
Monday, March 02, 2020

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 03/01/2020 }

Good morning dear friends, and a very Happy March.   Can you believe that we are in March?

My great grandmother always used to say that when you got older, time flew.  I didn't really believe her because at the time, being a child, time seemed to drag.  Days felt like months and would seem to take forever to pass.

As I've gotten older, I've realized that she was right.  Boy does time just fly, I feel like just yesterday we were finishing off Christmas and going into the new year.

If anything, it makes me appreciate life even more and realize that we have to make the best of each day and live it to the fullest, in other words, enjoy every minute and stop wishing life away.

Anyway, happy Monday, I hope you all have a fantastic week, and thank you for coming by to say hi and join in our Happy Homemaker Monday.

I have a pretty slow week ahead, and I'm looking forward to being home and pottering around.  I also have my mammogram on Friday, again, time flies and it's already time for that.

But let's get going with our HHM.  

♥♥The Weather♥♥
Woke up to dark cloudy skies.  We had a gorgeous weekend, especially yesterday.  83 degrees, blue skies and just perfect.  We worked out in the back yard and I even got a tan LOL  Makes me long for Spring and Summer even more.
It looks like we are also done with the very low temps, as the weather for this week and the next is going to stay in the high 60s and 70s.  Perfect weather, in my opinion.   

Monday - Partly cloudy, 63
Tuesday - Cloudy, 64
Wednesday - Showers, 58
Thursday - Sunny, 72
Friday - Mostly Sunny, 67
Saturday -  Mostly Sunny, 69
Sunday - PM showers/wind, 69

♥♥How I am feeling this morning♥♥
Got a good night's sleep, though when that alarm went off at 5AM, I was not ready to get up.  My lower back is hurting a bit but that is due to the yard work we did yesterday, lots of shoveling and removing grass to put down mulch etc.  Both Curt and I are feeling it this morning.     

♥♥On my mind♥♥
My mammogram on Friday.  Usually I am a stress filled mess by this time, but this year I have prayed on it quite a lot and am finding that I am not stressing or worrying.  I am just going to go, get it done and get on with life.  I am pretty certain that everything is fine and if it's not, we will deal with it when and if it comes to that.

By the way, have you booked your mammogram yet?         

♥♥On the breakfast plate♥♥
As always, at this time of the morning I've just had a cup of coffee.  I will most likely have some Cream of Wheat later.  I've been enjoying that the past few days.  It's funny that I seem to go through phases where I only eat toast, or I only eat cereal or oatmeal etc.              

♥♥On my reading pile♥♥
Light Changes Everything from Nancy E. Turner.   

♥♥On my tv♥♥
Still need to catch up on last week's and yesterday's Outlander, plus When Calls the Heart.

Portuguese vlogs
The Trial of Gabriel Hernandez on Netflix

♥♥On the menu this week♥♥
Going grocery shopping on Friday, so only have meals until Thursday.  You may have noticed that most of the meals are the ones from last week, and that is mainly because I switched meals with this week's menu, so none of these were made.

Monday - Pasteis de Massa Tenra (Meat Pastries), Fries, Salad
Tuesday - Beef with Broccoli, Rice
Wednesday - Fried Chicken with Milk Gravy, Mashed Potatoes
Thursday -  Beef and Onion Pie, Mixed Veggies
Friday -
Saturday -
Sunday -

♥♥From the camera♥♥
I love early morning light ♥          

♥♥Looking around the house♥♥
I've said this many times before, but as the kids have gotten older the house stays clean and tidy.  I basically just run around and give it a once over, dust and vacuum etc, but for the most part the days of deep cleaning the house and it looking like a tornado swept through during the weekend, are over.   

♥♥Chore I'm not looking forward to today, or this week♥♥
I'm back to hand washing dishes full time.  Dishwasher is out again.  We've decided that it is not a priority and something we need to go spend money on, as at least in my eyes, is not a necessity or something we can't live without.  So I will continue washing dishes by hand.  It's not that I mind, except for those days where there is a mountain waiting in the sink.  Blech!             

♥♥To relax this week, I will♥♥
Continue working on my back patio and yard.              

♥♥On my prayer list♥♥
The President, our country.
My mother in law Pat and father in law Ken.
Our friend Stacey is now in rehab, so praying for her.
My mammogram on Friday.

♥♥Devotional/Bible Verse♥♥
Time with God can combat hopelessness. It moves our attention from the circumstances to the Father’s great love for us.

PLEASE stop sharing links that are not Happy Homemaker Monday related. This linky is only for the participants of this Monday feature. I am actually getting tired of having to go through and delete links to random blog posts. Be respectful!!!


  1. Sorry to hear about the dishwasher going out again! What a bummer. I can't believe it's already March. I think your grandmother is right - it does sure seem to be flying by faster the older I get! Have fun working on the yard and patio. I hope you have a GREAT week.

  2. Your dishwasher saga is like my car saga. We still don't have it fixed. Your weather looks great. Ours? Not so. Rain. It'll be a mushy mess, but at least warmer. Have a nice week.

  3. Love your bible verse, very accurate. I actually quite enjoy washing up by hand, I find it therapeutic (although I do own, and use, a dishwasher).

  4. So true about time flying when you get older. Your menus look good even if they some of the ones from lat week. I do that, too. Sometimes things happen that they have to be switched up and that's okay. Hope your week is off to a great start! Blessings!

  5. can't wait to work outside, but still soooo much snow here.
    Have a great week

  6. January seemed to me to last forever but yes, February (even with that extra day) went super fast. Sorry to hear your dishwasher is out again. Hope you have a great week!

  7. I'm so glad you have warm temps. Yes I agree with you on the house cleaning. Once they get older...its just dusting around and dishes with some laundry. Miller quit asking me to pack his lunch. It got me a little sad actually. Enjoy your week girl!

  8. Hello Lovely!
    Sorry I'm late this week. Nice to be back from the trip and now finally getting back to real life. I posted some pics from it on my blog and will do a bigger post this week with Disney tips. 😉 Yes, I believe the more we age the faster time flies for sure!!
    So sorry to hear your darn dishwasher is out again. Hope that gets resolved soon! And prayers sent for your mammo to be just fine 🙏 Have a blessed day xoxo

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Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
