
Monday, September 17, 2018

{ A cleaning day }

Hi everyone :)

Today was a cleaning day for me, as Mondays usually are.  I got right to work at 8am and didn't stop until 1pm., but I was on a mission to give everything a really good, deep clean.



Woke up this morning to foggy fields.  I couldn't believe my eyes at first, because this really only happens when Fall has surely come around.  Sure felt good to feel those lower temps though :)


First things first though, and that means a cup of hot coffee.


It's been a while since I've taken pictures of the house and I thought it would be fun to share those with you today, so as I got done in some of the rooms, I took before and after pics to show you just what I did.

I do hope you enjoy following me along.


I gave the kitchen a really good clean, counters were wiped down and disinfected, appliances were clean, I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, swept and mopped, dusted and the whole shebang.


All my kitchen towels that were left overnight soaking in the sink, were washed early this morning and then I hung them to dry on the clothes rack.  I'm trying to minimize my use of the dryer to save a bit on the electric bill because they summer months, it really adds up.



Finished off by updating the Menu for the upcoming week.


Kitchen clean and I moved on to the dining room and den area.  Dusted, vacuumed, tidied, opened curtains and son on.





Now let's walk into the actual living room and let me show you what a tip it was in.  My word!!!

The boys were playing their game this weekend, and only took it all down last night, but they left the tables and there is no way I was going to leave them like that.  I mean....really???  Hahah


Mister Marley also had a lot of fun playing with his toys.  I think he pulled pretty much everything out of his box and not only spread them out on the floor but being the typical puppy he is, pulled the stuffing out of some and tore others apart.




A basket and a half to iron and then put away.  On the top of the couch, on the left, is Curt's back brace which I've gotten used to wearing when I do vacuuming or sweeping or anything that will have me on my feet for a long period of time.  I've noticed that it helps my back not hurt as bad.


I had to take a quick break for some puppy loving.  He is just the sweetest boy ever.


And living room all clean....aahhhh there's nothing like a clean, fresh smelling room.




I ended up moving my old sewing table back to the window, I just prefer it there, but honestly, who knows how long that will last, I have a tendency to get bored and move things around all the time.

By the time I was done with all the cleaning, it was time to sit down and work on some schooling with Nick.

It was also around this time that a headache set in and I just couldn't shake it for the next hour and a half.  Thankfully, after some water and headache tablets, it start dwindling away giving me a much needed break to start on dinner.

Dinner tonight was the Portuguese Steaks, I have the recipe over on the blog if you want to give them a try.

Bifes de Cebolada

And finally to end the day, I had a wonderful package arrive in the mail, with this cookbook from Ann Mah called "Instantly French - Classic French Recipes for your Electric Pressure Cooker".


Can't wait to sit and look through it in the morning and jot down some recipes to try.  French Onion Soup is one of my absolute faves and it will be amazing if I can fix it in my pressure cooker.


Well my friends, it is now just gone 9pm and I'm exhausted, I'm hoping I can actually get some good sleep tonight.  I have to take hubby to work in the morning, and then take Jasmine to a doctor's appointment at 9:20am.  

I also need to pick up my prescriptions from the base pharmacy and do a quick stop in at the commissary for some milk and bread.

But for now?  It's off to bed with me.


  1. Sandra, I noticed the pork chops with mustard sauce on your menu board, would you mind sharing the recipe? I’ve never seen a recipe for something like that and would live to try it.

    1. Hi Mary :) Absolutely, it's actually a new recipe so I'll be taking pictures and posting it over on the food blog. I will however post it over here too as I'm planning on doing a Cooking Thursday this week :)

  2. Your home is lovely and you are an inspiration ~ FlowerLady

  3. Enjoyed reading your post and seeing a peek inside your rooms. Need to give my home a good cleaning today, thanks for the inspiration!

  4. I have a question regarding your recipe for Orange Cake posted 7/9/08...would the cake work with lemons or would it be too sour? Thanks!

    1. Hi Kimberly, I honestly don't know, I've never tried it with lemons but I don't think it would be too sour. I will actually give it a try today and test it for you, then let you know for sure :)

    2. Wow, that's service right there! Yes, please let me know how it goes!!! I'm hoping for the best because I've got lemons in the fridge now and I bet all 3 of our boys would love a fresh lemon cake...I know my husband would, too! Thanks!

  5. Just cleaning out our camper exhausted me the other day. I love my home canned mustard sauce. I wonder if it's somewhat like what you use on your pork chops. Have a nice week!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
