
Monday, August 20, 2018

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 08/20/2018 }

Happy Monday everyone :)

Hope you've had a great weekend.  Mine was good, though it went by quite fast.  I feel like I blinked and it was Monday morning, but never mind that, let's get ready for the week ahead and see what is going on in our households.

(New HHM button)

The weather in my neck of the woods:
We had some more rain over the weekend.  I woke up yesterday morning to everything wet outside, and I didn't even hear the rain overnight.  Thankfully the temperatures have been cooling down around here.  It's cloudy this morning but I don't think we are expecting any rain the rest of the week.  The rest of the week is looking like this:

Monday - High of 92
Tuesday - High of 95
Wednesday - High of 97 and cloudy
Thursday - High of 101
Friday - High of 103
Saturday - High of 102
Sunday - High of 101

Things that make me happy:
A clean house.  I don't do well with messes and things out of place. 

Book I'm reading:
Sons of Blackbird Mountain by Joanne Bischof 

What's on my TV today:
Not really sure, if my stepmom wants to watch a movie, we will find something.

For dinner tonight:
Lasagna with Garlic Bread and Salad 

On the menu this week:

Monday -  Lasagna, Garlic Bread, Salad 
Tuesday - Chicken in Cream Sauce, Rice
Wednesday - Cubed Steak with Pepper Sauce, Egg Noodles, Fried Mushrooms with Onions
Thursday - Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Friday - *Grocery Shopping - not sure what family wants for dinner
Saturday - Off all day with stepmom and family, will be sightseeing so will eat somewhere
Sunday - Deep Dish Pizza

On my To Do List:
Laundry - Nick washed his laundry yesterday but needs to take the last load out of the dryer.  Jasmine will be washing hers today.
Tidy and clean house
Homeschooling - get lessons ready

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
There used to be, well there still are, these Portuguese cooking magazines that I was obsessed with when I lived in Portugal and South Africa.  Unfortunately since moving to the USA 20 years ago, I haven't been able to find them here, and if I do they are very expensive.  When my stepmom came over last week, I asked her to please bring me as many as she could, and she obliged.  I've enjoyed going through the magazines and there are TONS of recipes I am going to try and then share on the food blog :)

In the craft basket:
The Cosmic CAL, I managed to get more yarn and now I can continue.   

Looking forward to this week:
My stepmom is with me for the next two weeks, so I'm looking forward to catching up, chatting, looking through old photos and showing her around our area.  

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):


Lesson learned the past few days:
That my yearning to be closer to God, is becoming stronger.  I want to read more, I want to learn more, and I want to continue reaching out to my Lord and savior every day, all day long, not just when things go wrong.

On my mind:
My mind is quite overwhelmed at the moment, with good thoughts and some sad ones too.  I've been enjoying talking to my stepmom about South Africa and how everyone is doing back there.  Some friends have passed, others have left and moved elsewhere.  I've learned good things, I've heard sad things.  It's just a complete jumble of emotions at the moment. 

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
I want to encourage you all today to stop and thinking positively.  Let whatever has been weighing you down, slip away, and make the conscious choice to try to smile, try to face whatever the week throws at you, in a positive way.  I'm praying for you all and asking for blessings all around :)


  1. Enjoy your time with your stepmom. How nice that she could bring you some of those magazines from South Africa. It is always sad to be far from our loved ones.
    Have a great week

  2. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your stepmom. It must be so hard to be far away from family and friends. Love your photo this week and can't wait to see the new recipes from your magazines. Hope you have an amazing week ahead!

  3. Hope your having a nice vist with your stepmom. Can't wait to see some of the recipes you will share from the magazines. Have a great week!! xoxo

  4. Praying your visit with your step mom is amazing! Praying for you! I know how hard it is to be separated from the ones you love and care about! loved your picture! I cant wait to hear about the new foods!

  5. Enjoy the time with your stepmom, Sandra! Your menu plans look good and the cooking magazines sound like a lot of fun! Enjoy going through them! I certainly understand about that deepening desire to learn more and walk closer to the Lord. I pray that that desire continues to grow and deepen in all of us within this group. Blessings for a great week ahead! <3

  6. I used to love it when my Mum brought British magazines when she visited. I splurge on one at Christmas because you're right, international magazines are so expensive here.

  7. It's so strange not to have anyone to homeschool this year! Have a great time with your step mom.

  8. Hello Friend! Missed you (although liked keeping up a bit on Insta) ;) Sounds like a lovely visit with your stepmom and can't wait to see what kinds of recipes you share.

    Have a blessed week ahead dearest. xoxo

  9. I love the fact that you plan your meals for the week. This is something I have been thinking about for along time, but now my son is homeschooled I might introduce this for something he can start doing :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
