
Thursday, April 02, 2020

{ Day 11 of Quarantine/Day 6 of Shelter in Place - Horrid Allergies }


"And Moses said to the people, 'Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today'."
- Exodus 14:13 -

It is getting harder and harder to stay indoors and not let that feeling of being confined, get to you.  It has become a matter of telling myself daily, that this will be over with soon, that this won't go on for too long.

I know what I'm saying is understood by you all, since we are in the same storm, going through pretty much the same situation.  In a way it makes me feel better to know that the whole world is in this together, it would be harder to accept if it was just our country going it alone.

Does it make this easier?  In a way yes, and in a way no, because as humans we tend to withdraw inside ourselves and not see anything but our immediate situation.  It does not make you a bad person or a self centered individual, it makes you of human flesh and blood.


So it's something I'm trying very hard not to allow.  Of course my family is my number one priority, but I also think about and pray for all my friends, blog readers, community, country and world.

Today, I didn't do much at all either. 

The reason?  Allergies.  They have been so bad the past few weeks, and they've made me feel pretty yucky.  Stuffy nose and headaches are the main culprit, but my right year is ringing again pretty loud and feeling quite stuffy too.  I don't know what it is with my allergies but since two years ago, they have decided to attack my ears. 

I've been taking my Allegra and Singulair and just getting by.

I did a bit more crochet today, I'm enjoying the simplicity and easiness of granny squares, and since Ive got so much time on my hands now, I'm working through my yarn stash.  A blanket is what I have in mind, but will I actually finish it or will it go on my long Works in Progress pile?

And don't laugh because I'm sure you all have a long WIPs stack as well.  Who doesn't?  Hahahah



I realize that my daily posts have been pretty short and not filled with anything exciting, but I think nowadays I will settle for boring and uneventful over the alternative.

I'm finishing my grocery list which my husband will take with him to work tomorrow, so that he can go grocery shopping at the base commissary after work.  I could go and I'm not in any way, not allowed to, but we've made the joint decision that there is no need for us all to be outdoors, and since he is already on base, it makes sense for him to pick up the groceries instead of putting me at risk.

So I'll finish that list tonight and then try to read a little.

Tomorrow, I was hoping to finally get my seedlings in the ground but we are expecting rain storms tonight and tomorrow, which means that plan is out the window. 

I'll probably work on baking some bread and cookies, and even though I wanted to carpet clean my living rooms, that is not going to work if it's a rainy and damp day.  Guess I'll have to find something else to occupy my time with.

Earlier this morning, I did another quick inventory of the freezer and pantry and reworked my monthly meal plan accordingly.  It's something I'll keep doing every other week, until all of this gets back to normal, whether that's the end of April or May or who knows. 

I want to close this post by wishing you all a blessed end of Thursday, and reminding you that God is already past this pandemic and waiting for us on the other side.  We know the outcome of this, we know that God wins, we know that this is His battle and not ours. 

But let's not forget to do our part, and I'm not just talking about the washing of the hands, or staying indoors and so on, I'm talking about praying, reading the Bible, comforting those who are having a really hard time with the situation and sharing our testimonies.

It is what we can do for ourselves and for others.


  1. Sandra, thank you so much for your encouraging words. I came here anxious tonight and what you said about God already on the other side of this really helped me. I love your blog. Thank you again.

    1. Linda, you are very welcome, I'm glad I was able to help you. It's so easy for us all to get overwhelmed and anxious right now, we are living in very scary times, but as Christians we have to remember that God is all over this and working through it for us. We will be ok. Blessings to you :)

  2. Sorry to hear that your allergies are so intense. I think a lot of people are in the same situation. Your crocheting looks so pretty. I am almost finished knitting my socks. I took my dog for a walk today, and it really helped to get outside. We are still allowed to walk our dogs in California. Other than that, I have been staying home.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
