
Monday, September 26, 2016

{ Crocheting again }


I almost feel like tapping the Mic and saying "Hello, testing, one two".

Boy has it been a while since I've managed to sit down and compile some sort of post about my life, current going ons or just plain came in and said hi.

So, here I am, saying hi :)

You have no idea how many times I've thought about blogging, thought about a post I wanted to put up, or some photos I wanted to share, and then I end up caught up in my busy life and forgetting all about it.  Worst party?  Time is not our friend and stops for no one, it just keeps on chugging and before we know it, it's been weeks, months or even years.

I don't want to sit here and whine and complain about our current issues.  All I'm going to ask is that you please send up a prayer for us, for my husband's next job to come along and for God to get us through this rough patch we're about to hit.


This is my husband's last week of work before he is laid off.  I'm sure many of you out there know exactly how it feels, and have probably gone through it or have a family member or friend going through it.  It's a very scary thought.

But, I'm choosing to stay positive and I'm choosing to leave it all in God's hands.  We are going to do our side of the work and the rest is up to Him. 

Right, now with that out of the way, lets talk nicer things, like crocheting, shall we?

I just recently picked up my crochet hook again.  I can't even believe it's been so long since I made anything, but I wasn't feeling it before.  A couple days ago, I got the crochet itch again and I knew I wanted to make something easy, something that I wouldn't have to concentrate too much on, or count stitches or keep track of anything.

I decided to go with Lucy's Cosy Stripes Blanket.  Perfect!!!


I'm using a 4mm hook and whatever yarn I had on hand.  I do seem to gravitate towards certain colors and this palette came about purely by accident.  The result though?  I'm absolutely besotted with it.

It's working up so incredibly fast and it relaxes me, makes me take my mind off certain things.

I also started a Hexagon Crochet and have made a few, but I have to admit that I shamelessly added it to my WIP pile so I could work on the cosy stripes.


Also working on some cute little owls for a friend, need to finish it and mail it off.  I should have finished them by now but again, it's one of those where I need to pay close attention and count the rows and stitches and my mind is NOT in the right place for that.


Now let me take outside though, I want to show you some things.

First and foremost, if you don't like spiders, this next picture might make you gag.  Hahaha

I have never, in my entire life, came across such huge spider webs until I moved to Texas.  The more traveling I've done between Texas and Oklahoma, the more of these I've seen on all the trees and they


Like WHY?  Why on earth is this even allowed to exist?  I keep looking at it and thinking about the size of the spider that made that, is it the size of a dog, a cat, a buffalo?

Geez Louise, it's just terrifying.

But here's some beauty for you, I don't even need to say anything cause the pictures speak for themselves :)





Guess what???

Life sucks at times, but if we just keep pushing, we will get through the rough patch and come through on the other side, brighter than ever before.

Or, you can just eat cake, or bake a cake like I did this afternoon.

I still am at my most happiest when in the kitchen, and maybe that's the part of me I need to focus on and hold tightest too.


Homemade Carrot Cake, with real carrots, and not from a box. Yes, real homemade and homemade cream cheese frosting, cause if you're going to do it, might as well go all out.

If you want to make it for your family, the recipe I used is posted on my food blog. BAM!!!!

That was literally the sound of heads exploding everywhere with the sheer shock that I've posted a recipe. LOL

No, but really, I did, go on and check it out, and if you make it, let me know how it turned out :)

Now I'm going to sit on my bed and catch up on some shows before I fall asleep, which shouldn't take too long since I'm already yawning.


  1. I've gone through phases of not blogging, cause it's true, life gets so busy. The thing is with my blog is it's my way of journaling so even though life gets busy, it's exactly the reason I have to post about it. Glad you took the time to do a post. Your crocheting is amazing, I love your little owls! Sorry to hear about your husband, hope he finds work soon, hang it there!! Your pictures are very nice and I do like your advice on baking a cake - just might have to do that!!

    Take care

  2. Hello Sandra...many prayers for you and your family, I am a believer, when a door closes a window glad to see you're crocheting again, it keeps our minds busy in deed.....I have been crafting like crazy for a up coming show, but finally picked mine back up again as well...finishing a WIP I started at end of winter, looking forward to starting a new one as well...I love the Owls they are adorable.....thank you for sharing your daily life with us, it is always a pleasure to see when you've posted a new post....


  3. Keep trusting God to work all things out in your life. He knows exactly what you and your family need.

    Love that striped blanket and the carrot cake has my mouth watering. It's been a long time since I last made one.

    Love, hugs and prayers ~ FlowerLady

  4. I don't think the webs you are seeing on the trees are from spiders. I believe they are tent caterpillars. We (meaning hubby lol) cuts them off if when we get them if he can reach them as they can do some damage. The owls are adorable! Praying for you as hubby searches for a new job.

  5. Continued prayers for your family.

  6. Lots of prayers for you dear. I do believe those are web worms you see on the trees and not spiders. Lots of them in this neck of the woods. I love the owls and the blanket too!

  7. Enjoy your crocheting, it is all very pretty. Blanket making is good as the weather cools down isn't it! xx

  8. Oh my gosh- the owls are so cute. Halle is going to just freak out when she see's them! Thank you again for taking that on- so adorable! Praying for you guys- that is a scary place to be but glad you have the right mindset!

  9. You are the sweetest, Sandra just give it all to god, he is always with us, he loves you, cast all your cares upon him, I will pray for you too♡♡♡ your crochet is so lovely, the colors are beautiful
    God bless hugs christal

  10. I struggle constantly with getting posts up. I just seem to have run out things to say. That spider web is darn right creepy! Praying that Curt lands just the perfect job for him!

  11. Yep, I live in Oklahoma and this has been a terrible year for web worms (bag worms) I can remember my dad burning them off our trees, probably wasn't a good idea!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
