
Sunday, September 16, 2018

{ A lazy Sunday }


I love weekends when I just stop trying to stay busy, and give in to the laziness that my body is wanting and needing.

Usually, the minute I even think about being lazy, my mind immediately tells me that it's not a good thing, and that I should get up and do something productive.

Thing is, I do productive things every day of my life, and sometimes, I just want to veg out on the bed surrounded by comfy crochet blankets, and my doggy and some random thing on TV.


But, hold up a sec, cause I did finish my laundry this morning, and did a little tidying around here, and then yes, I just gave up and decided to do whatever I felt like, which meant laying on the bed all day, getting up only to fix meals and such.

Marley and I even had a nap, something I never do.  He lay beside me and I just reached over and lay my head on his chest and before I knew it, we were both fast asleep.

And I loved every single second of it.  I think I needed it.


After I got up from the nap, I did a few chores around the house.  The first thing I did was clean my kitchen sink, and one tip for getting it nice and clean, especially the drain hole, is to pop a dishwasher tab in and then add a full kettle of boiling water.


Next thing, I filled up my laundry room sink with hot water and detergent, and popped in all the kitchen towels and my apron which was looking quite manky.  I'll let them sit overnight, and then throw them in the washer in the morning.


For dinner, I took the chicken I roasted last night and made a scrumptious chicken curry and also a batch of brownies for dessert.

I don't always make a dessert for after dinner, actually thinking about it, I don't think I ever do unless it's a special occasion, but sometimes you get that craving for something sweet, and much as I love making things from scratch, I also really like having boxed brownie or cake mixes on hand, for a quick dessert.


The rest of the house has been one filled with laziness too.  The boys set up a game of Heroscape in the living room and had a lot of fun together.  Of course, they left it sitting there, which means it's going on my to do list for tomorrow because I don't quite like a random beer pong table filled with lego like toys just sitting around.

And that was our Sunday, just a very quiet and relaxed atmosphere, and I quite enjoyed my afternoon nap.  Who knows, I may just become a fan of weekend naps.

I ended off my day watching the newest live video from Elevation Church and Pastor Furtick, and was once again touched by the word of God.  I can't even begin to tell you how much these live videos have been helping me.  If you're interested in checking them out for yourself, Pastor Furtick and Elevation Church, stream live every Sunday.  These last few weeks he has had a series called Triggered, and boy has he touched on some very profound and deep thoughts.

Triggered Series:

Lions, Lizards and Lies
The Devil in 3D
The Movie in my mind
Why I went Off

I encourage you to watch these, they will most certainly bless you.

It's time for me to settle on down for the night, give the house a quick once over, close curtains and get ready for another whole week ahead.

I'll see you tomorrow morning for our Happy Homemaker Monday :)


  1. Sounds like a great day! Something super special about taking a nap with the furry family members, I think.

  2. You my friend need to pay special attention to my inspiration for tomorrow! Take care of yourself!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful Sunday. I am trying to make Sundays days of rest, but it has been really hard to do.


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