
Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/21/2016

Good morning everyone, hope you're all doing well and ready to get on with this new week ahead.

I had a very busy weekend, worked hard out in the yards and am a bit sore this morning, but aside from that, I'm doing quite well.  I absolutely love the week leading up to Easter and am looking forward to celebrating with family.

Today, I am planning on putting up a blog post with some pics and some updates, or rather a bit of a catch up on what I've been doing around here.  I also want to work on a new template, I'll see what Headers I already have and if I want to use one of those, or I may just make a new one, change the background etc.  I'm thinking something a bit more Spring/Summer like.

Right, time to get on with this post......


The weather.....
Cold, I mean like 30 degrees cold.  What on earth Texas???  We had upper 80's a few days ago and then got frozen over on Friday night and it's still a little nippy.  I'm not sure what is up with this weather but it's confusing me and it needs to just go right back to warm.    At the moment it is 34 degrees but feels like 27, and later it's supposed to be 71.  Rest of the week we'll be seeing 80's again.   

Right now I am....
In bed, have the heater on because this room is so cold.  I'm drinking my coffee, being a bit lazy, typing this post up and thinking of what I need to get done today. 

About life, about what is going on around us, what I want to get done etc. 

On my TV.....
Finished Jane the Virgin, and tonight is the new episode, but Jasmine and I will watch it tomorrow, together.  I'm watching out for a few other shows that are starting soon in the UK, and still working through my DVR list.  Two more weeks and we're saying goodbye to the Dish and I am telling you, we will not miss it.

On the menu for this week....
I have meals planned until Thursday, then I need to get groceries done but I'll work on the new meal plan today

Monday -  Chicken Fried Steak, Gravy, Mash  
Tuesday - Cottage Pie, Salad 
Wednesday - Sticky Chicken, Rice
Friday -

On my to do list....
House cleaning....bathrooms, living rooms, bedrooms.

Vacuum, dust
Change bed linens

Looking forward to this week....
One more week closer to being done with school for the year.  Have a busy time coming up with College testing for Jasmine and end of year testing for both kids, a Renaissance Festival to go to, a Reunion coming up etc.

Looking around the house....
Needs some TLC, especially since my main focus was on the outside this weekend, but I'll get the inside done today.

From the camera....
Seem to have gotten the urge to read again, and have been enjoying some all time favorites, along with some new books from the library

On my prayer list.....
Still have my brother on the prayer list, he is waiting for a job and is starting to get stressed out and a little down.  I'm praying that the right job comes along for him. 

Bible verse, Devotional....


  1. Perfect devotional for this week! Can't wait to see your pictures and update, I bet your outside project is turning out beautiful!

    Have a beautiful week.

  2. Good Morning Sandra, I am so enjoying being apart of HHM. prayers for your brother, I pray the right job comes along.

  3. I'll have to try and join you again. Today my routine is all out of whack.

  4. Love the new Header Sweetie! You are getting some crazy weather - wow!! I'll take your 70's though as we just remain stuck in the 30's here in the northwoods. Lol

    Prayers for your brother to find something soon! Blessings on your week and Easter ahead my Friend.

  5. I love the new header... so fresh and Spring-like.
    We've been having some cold temps too where I am but we also don't live in Texas! Hope it warms up for you soon - especially in time for Easter!
    Prayers for your brother... That type of "limbo" he's in can be so tough, especially for men. :(
    Blessed Holy Week! (I love this week as well!)

  6. Oh, I just love that quote about Easter. So true.

  7. I'll pray for your brother. Unemployment is tough. I'm always happy when school is out and summer is here.

  8. Hello dear friend. Praying your brother soon finds a job. Hiding in bed sounds like a good idea! Cold, cold it is!

  9. Hello I stumbled crossed your blog and i was wondering if you could email me so I can ask you a few questions.
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    chrislyn Hanson


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
