
Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/14/2015

Happy Monday everyone, welcome to another Happy Homemaker Monday post.

I realize I didn't put one up last week, the Labor Day weekend completely threw me off and I had visitors over too, so yeah, ended up not getting the post up.  Apologies :)

Let's see what we have going on this week, shall we?

On the weather front:
The temperatures cooled down a little, and we're expecting some cloudy skies for the rest of the week.  I'm ok with that, I'm really looking forward to Fall so this will help me get into it.

On my bedside table:
TV remote control

On my TV:

Oh goodness, Fall is around the corner and all the new shows and return of favorites is inbound.  I've been making a list, huge list I might add, of all that I want to watch.  There are some new ones I've got my eye on.  For now though, this is what is on my DVR list to watch:
Lockup Colorado (I don't know why but I enjoy all these lock up shows)
Behind Bars:  Rookie Year
Beyond Scared Straight
Farmhouse Rules
Who do you think you are?

Favorite Youtube Video last week:
As always, I will be watching a vlog video and find a new favorite vlogger to watch.  Do It on a Dime is quite a fun one to watch, she focuses on DIY, organization and frugal living.

News story that caught my attention:
All the I10 shootings going on back in Phoenix.  What on earth is wrong with people?  And I find myself asking this question multiple times a day, every day.  I am just flabbergasted at the world around me, things are getting out of hand so quickly.

On the menu for this week:

Monday - Sausages in Tomato Sauce, Rice
Tuesday - Chicken Strogonoff, Mashed Potatoes
Wednesday -Arroz a Valenciana (Rice with chicken and sausage)
Thursday - Greatgrandma's meatballs, salad
Friday - Breaded Fish Fillets, Rice with Peas
Saturday -Hotdogs with Peppers and tomato sauce
Sunday - Roast Chicken and Potato wedges

New Recipe I tried or want to try:
There are a few new recipes up on the food blog, Portuguese Steak, Pork Chops in Tomato Sauce, Beer Battered Onion Rings,

On my To Do List:
Kitchen....unload dishwasher and reload with breakfast dishes.  Sweep, mop.
Bedrooms....make beds, open curtains and blinds, open windows, tidy up.
Bathrooms....clean toilets and sinks.

In the craft basket:
Crochet blanket, new fall crochet scarf (will show you today)

Looking forward to:
Finding out what is going on with hubby's job.  The company he was working for didn't win the government bid, so a new company is coming in.  We're praying they all get rehired, and should hear something by this week.  Prayers would be appreciated.

What I plan on doing for myself this week:

Crocheting and hopefully watching some movies, there's a few I would like to watch.

Favorite photo:

Lesson learned the past few days:
That we can't control this world we live in, and that we also can't stop living, or even worse, live in fear.  We can be mindful and careful of certain situations, but other than that, all we can really do is pray, continue living in Christ and move forward.  With our current job situation, it's easy to get scared, to question, to worry, but I've learned over the years to stop doing that, and I try to keep myself and my husband on track, reminding him that thinking negatively will only invite negativity to our lives, so we have to stay positive and stay firm in our beliefs. 

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:


  1. I enjoy Do It On A Dime's videos as well. So fun! Happy Monday. :)

  2. Sandra, my husband and I say the same thing daily as well, "What IS WRONG WITH FOLKS!"! It makes you want to never leave the house & disconnect all forms of media. I just hope the 3 boys they arrested were the only ones!

    It was 54 degrees in South Georgia this morning! Perfect!

    Hope you have an easy productive day.

  3. Your lesson learned this week has been on my mind A LOT recently. Coping in a world full of all this upheaval while maintaining your beliefs and faith is certainly a BIG challenge.

  4. Thanks for hosting Sandra!

    I know - the Arizona thing boggles my mind! I keep praying.

    Your menu sounds so good and I love Farmhouse Rules too....that Nancy is a fun lady! ;)

    Blessings on your week my Dear. xoxo

  5. Thank you for hosting this!
    Everything on your menu sounds so good, especially the chicken stroganoff.
    Hope you have an amazing week!

  6. Yes - the I-10 shootings here in Phoenix are troubling. I have heard that lots of people are staying totally off the freeways around here. Fortunately - neither hubby or I have to drive to work on the freeway. Looks like you have a good week planned. I'm happy I was able to join in this week with HHM!

  7. Your menu plan sound wonderful! Hope you all get to feeling better soon. Have a good week!

    My HHM post


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
