
Friday, January 10, 2020

{ Waiting for snow? }

There is never a dull moment in this State.  Rain, sunshine, 20 degrees, 70 degrees a couple hours later and now snow?

Well they say that we are expecting some snow overnight, I will wait until it actually happens, to believe it.  I do love snow, but maybe it's because I've never lived in States that are completely snowed in, or hit by huge snowstorms that bring the whole town to a stop.


Today was my usual payday craziness.  Maybe I'm crazy, but I do love my grocery shopping days, I enjoy looking through the store, shopping in peace and quiet, being able to take my time and not feel rushed.

So, started by driving Jasmine to work early morning, then headed straight to the commissary.

I've mentioned many times how blessed I am to be able to still shop at the base commissary.  There always seem to be mixed feelings where some people say it's great, like me, others think it's not, but I think it all comes down to personal taste and I for one am very thankful for it.

I think I was in there for about an hour and a half, got all my groceries, picked up some Burger King for Nicholas for lunch (he loves burger king and it's a treat on payday), then quickly headed back home as the weather started turning.

My groceries came out to $280, which is not bad, I'm still $10 under budget.  You know it absolutely kills me when I think of how much money we all spend on food monthly, isn't it insane?  And I'm still quite frugal with my budget and think I don't spend as much as it's common.

$280 for two weeks, including toiletries and pet products, is not bad at all.


I would so love to reach a stage in my life, where we could be self sufficient and not have to rely too much on store bought food.  Maybe one day.

I sat down this afternoon and got all the bills paid, folded some laundry and watched Catherine the Great while doing it all.  I swear if I didn't multi task, I would never get anything done.

Before long it was time to get dinner prepared, which was quite a simple meal but boy was it good and stick to your ribs yummy.  The recipe came from one of my Amish cookbooks, which of course you know is going to be delicious, I have yet to find a recipe of theirs that I didn't like.

Chicken Etti was dinner.  I will try to have the recipe up tomorrow.  I know, I know, Sandra is saying she will post a recipe on the blog, and the masses are laughing their behinds off because Sandra has been quite neglectful of her food blog.  *sigh*

I do want to change that, I really truly do and I think it will only happen, when I just do it and quite procrastinating.  I want to see if I can grow my online stash of recipes, this year.  Let's see if I can do it.


The rain fell on and off all day, moments of downpour followed by clouds dissipating and the sun shining, only to get dark again within an hour and another downpour.  I tell you, this State is crazy when it comes to weather.

As I am typing this, the wind is howling outside and drops are starting to splatter on the window panes again.  I am pretty sure the temperatures will be plummeting down within the next few hours.


I'm slowly making progress on my new crochet blanket.  It is a stash buster of sorts.  I recently received a ton and I mean a ton of yarn from Curt's cousin and aunt, and I think I need to start using them up.

I'll show you a better picture of it tomorrow when it's not as dark.


I also received a new book for review and oh my word.  Any of you love Jennifer Chiaverini as much as I do?  She is brilliant, and to be able to review her book is wonderful.

This one is titled Resistance Women and it is right up my alley.  Just look at that gorgeous cover won't you?

Chiaverini is a phenomenal historical writer.  One of my favorites of hers has to be Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker.  So good!!!

I think you can kind of tell that I'm excited about this one.

Anyway, that my friends, was my day.  Just a normal grocery shopping, bill paying, homemaking day.

I need to get on out of here and go frost the lemon cupcakes I made.  They have been cooling down for quite a while now and I want to get them frosted and in the cake pan before I forget. 

Have a blessed Friday night, and tomorrow I'll let you know if we got that snow that we're all expecting.


  1. I still LOVE snow even after spending several years in the Upper Peninsula and even look forward to it as long as the power stays on unlike our horrific Snowmaggedon last February. BUT, I have to say Texas is the strangest weather state I have EVER lived in!!!!! I have repeatedly seen EXACTLY what you're describing and it never ceases to amaze me when it happens! I hope you get just enough to be pretty and not enough to cause any problems.

  2. Your day sounds like mine except I did not bake anything! I menu planned out of the fridge and pantry and spent $172 for two weeks. ANd that includes food, toiltries and pet stuff but we only have three living here. I'm trying to get it down to $75 a week but not sure if that will ever happen. In the summer time I rely on my garden alot and I can normally get the cost down then. We will see. Hope you got the now!

  3. I live in North Dakota and we have lots of snow and very cold!!! But hey, it's winter here. I love that author and thanks for the tip on Mrs Lincolns Dressmaker. I really enjoy historical fiction too. I will now watch Catherine the Great also. I really enjoy reading your blog. I was a military wife for 20 years but way back.......I am considerably


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
