
Thursday, January 09, 2020

{ Today...... }

♥♥♥♥  Made a fresh batch of my all purpose cleaner.  I stopped buying store bought cleaners a long time ago, they were not only expensive but filled with chemicals that I would rather not have in my home.

I shared on a previous post, last year some time, how I make it, but also shared it on Instagram this morning.

I have a few of the 24 oz. plastic bottles from Walmart, they're only like 99c or something along those lines.

For one of those bottles, I use:

1 cup of vinegar
1 cup of rubbing alcohol
4 tablespoons of dish detergent

And then fill the rest of the bottle with tap water.  Give it a good shake and you're good to go.  I always give it a nice shake prior to us.

Use it for all your cleaning purposes, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom etc.  I make a similar mixture but use laundry softener instead of dish detergent, as a room and fabric freshener.  I even use it when I iron to spray on the clothes.


♥♥♥♥  Gave all the plants a good watering


♥♥♥♥  It's been a very dark, cloudy day.  On days like these, I love lighting candles and enjoying their glow throughout the house


♥♥♥♥  Did a few laundry loads, including blankets, kitchen towels and some sewing fabric


♥♥♥♥  Spent a few hours in bed, with this big boy napping on my lap.  He is huge friends, but he still thinks he is a baby, and his favorite place to nap is on mama's lap.


♥♥♥♥  Moved a few things around and hung some candles near the fireplace.  We've removed the big gold metal frame around the fireplace.  It was extremely dated and not what I wanted.  I  love the look of an old time, open fire.  Our plans are to eventually install one of those metal hooks that will allow me to cook over the fire.


♥♥♥♥  Opened the curtains, windows and patio door to allow some fresh air into the house.  I am so looking forward to Spring this year.


♥♥♥♥  Caught up on a few period drama series.  Finished Sanditon, cried and got annoyed at how it ended.  Finished Poldark, cried and got annoyed at how it ended.  Finished Charite, cried and got annoyed at how it ended. 

So seem to have gone all my watching experiences so far.  It's quite comical in a way, but frustrating in another.

I've taken the past two days to catch up and rest, and I have to tell you that I feel completely recharged and ready to get back into my routine.  Sometimes just taking a day to yourself, is enough to replenish your soul and mind.

Tomorrow it's back to it, I need to drop off Jasmine at work, then go grocery shopping, then back home to schooling and homemaking.  I will, as always, take you along with me on my day.

Oh and I'll show you the progress on my crochet.  It's been wonderful being able to mindlessly crochet and see the project growing in my hands.

Now, I am going to quickly dry my hair (just had a shower and washed it), then pick the crochet back up, pop on Catherine the Great and hopefully get in an early night.


  1. Sounds like you truly enjoyed your day! I love days like that. I also love days that the cleaning does not take the entire day. I love a good fire and the light glow that comes from candles as well.

  2. I have used homemade cleaners for years. Even homemade "lysol" wipes. Have a nice weekend.

  3. Hi Sandra - I used to follow your blog some years back, then was out of blogland for a while, but now I am back. I was glad to have found your blog again! I also make my own cleaner - very similar to yours. We also make our own laundry detergent. HAve a good weekend.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
