
Thursday, September 06, 2018

{ Dreaded sinus is at it again }


Some families inherit money, homes, yachts and super cool stuff.

My family just passes down things like cholesterol, diabetes and the dreaded Sinus and Post Nasal Drip.  Hahah

But hey, at least it's something right?

I started feeling off last night as in very congested and some sinus pain, he congestion continued throughout the morning, but by early afternoon I was feeling rough.  Think I may be coming down with a cold, which is always the case when the weather starts changing.   


I started my morning with a cup of coffee and my Bible reading.

I went through a stage where I couldn't read the Bible, I found it quite dry and tough to get through, which frustrated me and left me not wanting to even try.

But I'm finally passed that and quite enjoying my morning reading which has me in John at the moment.



We are going on day 4 of rain, think tomorrow is supposed to take a little break but the weekend is quite rainy looking as well.  I'm just going to soak it all in (no pun intended).

Hopefully the rain holds up on Saturday when I go grocery shopping because there's nothing worse than trying to load and unload bags while it's pouring down.  


I worked a little more on the menu plan and grocery list, but didn't get to finish it up because I was feeling absolutely horrid.  So much so, that Curt was on the phone with me and told me not to make dinner because he would pick up some McDonald's, which made the kids quite happy.


We ate dinner quite early, and by 5:30pm we were done, kitchen was clean, and I didn't have to worry about dishes, so was able to get right on the computer to finish editing and uploading today's pictures to Flickr.

I was looking at the Flickr account and I've been a member since 2006, when I started the blog.  It's been such a long time and I have over 16, 000 photos uploaded.  Goodness that's insane!!!

Do you all remember when we first started blogging, we mainly used Photobucket?  That feels like a lifetime ago doesn't it?

I also managed to get another Period Drama movie in today, while cleaning.  I watched Far from the Madding Crowd.  Such a classic :)

Today's post is going to be quite short, I don't feel well and sitting here at the computer is making my sinus headache hurt even more, so it's off to bed for me.

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