
Wednesday, September 05, 2018

{ It's often hard to see the significance in our season }


Life is full of seasons, chapters, doors closing and others opening.  We think we are just getting through one season unscathed and another season comes upon us, leaving us struggling, lost, confused and unsure of how to get through it.

My husband and I are going through such a season at the moment.....the one where your 19 year old makes a decision that you don't necessarily agree with, but have to let it happen and just trust that the lessons you have taught them, the advice you've given, is enough to keep them on the right path.


Every season we go through is important, and every single obstacle in our life is meant to teach us a lesson, but when we are in the middle of that struggle, it is often hard to see the significance in our circumstances.

But it is so hard when it's your children, and especially when they are becoming adults and closer to moving out and finding their own way.

It's in this moment that faith and trust in the Lord, comes into play.  I know that this is not an easy phase to go through, but as much as I want to just skip this part of life and not have to go through the feelings, the emotions and the pain, it's important that we stay through and see it all to the end.

What I love though is knowing that I have God by our side, and that no matter what, things will work out for the best.

"Sometimes your greatest achievement is that you went through the fire, but you don't smell like smoke." 

The power of those words and that brief statement is unbelievable, at least to me.  That's the beauty of going through a trial (fire) knowing that His presence is with you every single step of the way. So yes, I would rather not be dealing with this right now, matter of fact just the thought of my daughter being an adult, making decisions about her life, moving out and so on, makes me want to panic and tie her to her bed so she never leaves me, but that's not how things work is is?

It reminds me of that Geico TV commercial with the two old ladies where the one says "that's not how this works, that's not how any of this works".  LOL


The rain has continued today, pretty much all day long and I'm sure I don't need to tell you that it's made me happy.

I had my candles burning pretty much all day long.  I worked on my menu plan and this time got my inspiration from a stack of Portuguese cooking magazines that my stepmom brought for me.

Ever since I was a little girl, I've been fascinated with these magazines, and I even remember on weekends when we would go grocery shopping and stopped at our local fish market, I would ask if I could have one.

See, while other girls my age were buying Teen Pop magazines and 80's magazines with those cutesy boy centerfold pull out posters, I was buying and collecting cooking magazines.  Hahahah


I'm pretty sure a bunch of you just cackled at that visual, because it really does define who I am, doesn't it?

So I asked my stepmom to please bring me some.  I've sat today and poured through them, bookmarking, and taking notes and adding recipes to my meal plan.

While I did that, I watched A Little Chaos on TV.  If you've never seen it, it's a period drama with Kate Winslet who plays a gardener hired to create the grand gardens at Versailles.  I really enjoyed it :)



I've been trying to watch a Period Drama or TV series episode, every single day in September, along with daily blogging every day in September as well.

It's hard, when you fall off the wagon and try to get back on, it feels so awkward.  Something that used to be second nature to me, that I did without even thinking about it, is now something I need to make a conscious effort to stick to and do.

Honestly, I hope I am able to get in a post every single day for this month, because if I do, then I can surely continue with it the next month, and the next.

So you'll be seeing these daily posts, mostly about my day, but also book reviews, recipes, my spiritual journey at the moment and many other things.

A mish mash of stuff, kind of like my life  LOL

Well friends, we have more rain coming in tomorrow, thank the Lord.

I'm off to read my Bible and get some sleep.  Have a wonderful night everyone :)


  1. I certainly understand what y'all are going through. All of our children are adults now 18, 20, 22, 24 and they make decisions along the way that really break our hearts as parents, but you have no choice but to let them learn their own way. Every time Beloved and I reach one of these places with the children, he always tells me they are not in jail, on drugs, or hurting others. He is right but still it doesn't make the worry lessen. I will pray for y'all.

  2. I agree, I would love a few rainy days to just settle in! Have you see the Paradise? One of my current favorite period dramas! I will be praying for you in your current season! We just now have a 17 year old so we are as of now in the period where their decisions still have to go by us, but I will be there soon enough. Praying for you, and thanks for sharing your heart!

  3. What a pretty blog you have...Oh, yes...remembering back when our 2 kids were growing up..when they got grown...I still thank the good Lord for never having any real problems with either of them. Now, it's grands that I think about...they are all doing so good, the 3 younger ones in college..the baby a Jr. in High School. The older ones married with children of their own. Life is a circle....and a good one, at that. xo


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
