
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

{ Handmade is best }

Over my almost 11 years of blogging, I have met some amazing women.  We have forged a friendship, merely through words on a computer screen, a common goal, a thread that is woven through decades and decades of women who make a home.

The friendships that I have made through this little blog, have come to be some of the most pivotal and encouraging in my life, even above some people I know personally.  There are no conditions, there are no judgements, no rude comments or "maybe you shouldn't do it that way".

There's understanding, there are genuine words of love and comfort, and giving without asking for anything in return.

As I continue on this journey through blogdom, I am daily reminded that there are like minded souls out there, who understand me, who know what I'm going through or what I've been through, who just want to reach out and do something which to them may be so simple, but to me, means the absolute world.

I received a package this morning, a plain white envelope with my address on it.  It was filled to the brim with sweet little goodies, from a very sweet lady who has been reading my blog for quite a while.  Rhonda from Dirt Road Primitives.  :)

January 31, 2017

Rhonda has emailed me a few times, offering words of comfort through especially difficult moments, she's shared her life with he, we've exchanged friendly words and I guess somehow through this, I've touched her heart so that she saw fit to send me a few things that she and another friend made.  All because she knows how much I love handmade, and primitive and all things of that sort.

The first thing that struck me as I pulled the contents out, one by one, was the amazing scent.  I can only describe it as ME!!!  My husband took one whiff and said, plainly and simply "that smells like the country stores you like to hang out in".  HA!!!

January 31, 2017

And the next thing that struck me was just how well she knew what I would love.  I could have easily hand picked of these items.

January 31, 2017

You all know how much I enjoy handmade and homemade.  I find that it's one of the best things we can do for ourselves and for those we love, to actually make something with our own hands, something that we can proudly display in our homes.

January 31, 2017

It is also no secret that I've had a huge love affair with Primitive and Country decorating.  I haven't quite been able to achieve that completely in this house.  Then again, I haven't had the time the past 2 years to really get down to the nitty gritty of making it my own.

Not until this past month, where I rolled up my sleeves and got to it.

These beautiful items that Rhonda made and graciously sent to me, are going to be proudly displayed in my home, and I know that every time I walk past one, I'll be able to think of her and how incredibly kind and sweet she is.

January 31, 2017

January 31, 2017

Rhonda made this table mat with her own hands, every stitch, lovingly sewn through the beautiful fabric.

January 31, 2017

January 31, 2017

And again I was struck by how truly ME these colors were, and how perfectly it goes on my dining table.

January 31, 2017

It brings happiness to my dining room and I'm sure I'll be smiling whenever I walk by.

January 31, 2017

These tarts were made by a friend of hers, and they smell phenomenal, matter of fact the above one "The Keeping Room" is already on my warmer in the living room and oh my.....I couldn't even begin to describe the scent other than heavenly.

January 31, 2017

January 31, 2017

Thank you Rhonda, so very much for these sweet gifts, they mean the world to me and I will treasure them for a very long time.

Also, like I said above Rhonda makes and sells amazing items for your farmhouse primitive decorating, so you can see what she has to offer at her page at Earlywork - Dirt Road Primitives, and also on her Etsy Shop.

She did NOT ask me to mention either of those, nor did she send me any of these with the intention of me reviewing or promoting her work, but I felt that it needed mentioning because she does incredible work and is truly one of the sweetest souls you will ever encounter :)

I'm off to go place these around my home, can not wait!!!


  1. Beautiful! Homemade and handmade are the best - you can see and feel the love in each of the items. You know that when the person was thinking about making something for you, when it was being crafted, when it was packaged to me mailed, you were on their heart. Whenever I look at something my Mum made for me, or something I made for her that I now have, I feel the love. It's extra special now that she's gone.

    I know that you will treasure these gifts and they will bring a smile to your face when you see them in your home.

    Love your new blog layout - did you do this or can you share your designer? Mine SO needs an uplift.

    Have a lovely day, Sandra, you're very special to many, many people, me included. It has been such a joy to get to know you through our blogs.

    1. Thank you SO much Pamela. You know you are one of the ladies I mentioned in the post, I've met so many wonderful like minded beautiful ladies who make my life so much more special :)

      I can share the layout, actually if you scroll all the way down to the bottom you should see it. It's a free template from :)

    2. Thank you, I'll check out for some inspiration.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sandra,
    What a lovely happy you received. Mrs. Rhonda is a gem for sure. I also feel the same as gas at blogging and friendship. I am so thankful for blogging.

  4. Oh how lovely. What a dear Lady and true Friend. I think Blogland has been amazing to make the world feel a little smaller and cozier with the friendships and relationships we make. I just love the folks I've met and blogs I continue to love - like you and your blog Sandra. This whole post just made my heart smile. ;)
    Blessings to you - and to Rhonda too! xoxo

  5. I have also found friendship and encouragement through blogging. I often wish I could be blessed in real life with such friendships.

    I love receiving goodies in the mail! I'm happy that Rhonda was able to bring a little sunshine into your day. Enjoy!

  6. What a wonderful surprise. Each piece is a gift to be treasured.

  7. What a wonderful surprise. Each piece is a gift to be treasured.

  8. That was so sweet.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
