
Monday, September 26, 2016

Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/26/2016

Oh my friends, I am so sorry there was no Happy Homemaker Monday last week.  We were without internet for about 5 days.  You know you never really understand how much you need internet until it's not available, I think that so much of our daily lives are connected to online, aren't they?

Anyway, feels good to be able to come back and get on with our Happy Homemaker Monday.  Let's see what the week brings.....

On the weather front:::
We've had some crazy rain the past weekend, enough to cause some major flooding in some areas.  The temperatures have finally dropped, we're going to be in the high 70's the whole week and that makes me incredibly happy :)  Hello Fall!!!

On my bedside table:::
Cup of coffee

On my TV:::
The Voice Portugal
Portuguese Soaps
60 Days In
Paranormal Witness
Ghost Hunters

Thinking and pondering::::
This is my husband's last week of work until he is laid off.  We are both surprisingly calm about the situation, and I think it's because we know that something else is on the way.  I am a huge believer in that things happen for a reason, and that God has us on the path which is best for us.  For some reason, my husband is not supposed to keep working either in this position or with this company, at this moment in time.  We don't know why, but it's ok, we will follow through with whatever He has in store for us.  If you are of the praying kind, we would appreciate some prayers sent our way :)

Listening to::::
Watching The Voice Portugal while I type this post up.

Favorite Youtube Video last week:::
The youtube channel I'm sharing with you today, is actually Portuguese, so I apologize to those that can't speak the language, but I just have to share it with you.  Maristela Moreira de Freitas, is a stay at home mom, homemaker, baker, and she just makes me smile.  I absolutely love her vlogs.

On the menu for this week:::

I'm hoping, really hoping that I can take this week to jump back into my food blog.  I'm wanting to at least get some photos taken of our meals every night and start sharing that.

Monday -  Ham Steaks, Mashed Potatoes, Salad 
Tuesday - New York Style Pizza 
Wednesday - Smoked Sausage Alfredo, Olive Garden Breadsticks
Thursday - Pork Chops and Potatoes
Friday - Steaks, Fries, Salad
Saturday - In OKC
Sunday - Chili Dogs

On my To Do List:::

Looking forward to:::
A quiet, peaceful, uneventful week

What I plan on doing for myself this week:::
I took up crocheting again, I know, crazy since I haven't done any in such a long time, but I'm loving it.  I started a blanket and I will take some photos to show you and add them in another post later today.  Yes, I said another post because I do plan on getting one up.  I'm a terrible blogger, I've really fallen off the bandwagon but I want so badly to get back on. 

Favorite photo:::
These two are so in love, they've been together for 2 years and their love just continues to grow.  They send me constant selfies throughout the day which makes me so incredibly happy :)

Lesson learned the past few days:::
I think it's a lesson that we all are forced to relearn over and over, and that is to just enjoy life as it comes.  To take every single obstacle, every problem, every good or bad moment that comes our way, and make it the best we can.  Stop struggling, stop trying to control everything and just go with the flow. 

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:::


  1. Sorry to hear about the internet - you're right SOOOOOO much of our life is connected via internet these days - certainly hard to do without.

    HUGS & PRAYERS for Curt's work situation - as you already know, if HE brings you to it, HE will see you through it.

    Glad you're crocheting again. Doing something with your hands ALWAYS helps in the end.

    I must admit I am having trouble understanding your picture this week in correlation to the words, but I know you are seeing something I'm missing.

  2. I was wondering where you were last week, glad it was "only" Internet related. It is amazing how much we rely on the Internet isn't it? I very much know what you mean about wanting to jump back into blogging. It seems as if I write a million posts in my head each week but never seem to quite make it to the computer to write them down properly and share. Hoping something great is just around the corner for your husband and that you have a wonderful week!

  3. Your menu for the week sounds great ♥

  4. I hope that you have a good week, and that whatever the great thing that is on the horizon for your husband soon becomes clear and all good things fall into place. xx

  5. So glad to see you back, I love your blog, can't wait to see your crochet blanket♡♡♡
    God bless and have a great week Sandra
    Hugs christal

  6. the last pic didnt go with your words, or am i missing something?
    glad you are back..

  7. Love your crochet projects and your pictures. Praying for you all. Wishing you a great Fall season!

  8. Thanks most sincerely Sandra for hosting me today,
    I'm here for the firts time and I'm so very glad !

    Hope your week is off to a good start
    I'm sending hugs and love to you,
    with utmost gratitude

    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~

  9. Thanks most sincerely Sandra for hosting me today,
    I'm here for the firts time and I'm so very glad !

    Hope your week is off to a good start
    I'm sending hugs and love to you,
    with utmost gratitude

    Xx Daniela at ~ My little old world ~


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
