
Saturday, February 11, 2017

{ Saturday - David's Bridal, Lunch, Hot Weather }

February 11, 2017

Good evening everyone, I hope you've had a great Saturday :)

Mine was very good, actually what I was needing after yesterday.

For those of you who don't know, because honestly I haven't really talked about it much since I wasn't blogging on a regular niece Tiffany is getting married in June, in Idaho.

My girl Jasmine is a bridesmaid, so today we had an appointment at David's Bridal for her to try on a few dresses so they could figure out which style to go with.

As a woman, you know there's nothing more fun than being able to try on pretty things, so myself, Jasmine, my niece and my sister in law set off for that appointment.

It's always so much fun when we do a girl's day out.  I love my husband, I love my son, I love spending time with my family too, but you also need to sometimes have just a girl's day, where you can talk about whatever you want, be silly, laugh, shop, have lunch, browse without the guys getting annoyed that you're taking too long and so forth.

I had my camera with me but it was so busy today, so many brides and bridesmaids and families, that I didn't feel comfortable whipping out my huge camera for photos.  I used my phone and snapped just a few of the dresses Jasmine tried on.

This one above was one of my favorites, not only because the dress is beautiful but I look at this photo and wonder where the time has gone.  Where is my little girl.  She's turning 18 in 2 months, graduating in 3, and planning to move out.  (that's a whole other post)

She's grown up to become such a beautiful young woman and I'm so proud of her.  I have to say though, I can't wait until I'm back in that store one day, watching her try on wedding dresses :)

After our appointment we had some lunch at Raising Canes, which if you've never tried, you have to.  By far the best chicken place I've ever tried.

We ventured back into some other stores, we needed a gift for my brother whose birthday is tomorrow, and my sister in law also tried on a few dresses for the wedding as well.

It was just a fun girly day and I had such a good time :)

Did I mention it was 92 degrees today?  Absolutely insane, considering tomorrow we're back to 40 LOL

But for today, I enjoyed every single moment of this warm weather, and thoroughly enjoyed wearing shorts and a tank top to do some clean up in the yard.

February 11, 2017

February 11, 2017

February 11, 2017

It's now 7:41pm, I have a load of laundry going, I've had my shower, I'm in my pj's and just relaxing on the computer for a bit before I flip on the TV and see what I can find to watch.  I may watch a movie, not sure yet.

Marley is doing better, he is at least walking on the leg, limping and won't put too much weight on it.  I'm almost 100% positive he either twisted his foot, or pulled a muscle or something.  He is acting like his old self, even trying to run with that sore leg, but we're forcing him to take it easy and not push it so he won't further injure himself.

I'm hoping that by tomorrow he will be even better and by Monday maybe even back to normal.  If he is not, then I'll take him in for them to have a look.

Thank you all for asking about him and sending prayers and good thoughts, it means a lot :)

He's asking to go potty so I guess that's my cue to get on off here and go help him if he needs it.  I'll be back tomorrow. 

Have a great night :)


  1. She certainly has grown into a beautiful young lady, Sandra. I remember when you first started blogging how little she was.

  2. Oh my goodness what a wonderful day....and a congratulations to your niece......jasmine has grown so fast....what a beautiful young lady....and her hair.....I'm a red head as well..but wow, her's is beautiful......

    Thank you for the way did they pick that dress? I love it......


  3. Jasmine has grown into such a beautiful young lady. Where has the time gone indeed?

    Have a great upcoming week ~ FlowerLady

  4. Just catching up a bit Sandra. So happy to hear Marley is doing better. ;)

    And I LOVE that style of dress on Jasmine. She looks so beautiful and grown up. The girlie kinds of outings are my favorite! Completely agree that it's so nice to catch up and not be rushed and just enjoy each other and girl time. Thanks for sharing. ;)

    PS: I can't even fathom 90 degrees right now, but it does sound like an awesome treat! xoxo


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
