
Thursday, August 17, 2017

Organizing for your lifestyle by Jane Stoller - GIVEAWAY!!!!

Hey everyone, come on in and sit real quick.  I have a great book to share with you today, one that I'm sure many of you will find interesting and a must have.

I do have a Day in the Life post going up after this book, so don't leave, stick around and be sure to check that out too :)

Alright, so I was asked if I would like a copy of Jane Stoller's book "Organizing for your Lifestyle" and if I would be willing to talk about it on my blog.

You all know that I love books, and I also love organizing and such, so of course I said yes.

 I have been super busy the past few months, so I read this book here and there, a Chapter in between others, while waiting at the doctor's office or even waiting for dinner to cook.

Jane starts by telling us a bit about herself, she's single, she doesn't have children and she has lived all over Europe.  She specifically says that while her book may be more geared towards people who live a similar lifestyle to hers, we all can learn from how to organize our homes to make it easier to live in.

In the beginning of the book are 2 questions for you to answer in order to better understand what and why you want to organize your home.  Immediately after is a little quiz with a few questions to uncover your organizing style.

I took the quiz and my results were these:

You are organized but there is still room to improve.  Your current habits enable you to find mostly everything, and minimize your stress.  Although for the most part, everything has it's place, sometimes you wish you could just go that extra mile, and get even more organized.  

Yes, yes, and yes!!!!!

One thing I loved about the book is that it's not huge, so it makes it perfect for reading on a busy day.  It has become my go to for organizing.  I remembered reading about hangers, and when I was organizing my closet last week, I picked it back up and quickly read through it all again.

Jane gives some really good tips on organizing with what you already have on hand.

I had a good chuckle when I saw what she had to say about wire hangers, because I've hated them for so long, but my husband holds on to some on his side of the closet.  He says they're better, and I've been telling him that they're not for years.  I actually grabbed the book and made him read the first few sentences of that section just to prove my point.  Hahah

With Chapters for the Bathroom, Kitchen, Closet, Books and even Travel, it is filled with interesting information and really good tips on how to get things organized. 

I found the sock folding quite interesting because as a Portuguese woman, I grew up folding socks, but when I moved to the States I found that not many fold them the correct way, or even at all.  Not that it matters, everyone is free to fold or unfold their socks, but for me it was neat seeing someone folding socks the way I and many other people in Portugal fold theirs.  Guess it's an European thing.

The Chapter I found most interesting and thought provoking was the first one.  It is all about the Science behind organization and stress, and Jane talks about how less clutter can help you stay on a budget, how to be a minimalist, how to buy less and de-clutter etc.

Like I said above, it's become my go to Organizational Manual when I need an idea on how to store or organize a certain item. 

Thank you so much Jane for giving me this opportunity to read your book, absolutely love it :)

I have an extra copy to giveaway, so if this is something you would be interested in, this book is for you.

Giveaway is open to US only.  

Please let a comment down below letting me know all about your organizational skills.  Are you a neat and tidy, everything in it's place person, or do you need help getting things organized.  Also if you win the book will you use it yourself or give it to someone specific as a gift????

Also, make sure there is an email where I can contact you, it's not always easy to find the winner through Google accounts.  

Good luck :)


  1. I am in need of help in organizing. I'm in the process of decluttering. Being a procrastinator doesn't help. :-)

    If I won the book I would keep it for myself.

    Your home always looks lovely Sandra ~ Have a great Friday and weekend ~ FlowerLady

  2. I'm a creature of habit that has organization skills that only make sense to me! :-)

    I would read it and when finished and maybe reorganized, pass it on!

    I love your reviews! E-mail is:

  3. Oh goodness sandra. I try so hard to be organized some days I do good others not so much and could definetly improve that area of my life especially after having my daughter Remington!


  4. I love organizing, but I'm overwhelmed! I'm also outnumbered here, but I'm willing to give it my best shot!

    I'm going to read it and take what it says to heart!


    --- Gina

  5. We just moved and Good Lord I am in dire need of organizing. Once my 8 year old son Joey is back to school, it will be much easier.....;)

    Blessings to you and yours!!!

  6. I was once a very good organizer. However over the years I became a hoarder and my organizational skills did not work. Over the past couple of years I have been trying to get back on track. It has been a very slow progress. This looks like just the book that could help me by motivating me and showing me ways to organize my home. After using the book for myself then I would pass it along to someone who could also be helped by it. Thanks for the chance to win this book and for your great review.

  7. I like to think of myself as organized, but I still have some chaos I need to tame.

  8. I used to be super organized but as the kids got older, I've become very lax in implementing any of it. With it being my baby girl's senior year of high school, there's no better time than the present to start getting it back together. Give her some ideas as she's headed off to college and the adult life.

  9. By nature I am fairly organized....but love learning new tricks and being reminded of areas to improve. I'd use the book myself and share with others!


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
