'd hate to lose you. You feel like a friend even though we've never met.
    Linda Nichols
    Tacoma wa .

  6. Hi Sandra,

    Better to blog less than not at all! I find you and your beliefs to be so much in line with what I believe and in this world that is very refreshing. Don't stop blogging.


  7. I commented earlier but it didn't show up, so I will try again. I know what it's like to be in a bind with car difficulties, keep the faith, Sandra, you all arte in my prayers. Regarding the bird, my daughter thinks it's a yellow breasted chat, but I think it's a western kingbird

  8. Sandra, your photos are beautiful. Our oldest married a career military man. They move every 2 1/2 - 3 years. The babes of theirs are 2 + 3 1/2. We are meeting up to vacation together next month and I can't wait! It'll be almost 2 years since we saw them. Take your time with this blog. I just started and the Lord is already and heavily reminding me of the same 😊.

  9. Sandra,
    Good to see you back in blog land after your move. I hope you continue to enjoy Texas. Great pictures of the birds. Hope you get your new car squared away. Buying a new car is always a time consuming pain, but it is great to have nice, reliable transportation. Great that you got your children all set up for the next school year. I am thinking more and more that home school is the way to go (and I am a public school teacher). The world is just too weird. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs from AZ.

  10. P.S. Don't stop blogging. You have a really nice blog going, but consider removing yourself from the pressure to post daily or really frequently. I have had to back off posting on my blog so much and now do maybe 3-4 posts a months. Just do what you can, when you can, but please don't quit altogether. :-)

  11. I am glad that you got the schooling all sorted out, that will be a big weight off your mind, I hope that the new vehicle gets sorted soon too. My advice re blogging - for what it is worth - is to just do what you can as and when you can, but more importantly is to do it when you want to do it, not because you feel you have to or should. It comes and goes for us all and it will come back to you when you are ready and able I am sure. xx

  12. Hi Sandra, I drop in and out of blogging regularly, especially when I get busy. Just remember its your blog, you don't owe anyone a post. But I hope you don't give up, yours has been one of my favourite blogs since 2006! I love your pictures and outlook on life. Big hugs.

  13. I've been contemplating closing my blog as well... but so far have just went to blogging when & if I feel like it. I hope you'll just post when and if you feel like it as well... I really love your blog and find your photography inspiring. :) Love the photo with the pink blossoms... gorgeous!

  14. Random posting please over no posts. I love reading along here. Life at its best, true, and open, and encouraging for other homemakers.

  15. Oh my goodness Sandra, I've missed so much not reading blogs for awhile. I've read some but missed yours. I need to clean up the blogs I no longer read so I don't miss the ones I love to read. I didn't realize that you moved to Texas (my second favorite state I might add) I do believe that God has plans for us all. I'm glad you're settling in and I know our Texas kids were up this summer and they were a bit chilled, they are so used to that Texas heat :)

  16. Beautiful pictures! I'm glad you are enjoying your new home.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
