
Tuesday, July 20, 2021

{ Pottering around the house, and some new period dramas }

July 19, 2021
Embracing slow and simple living. 
I have a few books that talk about homemaking in eras gone by.  Old fashioned, some would say.  I tend to believe that homemaking never went out of fashion and actually, it should be given more attention than it currently is.
But as I was reading through one of the books, it was very clear that the homemakers of years gone by, did their work not only out of necessity, but of a love and true passion for their homes.  Everything was done with love, with attention to detail, even the smallest or biggest of task on their homesteads, were seen as a blessing from God.
July 19, 2021

July 19, 2021

I was letting Marley out to potty, the other morning, and the most beautiful fog was hovering over our street.  I was a little taken back since it's been so incredibly hot here and we are smack dab in the middle of summer.  
Nonetheless, summer or not, the fog went about it's business.  Much like our daily chores, that need to be taken care of no matter the weather, the time of year or whatever is going on around us.
I smiled, took that picture and then started my day.  The first thing on the list was mopping my floors.  As I went to fill the mop bucket with hot water, I remembered that our water heater was turned off, as we had a leak and the plumber was arriving within the hour to take a look.

July 19, 2021

My first reaction was to feel annoyed at the inconvenience of not having hot water, right there, flowing out of the faucet, so that I could use it.
And then I thought, "we are so dependent on modern amenities, that being without them makes us panic."
How did my great grandmother and all the other women, back in her time, get by without a water heater?  Believe me, they had hot water, even if not provided to them by a heater.  If I really wanted to wash the floors at that moment, then I needed to be creative, or rather, tap into days gone by.
So I did.  I boiled water on the stove, filled my bucket and got busy.  I felt a sense of accomplishment as I swished that mop back and forth.   

July 19, 2021

While the plumber worked on our heater situation, I went about my homemaking chores.  Dusting, vacuuming, dishes and laundry, some of those we do every day, others once a week, and others yet once a month.   

July 19, 2021

Being back on track, working around the house, doing the things I have always loved, has helped me so much the past week.
It's also brought back very fond memories of my great grandmother and grandmother, the stories they told and the love for homemaking that they instilled in me.  

July 19, 2021

July 19, 2021

I've cleaned and cooked, and organized quite a bit the past few days.  It's like this feeling of needing to stay busy, kicked in and I've gone full speed ahead.  
I am seeing my home come alive again, every little corner speaks warmth and cozy.  I no longer dread walking in the door, but rather rush home to my safe haven.  My spot on the couch with my soft blanket, my books, my pets and my sweet family.
July 19, 2021July 19, 2021
I've been posting on the food blog too, so if you haven't been over there in a while, there are quite a few recipes to try.
Glitter grapes are always a favorite around here, and a great way to use up those grapes before they go bad.   

Totchos are another favorite, and a fun twist on the usual nachos.  

I have also gone back to my much beloved period dramas.  It had been a long time since I felt like I could sit and watch a series, from beginning to end, without feeling like I was constantly distracted by other thoughts.

Oh how I missed immersing myself in these beautiful series, allowing myself to be taken away to a different time and beautiful places.

On Netflix I watched The Cook of Castamar.  
In 1720 Madrid, a talented cook catches the eye of a widowed duke just as he returns to aristocratic society.  It is based on the novel by Fernando J. Munez.

On Amazon Prime I am currently watching The Vineyard.  Another great Spanish period drama. 
Mauro Larrea finds his destiny as he works to restore a vineyard to its former glory while winning the love of combative widow Soledad Montalvo who once owned the property.
Both really good, and I'm excited to get into some others that are currently on my watch list.  I'll be sure to add both of these to the Period Drama Series list, which by the way, if you love period dramas and have not yet seen that list, you are missing out on some really good shows.
Now, I am off to do some ironing, I also need to get my meat out for dinner, almost forgot to thaw it, and then I'll be taking Jasmine to work this afternoon, and grabbing some last minute shopping for the reunion.
I hope you're all having a blessed Tuesday, thank you again for stopping by and saying hi, I appreciate your visits. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love these everyday kinds of posts my Friend. And such an excellent point that we are so blessed to have modern amenities and we definitely take them for granted every day. Copied some more of those yummy recipes! Thanks for sharing 😋


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