
Monday, February 13, 2017

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 02/13/2017 }

Good morning everyone, hope you all had a great weekend and wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

I can't say my Monday has gotten off to the best start, I didn't get very good sleep last night as I pulled a neck/upper back muscle yesterday while doing laundry.  Go ahead and laugh, I know I have hahah

See, housework can be dangerous.  No but really, I went to grab the laundry basket which was full, and somehow pulled something.  It made sleeping quite difficult last night.  Between the pulled muscle, and the dogs both being restless last night, I didn't get much sleep, so I'm snail pacing myself around this morning.

I won't let it interfere with what I need done though, so as soon as this post goes up, I'm getting dressed for the day, and starting with my housework.  But right now, let's see what is going on for us homemakers on this Monday. 

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather:::
Texas is quite crazy when it comes to weather.  Saturday we enjoyed 93 degree weather, yesterday we dropped to 50, today we're at 47 degrees, cloudy and rain incoming in about an hour and staying all through the rest of the day AND tomorrow.  Crazy!!!!

On my bedside table:::
Junk.....I need to clean it today and get rid of some of the junk on there as well.  It tends to collect so much stuff as the week goes by.

On my reading pile:::
Got a new book in for review so starting on that one today.   

On my TV:::
I wasn't watching The Walking Dead, I actually watched the first 2 episodes of this season back in October and then stopped because I wasn't feeling it.  Since it came back last night, I caught up on the last 3 episodes yesterday afternoon, just because.......I'm glad I did, I am back to enjoying the show.
I also plan on watching a few other things today and this week, so here's the list:

The Halcyon
British History's Biggest Fibs with Lucy Worsley
Blood and Fury - America's Civil War

On the menu for this week:::
Some of the menu items from last week, are back again.  If you ever notice that it's because I either switched a meal or ended up not making it.
I have to work on the new menu plan this week, so not sure what I'm doing Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  It also depends on whether my daughter is going to her boyfriend's family or not.  Things have just gotten in the way lately, and it keeps getting postponed.

Monday -  Ham Ring with Veggies   
Tuesday - Sausage and Spinach Pasta, Garlic Bread   
Wednesday - Jalapeno Sausages in Tomato Sauce, Rice
Thursday - Barbecue Ribs, Biscuits, Fries
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

On my to do list:::
Monday - Laundry, change bed sheets, make Tomato Jam, homeschool
Tuesday - Menu Plan, homeschool
Wednesday - Homeschool, Call in refill for birth control
Thursday - Jasmine's Therapy Appointment
Friday - Grocery Shopping
Saturday - Housework, probably OKC later in the day
Sunday - Laundry

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating:::
Done a couple more rounds on the Mandala Madness, plan on taking pics today to show you in my post later this afternoon. 

Looking forward to:::
Just hoping for a good week ahead.

Looking around the house:::

It's not yet 9am.  Marley is sleeping right on my lap.  It is deadly quiet in the house as the kids are still sleeping.  It's a bit dark because of the cloudy day, so I'm going to light some candles today and enjoy the rain as it comes down.  Not too much to do in the house, it is pretty clean and tidy from this weekend.

From the camera:::
Quite enjoying some knitting, even though I'm a huge crocheter, I do however enjoy my knitting and it's been a nice little break from all the crochet I've been doing.  I haven't stopped crochet though, just adding a bit of knitting to the mix :)

February 10, 2017

What I'm wearing today:::
I am still in my pajamas, as usual around this time, but I am planning on getting dressed very shortly.  Jeans and a checked shirt with a tank underneath, is going to be my outfit of the day.  

One of my simple pleasures:::
Enjoying a piece of toast with butter and jam, then dipping it into my coffee. 

Bible verse, Devotional::: 


  1. I hope you feel better soon and have a GREAT week. Be careful of ANY dangerous looking laundry baskets.

  2. Happy Monday! The meals you have planned so far this week sound really good. The sausage and spinach pasta actually made my mouth water just thinking about. I love that knitting you are doing. I haven't knitted in ages. Hope you have a nice week.

  3. I really enjoy Lucy Worsley's programs. There was one on last night after Victoria - something about the Royal Wardrobe. I just couldn't keep my eyes open any longer - it was a long day after taking Vic to the airport so early that morning. Have a great week! Did I read that Jasmine is moving out soon? I think you were going to tell us about that.

  4. Just when I thought you were going to give me an excuse not to do housework, too dangerous, you went and said you were going to do some anyway. I really wanted an excuse to ignore it all today. Hope your neck is feeling better! Hope you go on to have a great week!

  5. Hope your neck feels better Sweetie! Not a fun way to start the week. Sounds nice and cozy in your Texas country. Some candles, cozy and crochet or knitting sounds in perfect order for the day. ;)
    Blessings to you all for the week ahead. xoxo

  6. Your meals sounds delicious! The weather there certainly has had quite the change in only a few days. Your knitting looks beautiful!

  7. Oh my goodness Sandra I feel for you....I know that pain....bless you...I hope it's better....I love your knitting, what is it to be?

    Hope you had a nice relaxing day.....


  8. Love the knitting!! I hope you have a great week!!

  9. HI Sandra, your pulled muscle sounds painful, I hope it heals quickly. You knitting is beautiful! My PC is acting up but I had to pop in and say hello.


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