
Wednesday, February 01, 2017

{ Hello February..... }

February 1, 2017

In the coldest February, as in every other month in every other year, the best thing to hold on to in this world is each other. ~Linda Ellerbee, Move On: Adventures in the Real World, 1991

And just like that, January has come to an end.  In what seems like the blink of an eye.

The past month flew, I felt like I was just getting over Christmas and all of a sudden it was the middle of January and now it's gone.  So I'm looking back on what this month brought, how my year started.

I said I wouldn't do resolutions, and I don't, but I did put up some goals for this year, and I've been working on those.  So how did I do?  Did I make any progress or am I still stuck in that limbo between wanna do and maybe one day when I have the motivation?

February 1, 2017

Budget wise, we did a very low spend January, and aside from that cheap trip to the thrift store, and lunch this past Saturday, we've been very good with our finances and where money is going.

With that in mind, we've been able to save $600.

February 1, 2017

It may not seem like a lot to some, but to us it's incredible, considering we are already on a tight budget due to things we are paying off.

This month of February our goal is to save $1100 dollars, so that by the end of the month we will have $1700.

Now I could be up dancing and all happy about this, but at this moment, this money is going towards out IRS tax return which we owe.  But right after that is paid, we will once again be saving every month and I'm looking forward to seeing just how much we will have in savings by years end.

February 1, 2017

Another goal of mine was to blog more, and I think I'm right on track with that.

I wish I could express to you just how happy I am since I've come back to blogging full time.  It's been liberating, it's been rejuvenating and it's made me slow down and really take notice of everything around me, something I had failed to do the past 2 years.

February 1, 2017

I've had a couple things going on health wise, and so my goal of getting back into healthy eating and exercising, has been the slowest one to get off the ground.

I officially started doing my Zumba again, on Monday, and tomorrow is Zumba day again.  I'm not going to push myself, my goal is to do Zumba 2 times a week just like I was doing before moving to Texas.  It allowed me to be fit, it allowed me to lose some weight and I had never felt better.

February 1, 2017

Crochet was another goal I set for myself and I think I'm off to a very good start with that too.

So overall, the month of January was kind to me and I hope this is the beginning of a very good year ahead. 

But, one step at a time right?  Let's focus on getting through February and continuing to work on our goals, it's easier when we don't overwhelm ourselves with the totality of what we want to see happen, but rather with the day to day small steps towards that ultimate goal :)

I hope that your January was kind to you too, how do you think it went?

February 1, 2017

Well friends, it's a bit of a cold one here today, so Marley and I are enjoying snuggles on the couch, in between laundry, cleaning and cooking. 

I'm also working on my next menu plan, grocery list, and paying some bills, all while watching "If Walls could Talk by Lucy Worsley"

Speaking of which, I'll have a post up tomorrow with newer movies and documentaries and tv series to add to the Period Drama List.  :)


  1. Great post and looking forward to your updates. As always, I feel like we're chatting over a cup of coffee when I read your post.

  2. I don't always get a chance to read your blog but I'm so glad I have time today. I think you're doing great small goals are the only way to go! This year my goal is to actually find time to take care of me. I'm not very good at this. I actually just came home from getting a massage don't be too impressed my girls gave me a gift certificate for this two years ago! I've been eating better now I need to add the exercise.
    I agree with the comment above mine reading your blog is like sitting next to you I'm just talking! You're wonderful At it!

  3. I think January went fast! Saving $600 is a great accomplishment especially in the month of January, I think. I'm glad your back to blogging full-time as I do enjoy reading your posts. Hope you have a very happy February and let's hope it lingers just a bit longer than January.

  4. Great job in January! I've enjoyed all of your blogging (and it's inspired me to blog more too, so thank you!). Your savings is amazing, and yes I would certainly say you are meeting your crochet goal -- the Mandala Madness is unbelievable!

    The month was fine for us personally, but there was a lot of sadness around too and that was hard. One of Noah's classmates who had been fighting brain cancer passed away, and a couple other local families suffered horrible tragedies. I'm hoping February will be a little kinder.

  5. Sounds like your January was a great success.


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