
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Day in the life - August 17, 2017

Hello everyone, hope this post finds you all well :)

Oh my word, I've missed sitting down and typing from the heart, just whatever comes to mind and mostly sharing my life.  These kind of posts are always so much fun to do, and it's great to have a look back on what I was doing a few months from now.

Tomorrow I have another post for the Homemaker Series, I kind of want a kind of schedule for these posts but I know that life always gets in the way, so they will come as often as I can get them up.

By the way, if you have anything specific you would like me to talk about or post about let me know, I'm always open to new ideas :)

Alright let's get going, grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy.

6AM - Wake up and make coffee for the hubby and I.....
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

I usually sit and have my coffee and watch some youtube vlogs.  Then I move into the kitchen, empty the dishwasher and reload with any dishes in the sink from the night before.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

Make some breakfast, and then go and get myself ready for the day.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

The first thing I do every morning, after I'm dressed, is to open all the blinds and curtains in my bedroom, and then make my bed.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

Not always the easiest thing to do with this dude on the bed.  He is so cute but I spend my whole time moving him off, and trying to maneuver around all 70 plus pounds of him.  Next I vacuum.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

That's the bedroom done.  Today I had to clean the bathroom and closet, so I vacuumed the closet, tidied up the clothes in there, and then gave the bathroom a good clean, sweep and mop.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

I don't always do this, but I also had to give the office a quick clean and tidy.  Hubby has so many things hanging around, and he is currently working on putting it all away, so the shelves are overflowing with all sorts of things.  We will be organizing the office this weekend though.  And I just realized that I don't think I ever showed you our office, so I'll have to do that. 

From there I move into the living rooms, and as always they need vacuuming because Marley pulls the fluff out of all his toys and is currently teething so chews anything he gets hold of.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

It was almost lunch time by the time I was done with the bedroom, office, master bathroom and living rooms, so I quickly washed the breakfast dishes by hand, and got started on lunch for the kids and I.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

We had ham and cheese grilled tortilla wraps.  Super easy and the kids love it.  I wanted to show you this beautiful little tablecloth I got from my sweet friend Rhonda, for my birthday.  She is just the sweetest lady :)
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

Story of my life in these next pictures.  He is such a sweetheart and loves being where I am and watching what I'm doing.  You would think for such a big puppy he would be overbearing or scary, but he is sweet, and soft hearted and a big cuddly bear.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

Bear in mind that he is not even a year old, and just look at his size.  I adore him :)   After my housework is done, I sit to have my lunch and then enjoy a bit of crochet, watch some more vlogs or whatever show I'm currently watching.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

One of Marley's favorite things to do is walk with me to get the mail.   I have this habit of turning on all my scent warmers in the afternoon, it is like an end to the major cleaning done and setting the house to rest for the afternoon.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

A cup of hot tea in the afternoon is one of MY habits, and I enjoy sipping on that while I read through whatever book I'm working on for a review.  Pretty soon it's time to start getting dinner preparations underway, setting the table and getting ready to bring the day to an end.
August 17, 2017August 17, 2017

My days are very similar, unless there's an appointment or something going on that requires a change in my routine, but for the most part, this is how I spend my days, and I truly wouldn't have it any other way.

I really am a Happy Homemaker :)


  1. I love these posts. Thanks for sharing. You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress.

    1. So glad you like them, they're fun to do. And thank you so much, you made my day :)

  2. My days, especially during summer, revolve around the garden. Today we weed rose beds and pick beets to stock up on. Or I should say the girls. I'm still recovering from spider bites that are painful, so I am getting much needed help around the homestead. The chickens need tended to as well. Then it's indoor work after that. No TV, no radio, just me and the outdoor sounds.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
