
Saturday, March 09, 2019

{ Amazon goodies arrived }


Good morning everyone and a very happy Saturday to you all :)

It's been a bit of a crazy week, lots of driving around, back and forth, no internet for a day and feeling so tired that I climb into bed at 8pm and I'm out for the count.

Nothing super exciting to tell you, so I won't bore you with the nitty gritty, but I did think I would come in and show you my Amazon delivery.

I don't really shop much online, I think during Christmas is when I actually order from Amazon or anywhere else, aside from that, yeah just not much of an online shopper. 

The only reason I even made this purchase is because I was gifted an Amazon card for Christmas and had yet to use it, plus the two items I got were things that I needed.

Right, let me show you what I'm excited about.....


First thing is a new dough hook.  I've had my kitchenaid for many and I mean many, years.  It's made it through a couple of moves, a few across states and it's certainly gotten a run for it's money.  I use it at the very least once or twice a week.

As the years have gone by, the accessories have gotten old, and just last week when I was making bread, the dough hook just chipped off all the white paint and was falling apart.  I knew then that it was time to replace it.

I'm excited to have the new one in so I can get right back to cooking and baking.


And here's the second thing that came in.  I'm even more excited about this one because I've been making do without a mop for a couple of months.  I've used my swiffer or on the rare occasion gotten down on my hands and knees to clean the floor.

I wanted something easy to use, but that wouldn't involve me putting my hands into the dirty water.


This is the Magic 360 Spin Easy Mop.  I've never had one, I have no clue if it's good or if it will do the job I want it to do, but I'm willing to give it a try.


I will be using it for the first time today, and I'll definitely let you know what I think.  But, the thought that I don't have to touch the dirty water is all I need at this point.

If you do have one of these, I would love to know what you think of it, so please leave me a comment down below.


I need to go and switch out my laundry and get a new load going, then get some dishes done, clean up the kitchen a bit and finally get dressed for the day.

Jasmine works this afternoon so Curt and I are dropping her off, then going to gas up the truck, get some dog food and go have a walk around Goodwill.


  1. I've never used the brand you bought, Sandra, but I bought the O'Cedar spin mop 3 years ago and it has been a lifesaver. I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and it doesn't take my h to trigger it. My floor mopping has been a breeze since I purchased it. The only thing with mine has been the booklet said not to use bleach, Pine-Sol or Lysol cleaners with it as they might damage the spin mechanism on the bucket. They recommended Spic and Span or Murphy's Oil Soap.

  2. I have the Vileda spin mop, same idea, and it's wonderful!


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
