
Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/14/2016

Good morning everyone, hope you've had a wonderful weekend.  Mine was actually pretty good, surrounded by family and time out just relaxing, it was exactly what I was needing.

Things haven't been easy for me lately, I have a lot going on, hence my distance from the blogging and lack of posts.  Maybe I should do an actual update?  Yes, I think later today I need to come in and have a little ol' chat with everyone about what has been on my mind.

Right now, it's time for our Happy Homemaker Monday, and by the way, if you've turned your clocks forward like we have, you're probably just as tired as I feel this morning.  That extra hour may not seem much, but oh my word, I'm dragging today.  Anyway, let's get on with it......


The weather.....
Supposed to have a really warm week coming up, and I believe a day or two of rain as well. 

Right now I am....
Laying in bed, I just got up and made coffee for my husband and he is off to work.  I'm still in pj's, drinking a cup of coffee and typing up this post.  I don't feel very well, I don't know if it's the time change or what, but woke up feeling a bit nauseous and my stomach is hurting a bit.  Hoping it goes away. 

That it's Spring Break this week so I have 4 kids in the house.  Hoping they don't eat me out of house and home.  T

On my TV.....
Been clearing the DVR list.  I'm still planning on getting rid of Dish, but we have a family reunion in May and my husband suggested we leave it until after, and then go ahead and turn it off.  Two more months and then it's gone.  I don't really mind because I have so many places to watch online.
I've been hooked on Jane the Virgin though, my daughter actually got me into it, so as soon as this post is up, I'll be catching up on some vlogs and then watching it.

On the menu for this week....

Monday -  BBQ Brats, Potato Salad, Chocolate Cake with Mint Frosting
Tuesday - Brown Sugar Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Wednesday - Crockpot Salsa Chicken, Rice
Thursday -  Crockpot Sloppy Joes, Fries
Friday - Chicken Fried Steak, Gravy, Mash and Salad

On my to do list....
House cleaning....bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms.


Looking forward to this week....
Spring Break, not having to worry about school and just relaxing with the kids. 

Looking around the house....
It's Monday which always means that it needs some serious picking up and tidying up after the weekend.

From the camera....
Gorgeous horse belonging to one of the neighbors

On my prayer list.....
My brother, for a job to come through for him.
For my husband and I, we are going through a rough patch.

Bible verse, Devotional....


  1. While I love the light later in the day, I really hate daylight savings time in the morning when it stays darker. I love waking up wit the sun, but not wen it wakes up late LOL!

    LOVE your horse picture and inspiration this week. HUGS & PRAYERS!

    Have a great spring break and fun with the kids!

  2. Many prayers for you and yours!!! That is a beautiful horse.
    Have a great week!

  3. I love your devotional about the husband and wife! I hope you have a great week :)

  4. Ha! Good luck with Spring break week with all of those kiddos not eating you out of house and home. Lol ;) It's amazing how much a teenager can eat, isn't it? Hope you have some fun things planned too. Praying all is well with you dear Gal.

    Love the horse photo. Blessings. xoxo

  5. Love the photo of the horse! It's early afternoon and I still feel like I'm in a haze. Hope you get all caught up on sleep and have a wonderful week.

  6. What a beautiful Horse! I understand about being busy. I missed the last two HHM was thinking of doing today but that sort of defeats purpose lol Hope you have a pleasant week.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
