
Monday, May 14, 2018

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 05/14/2018 }

Good morning everyone :)

Hope you all had a beautiful Mother's Day.  I had a good one with my husband and kids, lots of laughs and wonderful time spent together.

I'm moving a bit slow this morning though, I didn't get a lot of sleep last night, I kept waking up and tossing and turning.  I felt hot, then I was cold, then hot and then cold again...good grief.

Anyway, that alarm went off at 6am and I was not ready for that to happen, Curt and I both laid there in bed moaning about having to get up and how we wish it was still the weekend hahah

Well it's Monday and time to get going with our day, so let's start with our Happy Homemaker Monday, shall we?  

Happy Homemaker Monday

The weather.....It has been amazing the past week, I think we can say we are finally over the cold weather.  86 degrees at the moment and it's only 8AM.  Looks like the rest of the week is again sunny and upper 90s.     

Right now I am....On the couch typing up this post, still in my pajamas and finishing off my second cup of coffee.  It's one of those days.    

Thinking....About this week and finishing off our school year.  I can NOT believe that my little boy is about to end 9th grade and moving onto 10th next year.  What on earth?     

On my reading pile....I am currently reading Becoming the Talbot Sisters by Rachel Linden, but if you want to see what else is on the reading list, check out my post Summer Reading List 2018.    

On my TV.....I have a couple new period dramas I am hoping to catch up on and then share with you all.  I feel like it's been a while since I've done a proper Period Drama catch up post and I don't know about you guys, but I love reading posts on new shows that I can watch.

Something Interesting I watched.....Really didn't watch anything this weekend, we were out with the family for a picnic and little trail walk and then yesterday we just hung out at home.  

On the menu for this week....
Monday - Chicken Chimmies with Spanish Rice
Tuesday - Bacon Fettucine Alfredo, One Hour Skillet Foccacia
Wednesday - Hearty Red Beans and Rice
Thursday - Bacon Wrapped Chicken, Mashed Potatoes
Friday - *grocery shopping*
Sunday -

On my to do list....Clean kitchen, empty dishwasher and refill
Change bed linens out
Clean bathrooms

In the craft basket....Still haven't picked up the crochet blanket.  I really need to get cracking on that because I want it finished when I go see my niece.  

Looking forward to this week....Finishing off the school year and not having to worry about anything for 3 months.  It gets to this time of the year and I think both kids and teachers/parents, are ready for this break.

Looking around the house....It's not too bad, but I want to give it a good cleaning and tidying today.

From the camera....
Woke up the other morning, to a random cow in the field.  She's tagged so obviously belongs to someone, but I have no clue where she came from or how she even ended up here.  She is SO pretty though, made me want a cow even more :) 

Bible verse, Devotional....


  1. Have you watched Viceroy's House on Netflix? It's on your Period Drama list but I wasn't sure if you've watched everything on the list. I highly recommend it - very well done and a real history lesson.

    1. I've seen pretty much everything on my list, but I actually haven't gotten around to Viceroy's House, I'm going to have to watch that one this week. Thank you Pamela :)

  2. You weather sounds better than all the rain we are getting, although the seeds I got into the garden will love it.

    1. We've had rain here too, but it's slowed down the past week and the temps have just shot up. I don't like the humidity, but I do enjoy the warmer weather :)

  3. Your menu looks yummy this week!! What a cute cow!! Have a great week!!

    1. Thank you Jodi:) Have a wonderful week too!!!

  4. Love the picture of the cow... summer is here! Have a great week

    1. Thank you, and hope you have a great week too :)

  5. Love your quote this week, one of my favorites. Can honestly say I've never woken up and seen a random cow in our yard :) I have my end of the school year (for my boys) going...NINE days. Not even sure we're going to make it. Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. It was quite a new experience for me too hahaha Good luck on finishing your school year, I'm so ready to be done :) Have a great week!

  6. Ha! Hi Sweetie - love the cow shot. ;) You just never know what you're going to run into out in the country are you? Lol Kind of like what comes out of the woods next to our house here in the northwoods too.
    Have a blessed week ahead filled with sunshine! xoxo

  7. Love the random cow! So pretty! Menus look good and have you ever heard of a temperature blanket? My daughter is crocheting one for a friend. Pretty cool! Have a blessed week ahead! <3

  8. Oh, cute cow! Are you going to keep her? Uh...I suppose someone will come looking for her.

    We are taking a break for the summer too. SO looking forward to it. Ahh...

  9. I like this blog design!!! You always have the cutest blog!!!

  10. I love that last thought. I definitely have got to remember that more. A random cow, quite the thing.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
