
Monday, September 14, 2015

A Day in the Life


Hello everyone, I thought I would do another Day in the Life for you, but this time combining a few days into one.

I have taken quite a few pictures, so this will be a photo heavy post, hope you don't mind, though I know that a few of you actually really enjoy these.



I still find myself amazed, on a daily basis, at the beautiful scenery before me.  I almost feel like God placed this house in our paths and said "Here, this is what you've been looking for, this is what you've wanted for so long".



As I watch the seasons transition from Summer to Fall, I make a mental list of things I need to get done before the cold sets in.  Yes I know that Texas doesn't get as cold as Idaho, but it still gets cold, and where we are, we still get snow and ice.


I definitely need to get cracking on the wood pile this weekend, hubby and I are going to do a lot of yard work, thankfully it hasn't been raining much so we haven't had to mow as often, but would like to get a good grass cutting in, if anything to keep these annoying prickly weeds from growing.


My days here in our country home are pretty much the same.  A slow pace, the tending of household chores, homeschooling, pets and a husband.  Bills and the never ending cleaning.

I don't stick to a very set schedule but I do have things I do on a daily basis, a routine of sorts, and it works for me, it keeps me focused and takes away a bit of the monotony of the tasks at hand.



Even though Fall is not officially here, it has slowly started descending on my household in small pieces, here and there.


I've updated my mantel with Fallish bits and bobs.  These Fabric Pumpkins that I made so many years ago.  You can try them for yourself if you like by visiting my post here.  I'm actually thinking of making a few more for the second living room and using some green fabric to match the walls and the decor in there.



Something else I've pulled out is my yarn, I have quite a stash that I don't know what to make with, they're not quite big enough for a blanket, so I thought I would go with something smaller and I've settled on a pretty scarf for Fall.


Those are my colors and I've kind of arranged them in the pattern that I want, I may end up switching something here or there, but I may just leave them as is.  I think it will make for a really cute Fallish scarf.


There's nothing to it, really.  I cast on 41 stitches and I'm working it all in single crochet stitches (US terms) or double crochets (UK terms).

I'm not yet sure how long it will be but it will definitely not be a short scarf, I like mine quite on the longish side.

With Summer coming to an end, life is definitely slowing down for me and that's quite alright, I am always looking forward to Summer but I tend to forget that it's also one of the busiest times of the year for us.

I'm ready for cooler temperatures, pumpkin and apple and cinnamon scents, warm glowy candles, scarves and boots and cozy winter nights in front of the fireplace.  Yes, I believe it's time!!!


  1. I love the scarf. I started crocheting one, but then stopped. Maybe I will pick it up again and finish it. Thanks for the inspiration. Lovely pictures!

  2. I only recently taught myself to crochet, so I'm confused.. I thought single and double crochet stitches were both US stitches. I just want to understand what you were using stitch-wise to crochet the scarf. It puts me in mind of the stripy scarf of my favorite Dr Who, the 4th. I just recently finished my first big crochet project, a shawl for a cancer patient for the prayer shawl ministry at my church. The pattern was one row of single crochet, three rows of double crochet, repeated until you get the length desired.

  3. I love the fabric pumpkins and am already thinking of making some tonight!, I am with you on wanting Autumn now! and here in the UK it wet and very windy at the moment so feels autumn, need to find my boots etc.

  4. You live in such beautiful countryside, so peaceful and just wonderful to me.

    Your scarf is really going to be nice.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  5. I love the picture looking down the road. It makes me want to ride a bike! I know you are thankful to be in the country. It's beautiful there. Did you ever find out what the little fruit was on one of the trees in your yard?

  6. Oh, wow...I just love every single picture. What a beautiful, and peaceful place to belong!

  7. That scarf will be beautiful. A few years back, I would crochet them to donate to the homeless during winter. Beautiful photos!

  8. Such a Gal after my own heart Sandra!!

    I love seeing your beautiful place and I'm so glad you've found your true happiness there.

    I love seeing some of your decorations and those pumpkins are adorable - I think some with green is a great idea for the other room! ;)

    LOVE the colors for your scarf!! That will be gorgeous!
    Blessings xoxo

  9. I've started a wrap for myself out of a mohair wool blend that a friend gave to me. I should have plenty to finish it. Hoping to get it done before it gets too chilly. I too have the the same yarn problem. Lots but don't know what to make with it.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
