
Wednesday, October 07, 2020

{ What am I going to post about? }


    I think these are thoughts every blogger has had, at one point or another. Especially if you've been blogging as long as I have. I was about to sit down and start typing and that thought popped into my mind.  It seems to do that a lot lately, maybe because I'm not used to blogging consistently.


    So what I did was sit for a moment and think back to when I first started and many years after. I never had an issue wondering what I was blogging about on that day, I just took pictures, sat down and the words flowed. What was it that made it so easy back then as opposed to today? 


     And then it hit me. I wasn't putting any pressure on myself to come up with any sort of theme or subject I had to discuss.

    If you go back and read my earlier posts, I really just took photos of my every day life and shared it every morning or evening. Whatever I was doing, is what I was sharing. Why do we make things so much more difficult for ourselves? Isn't it crazy? 

    I then realized that I need to just sit and talk about my day, no matter what hapened, big or small, exciting or boring. The point here, and it has always been the idea, is for me to keep a record of my life that I can one day pass on to my children, or even read myself, when I'm old. 

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    So with that in mind, I grabbed my camera this morning, and just took photos as I went about my day.  I was just thinking yesterday that I haven't been recording some of our biggest battles the past few years, or important dates etc. 

    What that means is that when I get to transfer my posts to my blog books, there are going to be chunks of time throughout the years, that there is nothing to show. That's sad to me. But it's also life. No use crying over spilled milk right? 

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    I'm just going to jump right in and sit down every night or every morning to talk about my day and if I have photos to share too, even better. I don't know if it's because of the horrid year we've had, or what, but I am actually quite looking forward to Christmas. 

    I am already thinking, planning, figuring out what I'm going to cook and so on. Thanksgiving however, we are giving a miss this year. Neither my husband, nor I, are in the mood to celebrate. Don't get me wrong, we have a lot to be thankful for, but it is also the first year without my sweet mother in law and it's going to be a really difficult day for us. 

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    Anyway, so today I took Jasmine to work in the morning, then pottered around the house a bit. FYI, before I continue, can I just say that I am really disliking this new blogger layout? 

    I really wish they would stop messing with things or at the very least allow us the option of continuing with the old interface. I am so completely lost right now, can't find half the things I need to post, to change the template. Anyone else? 

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But back to what I was saying. I reorganized some of my kitchen cabinets. I don't know why but I feel that as time goes by, the layouts I pick at first, stop being functional so I have to go back in and change, throw out some things, move others around and so forth. 

    However, I was dealing with some cramping (women stuff), and Curt gave me some pain meds to take after my lunch. I came to sit on my bed just to ease the cramping and woke up 2 hours later with a sore neck. LOL I completely conked out for 2 hours with both the cat and the dog with me. By the time I woke up, it was time to get dinner started. 

    I have been filming my meals this week for my Weekly Meals video, so it takes a bit more setup when I got into the kitchen, instead of just walking in, making the meal and sitting down to eat. But I do enjoy making the videos, so it's all good. We ate dinner, then had to run back out to pick up Jasmine. So not exactly a lot going on today, it was a bit of a laid back one, especially for me.

    Wanted to get the recipes on the blog, and ended up not even getting around to that, so it's on my list for tomorrow.

    See, this is what happens when you stop doing something for so long.  Jeez it's hard to get back on track, but I'll get there.

    I hope you enjoyed my little glimpse at my day, and I guess this is what you can expect moving forward, more hodgepodge, random posts with snippets of what I'm doing.  I don't think I've ever been able to stick to a specific topic, I always jump from this to that and back again.

    To be fair, isn't that how we talk in real life?  Does anyone ever sit down to chat with a friend, and stick to just one thing?  I know I don't and half the time I wonder how we even get onto some topics  Hahaha

    Well friends, I am going to end his one here.  It's almost 9 o' clock, and I am going to watch a quick video on Youtube, read my Bible and go to sleep.


  1. Where are your weekly meals videos? Do you post them on YouTube or Instagram?

  2. Always enjoy seeing your photos and hearing about your days. Happy Thursday :)

  3. I prefer the blogging that is just daily life. I never really liked the theme ideas. I like just sitting down and feel I'm chatting with you.

  4. Holidays are the hardest, especially the firsts...Mine have gone from celebrating and knowing what is going on to not knowing from one to the next. Waking up in Hotels and often thinking I will be celebrating alone but friends also invite me over...its still not the same. You will eventually figure out new traditions, new things to do and new ways to honor Pat. I am praying for you. I am here for you all.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
