
Friday, February 28, 2020

{ A bit of a busy week }


I am so glad that it is Friday night.  So, so glad.

It has been a super busy week, I've been running back and forth, trying to keep up with schooling, housework and everything in between.  I haven't had a chance to get on my blog and sit for a few minutes, to write a post, to put down my thoughts, my memories from my days.



It's just been busy, and along with that we've also had very high winds which have kicked up my allergies.  The asthma cough came back, the congestion, and the ringing in the ear even got louder.

I think we forget how well we feel during the months where allergies are not an issue, because when the winds started howling and the niggling symptoms started rearing their ugly head, I knew immediately that things were about to change.

So, I've tried to not go out in the wind unless absolutely necessary, which was not an easy feat since this whole week I was driving my girl back and forth.

Let's just say that Allegra and Singulair are on rotation.  Again!!!

Hopefully for not too long because Spring is right around the corner, and boy is that a tough season for allergy sufferers.  Am I right?


I have however, kept up with my housework and cooking meals.  No matter how busy things get there are chores and tasks that we can't just set aside until things slow down.   As the weather has warmed up around here, I am pulling out the drying racks and making use of them.

This past week, I washed all the rugs and mats.  On days where the wind was quite strong, I set them outside for about an hour and then brought them back in to finish drying.  I actually love the scent of clothes drying inside, that amazing laundry softener smell is like having a candle burning.



I've also been moving my plants around.

For years, I could not grow anything. You know that if you've followed me for a long time.  It was a struggle and I used to feel completely defeated when it came to plants.  I've always wanted a house full of plants, I just love greenery.

Much as it used to frustrate me, I was also to blame.  I didn't understand anything about plants and I wasn't invested enough to try and learn either.


Over the past, I would say maybe 10 years or so, I really became invested and wanted very much to grow things, to plant, to watch and to enjoy.

I started researching, learning, and trying to figure out what I was doing wrong.   Since then I've had a lot of success not only growing vegetables and flowers, but also keeping my inside plants alive.

Plants are a funny thing though aren't they?

They all have their quirks, likes and dislikes, and they will let you know if they're not happy.

Take my Peace Lily above.  My mother in law gave her to me when my grandmother passed away almost two years ago.  I've learned what she likes and dislikes.  Usually when she is needing water, her leaves will wilt and I know to water.

I've also moved her around, put her in different rooms, different windows and so on.  I can't say that I have found her favorite spot yet, but when I do, she will let me know.  I do think I need to move her to a bigger planter, so may need to do that this weekend.


The few moments that I have had for myself, about 30 minutes here and there and usually between chores or while waiting to pick up Jasmine, I have spent reading.

I have a pile of review books that I have to get through but my all time favorite book author released a new book and as soon as it arrived, I dove right in.

It's like visiting with an old friend.  I just love the way Nancy E. Turner writes.


This past week, the days have also started getting brighter earlier and staying brighter later in the day.  A sure sign that Spring is on it's way.

Oh Spring, I am eagerly awaiting your arrival.

I've also been baking and cooking up a storm.  My usual meals have been made, along with a few treats here and there.  My plan is to start updating my food blog again, I miss having new recipes to try and recording them online for future use.

I have 3 recipes right now that I need to get up on the blog, and that's for my homemade garlic bread, a copycat Starbucks Banana Bread and some delicious sauteed squash that I made just yesterday.




Now, next week is going to be much easier for me, as I won't be as busy, at least until Thursday and Friday.

Friday I actually have my mammogram booked in.  It was supposed to be in April but I was able to book it for March and why not?  At least it will be done and out of the way, especially with how I always feel so anxious before it.

It's one of those appointments that stresses me out and I'm not sure even why, I shouldn't let it, but you're women and you know exactly what I mean.

Anyway, it is now 7pm, so I'm going to end this post, lay down and read a bit more or watch some TV.  I do plan on having an early night, the past two nights sleep has not been my friend.

Goodnight friends :)


  1. I keep thinking I am so ready for winter to be over and then I remember allergy season is right around the corner. It’s been tough with sickness here. Your plants are beautiful! And the food looks amazing! You take such great pictures!

    1. Right? I am dreading the allergy season too, I always walk around in a fog. Thank you so much, I am glad you enjoy my pictures :)

  2. My Christmas Cactus is blooming right now. The pink is delightful to look at. I'll post on Monday. As long as you fed everyone last was sucessfull. happy Saturday!

  3. I have had a couple of orchids and have killed them within a few months. The one I have now Emily bought me about a year ago - and it is just about to bloom yet again. I'm so proud and can't wait to see it again! I've also kept a cactus and an aloe plant alive for over a year now and I have a new little guy on my kitchen window sill - but I haven't no idea what it's called :)


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
