
Friday, April 03, 2020

{ Day 12 of Quarantine/Day 7 of Shelter in Place - Bird watching }


"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
- Joshua 1:9 -


It was another pretty slow and uneventful day.

I did laundry, cleaned the house, did the dishes and then sat for an hour or so while fixing dinner, watching the birds in my yard.

Every spring they come around, hundreds of them, they fill up both sides of my yard, and sit pecking at worms from the ground.


Then every once in a while, one just flies up, and they all follow suit.  It's quite comical watching them, they have no real set course to fly, but rather one goes and they all just go along.

Shortly after, they are back down again back to their business.



As I sat watching them, I couldn't help but think that in the middle of this huge pandemic, they have absolutely no idea what is happening.  To them, it's just another Spring day.

Makes me wish I was one of them at the moment, I think sometimes not knowing what is going on is better than being on top of things.  Don't get me wrong, it's good stay informed but there's also the risk of becoming obsessed with the news and driving yourself crazy.

I have limited my news watching to checking my local city news every morning, and then watching the President briefing every afternoon.  That's it, nothing else, nothing more.


While I was doing this bird watching, my wonderful husband was grocery shopping for me.  Thankfully he was able to find toilet paper today, but now we're playing the no chicken at all, game.

What is with that?

I honestly don't understand what is happening with the shortage of certain food items on the shelves, or the constant toilet paper issue.  It's hard enough dealing with a pandemic but if you are also having to deal with food shortages  or other essential item shortages, it can make things so much more difficult.

Anyway, I hope you are all doing well, hope you have food for yourselves and your families, and more importantly I hope you're staying indoors and keeping safe.


  1. I was watching deer in our garden the other day and wished I could be one for a fe hours .... they have no idea what we're all dealing wth! We're on day 21 here in Canada. Lockdown and getting used to being home 24 hours a day. Only things open are essential: hospitals, grocery stores, gas stations, pharmacy's. Everything else is shut. Hope this ends soon. As much as I love being home in our little cottage in the woods but I miss my other family members and friends. Soon we hope, soon! Chy

  2. Hi Sandra. I love your bird pictures. You are right, we do need to limit our news consumption. We watch the news in the evening, but not the rest of the day unless there is a special news conference from our governor about something new going on in our state. I hope you have a good weekend. I will see you again soon.

  3. I've been absent the last week. Trying to wrap my head around a schedule for Miller. I too love watching the birds. Brings peace to my day.

  4. Heads up - Nellis is shutting the base next Saturday. Only active duty and essential contractors. NO RETIREES! So we've been told to tranfer our prescriptions off-base and shop off-base ufn. If yours hasn't done this yet, get what you need now!

  5. Your bird photos are beautiful! And such a great reminder that even in the midst of this pandemic, our Lord is still in control. Those birds are still eating!

    I, too, have had to cut back my news consumption. Too much information was creating anxiety and panic.

    Patti @ Writing to Remember (formerly This Beautiful Life)

  6. I love your photos. I am learning to slow down in the midst of this virus we are in. We are getting back to the basics. Here in NY we are experiencing a lot of shortages. We have reached out to the local farmers and will be getting our meat from them. Might be a little more than at the store but at least we know where to find it.

    I have also cut out a lot of the news. It is hard to not follow it because I work with a bunch of attorneys. Praying for you all, I pray you all stay safe.

    Hugs (virtual of course),

  7. Hi Sandra,

    Here in Australia we are experiencing shortages of cake mixes in our supermarkets. It seems that a lot of mothers have been buying cake mixes so they and their children can do some easy baking together as an activity. Of course our supermarkets have other items that are constantly absent from the shelves - such as hand sanitizer and self-raising flour (I think this is different from American self-raising flour), and of course toilet paper. The lack is no longer due to panic buying but due to supply chains struggling to keep up with the demand now that people are staying in their homes and using more of these types of items. Hopefully supply will increase in order to meet the current demand.

    I have also cut back on the amount of news I am watching. I am trying to stay informed without being inundated. God Bless.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
