
Monday, March 07, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/07/2016

Good morning everyone, how was your weekend???

Mine was quite, uneventful (which is a good thing), but also quite relaxing.  The family and I watched a few movies, a few shows and just enjoyed each others company.

It's Monday morning which means work and school.  My nephew is going back to school this morning, he is actually really enjoying public school at the moment and wants to stay and not do homeschooling anymore.  We are a little surprised but happy for him that he is enjoying the school so much.

My sister in law has a job and today is her first day, so exciting.

Hubby is back at work this morning, and my kiddos will be back at schooling too.  Just a usual Monday morning around here.  I'm about to get this post up, then watch a few vlogs, catch up on this weekend's Ghost Adventures and then start my day.


The weather.....
Had really warm weather, actually I can't complain because the temps have been in the upper 70's, though yesterday and today, we have cloudy skies, and we are also supposed to see some rain this week. 

Right now I am....
In my bed,  Lola is sleeping next to me, Bella is sleeping in her bed on the floor, and I'm enjoying a cup of coffee.  It's gone a little cold but nevertheless, coffee is coffee right? 

About all that I need done today, we've also decided to get rid of Dish.  We got rid of it a few years ago, then got it back up when we moved to Texas, but honestly, the longer I have it, the more I realize that it's such a waste of money because we watch pretty much one channel and one show, which is Walking Dead.  Just not worth it.

On my TV.....
Right now I've actually put on the new Ghost Adventures from this weekend, to watch while I work on this post.
Have Long Island Medium, a couple Lockup Raws and a few others on the DVR to watch.

On the menu for this week....

Monday -  Orange Chicken and Rice
Tuesday - Chili, cornbread
Wednesday - Crockpot Salsa Chicken, Rice
Thursday -  Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Veggies
Friday - Pressure Cooker Beef Stew

On my to do list....
House cleaning....bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms, change and wash bed linens

Looking forward to this week....
Some rain which is always welcome. 

Looking around the house....
Needs some TLC, I've tried to keep it clean but with 8 people is most near impossible, so I'm hoping to give it a good clean and pick up today.

From the camera....
Really love this photo of Bella in the early morning light.


On my prayer list.....
My sister in law as she starts work today, hoping she enjoys it and is not very nervous.
My brother, that he gets a job soon.

Bible verse, Devotional....


  1. That picture of Bella is beautiful. Love the lighting!

  2. So happy it sounds like you have all found your groove and are settling into a smooth routine.

    When we first got here we had planned to get cable, but with the way things went we couldn't because of the house and now I'm really glad. It has made me make choices and do other things which is a good thing.

    Love that picture of the spring field and your cute pup!

    Have a great week my friend.

  3. I'm hoping we get a bit of rain this week as well! Walking Dead is on Netflix if you don't mind being a season behind everyone else (and are careful to cover your ears so you don't get spoilers...has happened to me before). Hope your sister-in-law has a great first day and that you have a wonderful week!

  4. So nice to hear that things are calming down there and getting back to normal. Your menu sounds yummy and I would love even more details on your new pressure cooker. I'm still shy about using one - maybe you could do a detailed post on it sometime? ;)

    Blessings on your week ahead my Dear! xoxo

  5. Love your photo of Bella! I hope your sister-in-law has a great first day and that you have a wonderful week Sandra.

  6. Hello Sandra. How lovely to meet you! It is my first visit here, and I love the format of your blog. I look forward to getting to know you better. I've shared a favourite recipe, and a link to my disabled sons blog. Alex has CP and is in a wheelchair, and has the MOST amazing vegetable garden. He inspires all he meets. I hope you'll visit him and be inspired too. Blessings, Mimi xxx

  7. Orange Chicken sounds so yummy!
    Glad to hear your family is settling in nicely.
    The photo of Bella is exquisite!
    Have a great wekk!

  8. Hi Sandra!

    We got rid of cable quite a long time ago. We ended up getting Roku three months ago and we absolutely love it! There are hundreds of free channels. We have Netflix through my sister and I pay 7.99/month for Hulu Plus (and my sister shares that with us) - win win! lol Jennah and I do a lot of binge watching together (not my proudest moment, but whatever) and it's perfect for that.


  9. Glad you guys are together and enjoying each other
    Please add Uncle Mike to your prayer list. Still waiting on dr to schedule an appt with the Neurologist to see what next step is going to be. Probably a Bioposy
    Will be in Lawton in a few weeks for Drs appt in OKC and to wait until closing on house

  10. Love this post. Did you make that devotional picture.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
