
Monday, September 17, 2018

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/17/2018 }

Good morning everyone and a very happy Monday to you all :)

Are you ready for the new week ahead?  I'm kind of on the fence, I am and I'm not.  I think the weekend went by a bit too quick for my taste, if I'm being honest, but I am also looking forward to a week of homemaking, and whatever else comes my way.

Now let's get right into our Happy Homemaker Monday, shall we?

The weather in my neck of the woods::::
There is a rolling fog out in the fields this morning.  That's how I know that Fall is surely on it's way.  The weather did get a little hot over the weekend and I really didn't much care for it, I think I got used to cooler temps and I'm just not interested in revisiting 90's or 100's.  Thank you very much!!!
Unfortunately looks like we will be in the 90's up until Friday and then we're expecting some rain Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I say bring it on :)

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
I had a very much needed cup of coffee at 6AM, but haven't had anything else since then.  I think breakfast is going to be some toast with homemade apple butter. 

On today's to do list::::
  1. Laundry - The kids both have laundry to do, so that's one of their chores today.  I have a pile of ironing waiting for me to get to, so I'll do that and then put it away.  Also going to change the bed linens as I do every single week.
  2. Kitchen - Empty the dishwasher.  Load dishwasher.  Wipe down counters, sweep and mop.   
  3. Living Rooms -  Dust, vacuum and tidy up.

Currently reading::::
Almost finished with The Removes, the review will be up tomorrow.

On the TV this week::::
Paranormal Lockdown Season 3
Vlogs on Youtube (I'll have a post tomorrow talking about my favorite Youtubers, vlogs and so on)
No Place Like Home
Versailles Season 3
Victoria Season 2
Vanity Fair (the new tv series)

On the menu this week::::

Monday - Bifes de Cebolada(Portuguese Steak) with Mash
Tuesday - Chicken Strogonoff, Egg Noodles, Broccoflower
Wednesday - Pork Chops in a Mustard Sauce, Fries, Salad
Thursday - Chicken Egg Rolls, Cream Cheese Ragoon, Sesame Noodles
Friday -  Beef with Noodles, Salad (my brother's favorite, and I'm having them over for dinner)
Saturday - Taco Pasta, Salad
Sunday - Soup, Sandwiches, Dessert

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Read.  I love reading and I often find that I don't get as much time to sit down and read as I would like, even if I add me time to the schedule, I find myself doing other things that don't include picking up my books.  Need to change that.   

What I'm sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::::
Waiting on Part 2 of the Ubuntu CAL to be released on Wednesday.  For the moment, I'm not working on any other project. 

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::
The chicken strogonoff is a new recipe, even though I've made chicken strogonoff before, I haven't tried this version so it will be interesting to see how it turns out.  I also need to put up the recipe for the yummy beef casserole we had a few days ago. 

Favorite photo from the camera::::
My Marley is my little shadow, everywhere I go, he goes.  He is a lump of cuteness and sweetness, in an 80 pound body. 


Bible Verse, Devotional, Prayers::::
My thoughts are still with the Carolinas through this horrible Hurricane Florence.  I know the death toll is at 17 and that just breaks my heart.  May the Lord continue to protect everyone in the path of this monster.


  1. I always enjoy reading your blog! Loved the sweet picture of your dog! I had no idea that Versailles Season 3 was out! I will have to find it so I can watch it! Thank you for the prayers for the Carolinas! I can say on the behalf of North Carolina we appreciate it beyond words! Praying you have a wonderful week!

  2. Your menu sounds delicious this week. I really like a great chicken stroganoff so curious to see how you like the new version. There is nothing quite like a fur shadow to get you through your day and Marley is just adorable. Have a wonderful week my friend.

  3. I'm with you on not having time to read! It makes me sad! Reading gives me so much energy it seems... but is relaxing at the same time. Sure do love a great book! Happy Monday!

  4. I found I really have to make an effort to focus on reading or I'll go off doing other things as well. Need to get back to just having a set time in my day to read. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. I've missed reading your blog! I've been caught up in YouTube so much lately. I want to get back to blogging it seems so much more simpler than creating youtube videos. Not that I won't be making them but hopefully blogging more as well. Hope you have a great week and Me too says bring on the rain and cooler weather!

  6. I love reading too! Glad you had a great week. too hot for my liking too. see you soon

  7. Don't you just love Monday's?! LOL
    It's crazy how the weekends just fly by!

  8. Tell me more about broccoflower? All of your meals are making me hungry! lol Reading is my #1 love and has been since I was about 5! I remember watching a video in school about how to treat a book and I went to the library, checked out the same Winnie the Pooh book they used in the video and followed all of their suggestions! A book nerd from the beginning :)

  9. Love the photo of your pup.... I have a little shadow around me as well! Yummy menu this week! Hope you get some reading time in! Have a great week!

  10. Your weather sounds about like ours, Sandra...foggy mornings, hot days, but cooler weather and rain by Friday. Hopefully, that will be the tail-end of the really hot, muggy weather. I'm ready for fall! Hope you're having a great day! Blessings for the week ahead! <3


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
