
Friday, April 15, 2016

Glad to see the week come to an end

There are weeks that go by at a snail's pace, and then there are those that seem to whiz by, surrounding us with so much busyness that we can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they come to an end.

This was one of those.

Last Sunday was quite an interesting one. It started off with some time outside as a family, everyone was throwing around foam airplanes, laughing, the dogs were running around and we enjoyed the wonderful weather.

Watched these big buzzards flying right above us.....

April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016

And there was even some kite flying.  The weather was perfect for that, quite a bit of wind and everyone had a great time watching this gorgeous kite fluttering about.

April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016

But very quickly the weather changed, dark purple clouds took over the sky and next thing we knew the skies lit up with bright lightning.

April 11, 2016

In the picture below you can actually see a lightning bolt on the bottom left. 

April 11, 2016

It didn't stop, the lightning intensified and it was almost like camera flashes continually going.  I've never in my life witnessed anything like that.  Within about an hour we were getting weather alerts and at about 9pm we had an emergency alert about a tornado and advising us to seek shelter.

Thankfully we have a storm shelter underneath the house, the problem is that it is not yet ready, the air is very stagnant and though we were lucky enough not to have endured any tornadoes, my brother and I had a really bad allergy attack.

I don't have asthma and wouldn't even begin to know what it is like, but my throat started closing up, I couldn't breathe, I was coughing constantly and my lungs were making this weird whizzing sound.  I took some allergy meds and was able to feel better, but my word did that scare me.

And so my week began......

Monday started with my boy's birthday.  He turned 13, can you believe that?  Thirteen years old, no longer a little boy, but a teenager.  I'm frankly having a hard time lately, I try not to let it bother me too much but there are moments that the emotions seem to almost choke me and I try everything within my power not to cry.  It's so hard being a mom, so incredibly hard.

April 11, 2016

April 11, 2016

It's so hard to see just how big he has grown.  Ugh!!!

Anyway.....aside from his birthday on Monday, we also had end of year testing, driving back and forth for 3 days, kids stressed, parents stressed, spending way too much time in the car and feeling like I got absolutely nothing accomplished on the home front.

I'm a creature of habit, I like being a homemaker and working around the house, making dinner and cleaning and so forth.  When I'm not home for a few days, I feel like everything just gets left behind and I honestly don't feel right.  It's almost like something is missing.

Today was the first day that I had nowhere to go and could get back to my usual routine.

April 11, 2016

My day started with a beautiful sunset, but not before the dense fog made it's way through.  I couldn't believe how foggy it was, but I must admit that I've always loved foggy mornings, there's something almost magical about it.

April 11, 2016

A quick shower and some comfy clothes on, and I got straight to work.  Laundry was caught up, ironing piles were ironed, beds were made, bedrooms cleaned, carpets vacuumed and cleaned and I even got started on some window cleaning.

It felt so incredibly good to be back to my normal routine and to feel like my house was clean and tidy and back on track.

Worked on some homeschooling too, trying to get the kids caught up because with 3 days of testing they end up not having much time for their normal classes. 

Thankfully, school is over May 18th, so a little over 4 weeks, thank the Lord.  Gets to this time of the year and I think we are all just ready for it to be over.

I was doing so well posting daily and then this week just threw a huge wrench in my path, so I'm looking forward to getting back on track.  :)

For now though, I'm going to finish up this post, catch up on some shows and then probably get some sleep.  We went to bed way too late last night and that 5:45am alarm came way too soon.

I hope you've all had a good week and are looking forward to your weekend.  Anyone doing anything fun???


  1. Wow! That tornado was more excitement than anyone would want! Yikes!! Glad everyone was okay (allergy scare aside).

    I can't believe how grown up Nick looks. As someone who has followed your blog for quite a long's even weird to me to see him reach the teen ages. Blessings to you Mama - I know what you mean about motherhood being hard! ;)

    Blessings on your weekend dear Gal. xoxo

  2. Sounds like quite the week dear friend. Wow, that lightening bolt! And happy birthday to your young man!

  3. I know I said it on another photo, but my goodness your son has grown SO much! I've been following your blog for so long that I still think of him as a little boy. Hope he had a great day! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!

  4. Wow, the storm and finding shelter must have been a scary experience! Your boy looks so grown up. Enjoy this stage of the parenting journey too. Happy belated birthday to him!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
