
Sunday, September 23, 2018

{ Weekend in review }

Oh my friends, it is the first time this weekend that I'm getting a spare moment to come in and put up a post. I don't have very long however, because the family is coming over for dinner at 6 o' clock and it's already after 3.  This weekend has been a whirlwind and I'm a bit frustrated that it's already halfway through Sunday and I haven't had much time at all to relax.....but, that's ok.

I haven't even taken pictures of any kind the past two days, I haven't had the chance to pick up the camera, but I'll tell you real quick what I've been up to.

Our Saturday started just in a very weird way. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong and at one point I just started laughing because it's quite ridiculous.

I want to start by thanking you all for the prayers on my little car.

My brother in South Africa, is a mechanic and works on cars daily, so after Curt had tried a few things on the car to see if he could fix it, I had him run the car for a minute and made a quick video to send back to my brother.

He listened to it, had me take a few more pictures of certain parts of the engine and then immediately told me that he knew exactly what the issue was.  The turbo had gone out.

Now, I'm a girl and I have no clue what any of this means, so when someone tells me the turbo has gone out, my first thought is that my car is a goner. 

 New car

But thanks to your prayers, my brother's mechanic skills and the good Lord above, it seems that it's not a serious issue, although it will cost us close to $600 to get the part we need and for my husband to switch it back out.  Goodness!!!

I didn't complain, I didn't fuss and I didn't yell, because I'm extremely grateful that it's nothing more serious and my car will be back to running here in a few weeks as soon as we can get the money together to order the part.

We thankfully still have another vehicle that allowed us to get to Walmart to pick up my groceries and so forth.

The rest of the day we were out with my brother, sister in law and nephew and didn't make it back home until 7pm.  It was just pure insanity.
My Sunday started a bit better, I watched a live sermon by Pastor Furtick this morning while getting ready for church.

Curt and I made it to church and then went by Walmart to fetch a few things that we needed and weren't included in the grocery haul from the previous day.

I've since arrived home and have spent the day doing laundry and cleaning since I was out all day yesterday.

My back is already letting me know that I've overdone it a bit the past two days, so I've had the Tens Unit on my lower back for the last 30 minutes, while sitting on the bed folding laundry and catching up on some Youtube videos.

Here shortly I will have to go toss the laundry from the washer into the dryer, and get the table set, start prepping dinner and so on.

I won't really get a chance to relax until tomorrow so I'm sure by the time I get to bed tonight I'm going to be utterly exhausted.  But you know it's exhausting in a good way when you're spending it with family.

I am sorry I don't have anything else much to add to this post or to tell you about.  Tomorrow I'll be back to normal daily blogging though so you will be able to see a ton more pictures, posts and recipes and so on.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your Sunday, much blessings to you all :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that the car was something fixable!!! Hope you have a wonderful week!


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