
Wednesday, September 29, 2021

{ New routine, same ol' homemaking, how I stay organized }

Good morning from a warm Texas.
We have been blessed with some rain, the past two days, and have more incoming this afternoon and through the rest of the week.
It has set me into Fall mode, and I've been planning, reorganizing and getting ready for all the cool weather goodness.
I haven't had as much time as I wanted, because my schedule is very tight at the moment, with Jasmine starting her driving school.  It will run for a full 4 weeks, so I have a lot of driving back and forth to do.
It will all be well worth it in the end, when she has her driver's license in hand.
You know, as I've mentioned before, Jasmine has anxiety and is fearful of driving.  It doesn't help that she sees the crazy drivers in our town and that does not in any way make her want to get out there.
Who can blame her right?
I've said many times and I'll say it again, I drive because I have to, not because I enjoy it.  If I could go with out ever having to drive, I would be quite alright.
I've been trying to figure out the best schedule for us, as a family, but it's going to take some time.  I can tell you that I'm already exhausted with all the time spent in the car, and of course gas prices being so expensive, doesn't help either because I feel like I live at the gas station.  Oh well, it's just a season and soon will be done.

I sat the other day and pondered on the fact that I used to think, I was super busy when the children were young.  I thought surely when they're adults, I will have all this extra time for myself and I can relax, do whatever pleases me all day and so forth.  Oh how the Lord must have been chuckling at my ignorance.
There are days, I find myself more busy, than when they were toddlers in need of my full attention.  
I think often times we try to convince ourselves that, the minute the kids hit 18, they don't need us anymore.  I think it's quite the opposite at times, they need us just as much if not more, depending on what is going on.

But, I've been given this charge by God, and I will carry on willingly and joyfully, until I am no longer called upon Him to do it.

This time of trying to adjust to the new schedule, has meant that I've had to organize my days better, and really plan ahead of time.  Every minute counts, and every minute means I need to be doing something, throwing a load of laundry in to wash while I take her to work, so that I can hang it out to dry or put it in the dryer when I return.


It all works itself out, and somehow I manage to get it all done.  Don't ask me how, but the hours just fit into what I need, when I need.  

Above you can see my newest candles, these are the ones I mentioned to you in a previous post.  They are from Irie Lights and oh they smell amazing.

I want to light them so badly but also want to keep them for as long as I can.  By the way, they do come previously lit, as you can see by the wick, but that is because they do light them after making them, to make sure they work correctly. 


I have managed to work in a few minutes here and there, to do some reading.  I actually add that to my schedule, along with crochet or anything else that I want to do for my own leisure.  I learned that trick very early on in my marriage, and it's always helped balance life out between homemaking, kids, errands, husband and leisure activities.

Remember life is about balance, it shouldn't be all one thing or the other.


Cooking and baking has been a bit of a struggle too.  Mainly because I need to pick Jasmine up by 4:30pm (time I would usually start prepping dinner), take her to the driving school because her classes start at 5pm and run until 7.  
It doesn't give me much time, and I can either cook dinner and have it ready by 4, which is far too early and means having to reheat later to eat, and I will be honest, I'm not a fan of that at all.
Or, I have had to pick her up, drop her off, drive 20 minutes home, make dinner, eat and leave again to pick her back up, all within an hour.  Crazy I tell you!
I've made it work the past 3 days, but as I've been working my new meal plan out, for the next two weeks, I've been adding slow cooked meals to the days she is in school, so that I don't have to worry about cooking between driving etc.


Had this been a few years back, I would have thrown my hands in the air and said "well, I can't do this, I can't fit everything into a day."

I also would have stopped reading my Bible or spending time with God, because something had to give, and between everything else that I felt was absolutely NON negotiable, I often threw Him into that pile.  How shameful of me, but I have no problem admitting my short comings.  The important thing is to see it, recognize it and repent for it, right?

So I do my Bible reading first thing in the morning, and if for some reason, I don't get to it in the morning, then it is the last thing I do at night before going to sleep.  No budging on that!!!


For example, the other morning, I had to take Jasmine to work but I knew it would be a busy day, and I really needed to bake some bread because we were out.
While I waited for her to get up and get ready, I got the dough made in the Kitchenaid, then popped in in the bowl, covered it with plastic wrap and a kitchen towel, and set it out back on the patio to rise, while I was gone.
I knew I would be back home in about 40 minutes, so that was the perfect rising time, and when I returned I just had to shape it, get it in the loaf pans and into the oven.  


While the bread was in the oven, I started working on the pool.  We are getting it ready to shut it down for the winter, so there's cleaning and vacuuming to do as well as preparing the pool itself to be covered and so forth.


I had about 30 minutes to spare that afternoon, so I sat down on the bed with my crochet.  Well, and with a sleepy kitty of course.  Just look at those paws ♥

Crochet has been something I've been enjoying again, especially since it helps me to relax, and it is imperative that I get some of that in between all the running around.

I also try to keep my crochet to an easy project.  I have blankets on the go, but they require quite a bit of attention, and stitch counting, something I don't always have the time or concentration to do in such a short amount of downtime.  So, I've been sticking to quicker projects, like these crochet baskets that I'm making for my potted plants.



I am using jute to help strengthen them, for the white I actually used jute all through the basket, but I found that it started bulging in some areas.  I'm not sure why, but my suspicion is that the jute itself is not all the same thickness, some strands are a bit thicker than others which altered the stitches.

So what I did for the green one, was to use the jute just for the bottom of the basket, to give it a bit more stability, but kept it out of the sides, and it worked so much better.

I just love how they turned out, love that I can use whatever color I want to match the room they're going in, and above all, I love that it is a quick project that I can make in a day or two.

I also managed to quickly wipe down all my windows, before heading out the door to pick her up.

Ever feel like a chicken with their head cut off?  That's how I'm feeling, hardly time to breathe before I'm getting back into bed, sleep for a few hours and start it all over again.  

Though through it all, I am choosing to stay thankful.  I'm busy, I'm tired, but I'm alive, and that is a blessing in itself, isn't it?


I'm finishing off this post, going to crochet for about 20 minutes, then I need to get dinner in the slow cooker and start gathering my things to get Jasmine to school.  She is off work today, but we still have driving school to get to.  I think I may just wait on her today, it's supposed to start raining within the hour, and I would rather not have to drive home in that weather, then return again.

Tomorrow, I plan on switching my dining room around.  If you've followed me for a while you know that I do this every Fall/Winter.  I love having our dining table near the fireplace.  

I also need to finish my menu plan and grocery list, and get it ready for pickup, write up the bills/expenses for this month and so on.  It really does take a lot to run a household doesn't it?

Well friends, I hope you have a wonderful rest of Wednesday.  I also hope that my post has encouraged you to tackle each new routine or schedule, with a joyful heart.  Don't let it overwhelm you, with a little planning and effort, everything is doable.

And to all those that are struggling at the moment, feeling like life is just coming at us from all directions, the world is falling apart and we sit and wonder how to tackle the battle at hand......remember that God doesn't remove the battle, He equips you with the tools and His grace to fight it.

Take Moses for example, He didn't remove the Red Sea or make it disappear, He simply parted it.  So while he may not take our problems away, be assured that He always makes a way, and equips us in order to overcome them.  :)

{ I am Beauty by Riku Campo - TLC Book Tour }

 About I Am Beauty

• Publisher: HarperOne (September 15, 2020)
• Hardcover: 240 pages

A groundbreaking celebration of ageless beauty, providing the ultimate skincare and makeup guide for women in their forties and beyond from celebrity makeup artist Riku Campo.

The first makeup guide to celebrate and support women forty and over, I Am Beauty is Riku Campo’s labor of love. Riku has worked with some of the most beautiful and recognized faces in the world, like Cindy Crawford, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Anne Hathaway. But he has always wanted to create a book honoring those women we don’t always see on the runaways and in magazines—women like his mother, whose beauty is everlasting.

I Am Beauty includes step-by-step tutorials, advice from skincare experts, and Riku’s best behind-the-chair tips every woman needs to revitalize her routine, including:

  • Day and night skincare routines that keep you fresh and beautiful, whether you’re in your forties, fifties, sixties, or beyond
  • At-home facial massages to stimulate collagen production and optimal skin health
  • Must-have everyday makeup tools
  • Choosing the right foundation for all skin tones, types, and textures
  • Tricks for modern, elegant eyebrows and keeping lipstick fresh all day
  • Eyeshadow colors and types that work best on mature skin
  • Finding the eyeglass designs that best complement your style and daily makeup

Riku also has one-on-one conversations and day-and-night makeovers with sixteen incredible women—each with her own unique style—and shares their secrets for finding beauty in all parts of life.

Comprehensive, practical, and inspiring, packed with more than 100 full-color photos, I Am Beauty is the ultimate resource for women to maintain their glow and live their most joyful, beautiful lives.

Purchase Links

HarperCollins | Amazon | Barnes & Noble


About Riku Campo

Finnish-born international skincare expert, makeup artist, and beauty director Riku Campo has worked as a makeup artist since 1988 and has lived in the United States since 2003. His work has been featured in major fashion and beauty magazines and ad campaigns for L’oreal, Neiman Marcus, Saks, Smashbox, Guess, and others, and he has worked with some of Hollywood’s most renowned actresses. Riku is passionate about bringing out the beauty of many different women by highlighting their own personal style. Instead of following strict rules, he believes in using makeup to bring out joy and confidence.

Find our more about Riku on his website, Instagram, and Facebook.

I always strive to be completely transparent in my reviews, and I have to start by saying that I haven't read it in it's entirety.  Well, I did look through every page and stopped at some for a more in depth read, however, I want to be able to sit with it and really devour every word and every page.
I just turned 47 years old, and whether we like to admit it or not, we are getting older.  The lines and wrinkles on our faces, the skin on our neck, it all makes it blatantly clear that we are no longer smooth skinned, fresh faced youngsters.
I am ok with that.
But, I do struggle to do my makeup in a way that looks natural, without being caked on, or looking like a clown.
I am Beauty takes a closer look at women over the age of 40, and puts it all on paper.  It's like the tutorial for our age, that we always wanted to have but never could find.
Skin care, what make up to use, how to use it, how best to apply it according skin tone and texture.  Eye shadow, yay or nay?
I know this book is going to become my best friend, and I can not wait to dive deeper into it and actually try each make up look, and routine.  
I just haven't had the time, but if you like me, want to learn more about our changing skin, routines and so forth, this is a MUST have for women our age.

Monday, September 27, 2021

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 09/27/2021 }

Good morning everyone, hope you've had a blessed weekend.
Mine was good, but I feel like it went so quickly, and here we are, Monday morning and I'm wondering where my whole weekend went.  
As always, I start my weeks praying for a blessed week, not just for me and my family but for you all as well.  I am starting 4 weeks of busy days, as Jasmine begins her driving school this evening.  I need to figure out how I'm going to do all this driving back and forth, and make dinner and fit it all in, but I know God will help me get it all sorted.
Right, let's see what is going on in today's Happy Homemaker Monday. 

Breakfast time....what is on the plate this morning::::
I've had a cup of coffee with creme brulee creamer, and I'm having some toast with my homemade Nectarine and Brown Sugar Jam.       

Looking around the house::::

It is clean, thankfully, I did it all over the weekend so I could have today be a little more relaxed. 
On today's to do list::::
Change bedding
Carpet clean
Start meal planning again (didn't I just do this a few days ago?)
Book appointment at Social Security to update my status 
Update food blog, have a couple recipes needing to be added

Currently reading::::
I am now in 2 Corinthians in the Bible
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton 

On the TV this week::::
Homemaking Vlogs
Christian shows

The weather outside is::::
Fallish, so so happy to be able to type that.  We are expecting quite a bit of rain this week, so I'm thrilled about that too. 

On the menu this week::::
Monday - Asian Chicken and Noodles, Egg Rolls
Tuesday -  Hamburger Helper, Salad
Wednesday - Slow Cooker Jambalaya Risotto
Thursday -  Smoked Sausage and Potatoes, Salad
Friday - *Grocery shopping*
Saturday -
Sunday -

If I have a few minutes to myself, I will::::
Read, I've been enjoying reading again, but it's one of those that I need to find time to fit in and then I have to force myself to enjoy it and not feel guilty for sitting down.  I have this thing where I start feeling like I should be up and doing something.  Anyone else?  

New recipe I tried, or want to try this week::::

The Nectarine Brown Sugar Jam is new, and it will be up along with a few others.  

One of my simple pleasures::::
Sitting on the couch with Elliott, either reading, or just listening to the birds as they sit on the feeder. 
Something fun to share::::
Another short but lovely video to share with you.  This one comes from Iris Slow Living, in Greece and she just shares how she's preparing for Winter.  Hope you enjoy :)

Favorite photo from the camera::::
Love books, and love beautiful book covers and this one just makes me smile so big.   

Praying for::::
♥♥  My sister in law
♥♥  Jasmine as she begins her driving school today.  
♥♥  Still praying for our country.    

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

{ Fall weather, even if just for a few days }

Then all the leaves stopped being green.  They were yellow and scarlet and crimson and golden and brown. 
- Little House in the Big Woods -

September 21, 2021

We had a cold front move in yesterday.  If I were in Idaho, it would mean actual cold weather, but it's Texas, which means our cold fronts means 80s instead of 100s.  I'll take it though.
It's been absolutely bliss waking up to 50 degree weather in the mornings, and then staying in the 80s during the day.  It makes the days so much more bearable.  

I've been opening my windows and letting in the fresh breeze, have left the back screen door open and enjoyed the cool temperatures and even Elliott has been loving sleeping by the back door.  Usually it is far too hot to do that.
September 21, 2021

I've started pulling out some of my Fall decorations, adding little bits here and there.  The weather and the trees outside may not be in full fall mode yet, but at least inside it's giving me warm and cozy vibes.

These two antique items below, belonged to my husband's grandparents.  No one wanted them, but and I jumped at the chance to keep them.  They are just the kind of antique piece I look for, and being that they belonged to family members, it's a definite treasure to keep.

Have you ever just sat back and wondered what an item's story is?  When were they made, how they came to be?  Who bought them first and what was their intention?  What did they see, what homes did they live in?  Were they used at dinner parties, or special occasions, or did they just sit on a shelf?

Oh if only they could talk, the stories they would tell.

September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

As I started going through my boxes, I came upon some favorite candles that I actually forgot about.  I thought I had used them up completely and was quite sad, because I bought them at a vendor in Arizona, when we used to attend our Renaissance Fair.  There are a few posts here on the blog, and a full album on my Flickr Account.

We first attended in 2010, I still remember that day as if it was today.  I was in the middle of cleaning the house when we heard the commercial on the radio.  We dropped everything, grabbed the kids and headed out the door.  It was about an hour away from Phoenix, in Apache Junction, but it was worth the drive.  

You can read all about that first day, on this post called Hear Ye, Hear Ye!  Also, Where did we spend our Saturday?

Anyway, you get the idea.  We went pretty much every year that we were stationed at Luke AFB, except for the last year, I think, or the year before.  I know we missed one year and we kicked ourselves for it. 

September 21, 2021

When you attend your local Renaissance Fair, as much as we did, you start getting to know your vendors, because they're usually the same ones that travel from State to State.  One of my favorites was the Irie Lights, which made these amazing candles above.  They were and still continue to be quite inexpensive, and they bring out these really neat color combinations as well as fun scents.

I couldn't believe I still had some of the candles.  You can see that they are used and very much loved.  It got me thinking that I needed to get some more, and it had been years, and I mean years since I had bought any, since our last visit to the Fair was in 2011.  I was hoping they were still around but told myself I wouldn't get too upset if they weren't because it had been so long.

Much to my surprise, I found their website and not only are they still around, they still sell their magnificent candles and even candle making supplies (something I've really wanted to dabble in for a while, so will probably end up buying some soon), and they are still making these really eye catching candles with the best scents.  Oh and they sell incense sticks too as well as tiles. 
I bought 4 of the smaller ones and can not wait to get them, I'll be sure to share them with you when they arrive.  Here are the candles I bought previously, and thankfully they still had one of my favorite scents which is the moonshadow.

Erie Candle shop 
No I wasn't asked to advertise them but I love Irie Lights so much, and I'm just excited to know that they're still selling their products.  I wish so much we had one close by, but the closest is 2 hours or so away.  We still plan to make it to one this next coming year, but it will be pretty hard to top the Renaissance Festival in Apache Junction.  
 September 21, 2021

Bolo Bem Casado

Ok, enough about that now, just wanted to share real quick because I brought the candles out and just like I was saying above about the antique pieces, it seems every item in our house has a story, doesn't it?

I'm still continuing to clean and organize by room.  Did my bedroom today, cleared out my writing desk, and it looks so much better and not as cluttered as it had gotten.

Also, made this delicious cake, which I told you about in the previous post.  It is phenomenal, easy to make and your family and friends will love it, and beg for more.  I will try to get the recipe up tomorrow.

I am going to see if there's anything on the TV that I want to watch, and if not, I'll be getting a bit of reading done before going to bed.  I always read my Bible before sleeping, but I also am starting a fiction book today that I have wanted to read for so long.  

Some of you probably know it, and have read it, and if you have, let me know down below.  Would love to hear your thoughts, as it seems to be a favorite for many.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

{ The past few days in homemaking }

September 16, 2021

Every day is a gift from God, make the best of it.
I've done so much the past few days, and I've been very good about taking my camera along to show you.  I haven't been posting as much as I said I would, but that's because the past few days were filled with organization and homemaking, as well as a funeral for Curt's aunt.

That's life.  

I used to be a planner and wanted my whole day planned out and scheduled.  As I've drawn closer to God, I've learned that I can make all the plans I want but ultimately, what He has planned for me, is the what will actually happen.  What does that mean?

Well, it means some days I plan one thing and something completely different happens.  The key is to not freak out, get upset, and angry.  Just go with it.

It also means that I've learned to live a life with purpose, making use of every day that I have.

September 16, 2021

September 16, 2021

I went grocery shopping on Friday, at the base commissary.  It used to be that the commissary was cheaper than anywhere else, and that we also had a lot of products at our disposal.  Lately, it's been declining.

The prices are much higher (which is happening everywhere), a lot of shelves are empty, some items are very close to their expiration date, and shopping has just become a bit of a frustrating situation.
Nonetheless, I managed to get our groceries, and am doing pretty cheap and easy meals, the next two weeks.  The more time goes by, and the more expensive things get, the more I start looking at my big 1 acre field and planning some planting in the next few months.  Living off the land is looking very appealing.

September 16, 2021

September 16, 2021

September 16, 2021

Our garden is coming to an end, though I'm surprised I'm still getting some goodies.  The pumpkins I've managed to process and freeze, and I have one more on the vine that is almost ready to be harvested, then we can pull it all out and get ready for next Spring.

I wanted so much to do a fall and winter garden, but I'm not sure I'll succeed this year.  I may just pull out my notebooks and get planning for 2022.

September 16, 2021

September 16, 2021 September 16, 2021

Our fruit trees are doing so well.  I sit and look at them and am just in awe,  that we've been growing them from small saplings.  Honestly can't wait until they start producing fruit, it will be at least another two years or so, but that's ok.
I've been on an organizing and cleaning mission around here.  As we head into Fall, I like to do a big cleaning along the lines of spring cleaning.  
Yesterday, I decided to tackle our linen closet.  I pulled everything out, divided it into piles, one to donate, one to wash and repackage, and the other to throw out.

September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

Our closet shares a wall with Nick's bathroom and it has a tendency to get a bit moldy, if I'm not constantly on top of it.  I've managed to keep in control, but I still like to wash everything in there every few months, and I've also switched to space saver bag to help with the humidity too.

So I spent the morning, wiping down shelves, organizing, and washing, hanging outside to dry, packing and so forth.  It didn't take as long as I thought it would and I'm so glad that I did it.

September 21, 2021

I have 2 big bags for donation, one is mainly lines and comforters etc., the other is crafting stuff that I was gifted last year, in a big storage tub and it had just been sitting in that closet.  I pulled everything out, kept what I knew I would use and am donating the rest.  

I'm also using that tub now to hold extra comforters and blankets.

September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

I should have taken the photo AFTER I folded the sheets and packed them nicely, but hey ho, sometimes I get so carried away that it is what it is.  Those sheets were folded, and stacked nicely.  I even ended up with extra space and am empty shelf.  

Folks, seriously, if you have a big project like this to tackle, just do it.  I couldn't even get in that closet, it was so full, so overfilled, it used to give me anxiety just going in there for something.  Very happy with the result.

September 21, 2021

I made some dulce de leche in my instant pot, for a cake recipe.  It was my first time using the pressure cooker, to cook a can of condensed milk, and I won't lie and say it didn't make me a bit scared, but it was fine and so easy.  I'll share that on the food blog as well.

September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

September 21, 2021

I've been spending more time in the kitchen too, making delicious meals and desserts, making sure to get photos and updating the food blog.  

It can't tell you just how much I've been loving getting back to my routine.  I feel such a sense of contentment right now, and that sounds a bit weird because life has been hard for us, we've had a lot of sadness around us and it would have been easy to just fall deeper into a dark place.

But my Lord is so amazing and so kind and loving and forgiving.  I get through my days because HE gives me the strength and the focus.  All I had to do was ask, for help, for comfort, for peace and for motivation to do what I need to do and be who I need to be......who I love being.

Suddenly everything seems brighter and happier, I take so much pleasure in reading a good book, in working a row of crochet, in cleaning, in decorating, and taking care of my family and home.

September 21, 2021

Funny enough, you don't always notice the things you stop doing around the house.
For example, decorating for different seasons or holidays.  It's something I always did, and I didn't even realize I had stopped doing it, until I started pulling things out and couldn't remember the last time I used them.
A quick look through my blog and my photos, gave me the answer.  It's been at least 2 or 3 years.  Wow!
I AM decorating again, well, if you can call it that.  I am not a decorator and I don't even think my home has a theme.  I tend to just use whatever I like, and hope it looks ok.  Haha
I'll have another post tomorrow showing how Fall is starting to show up in my home and around our property, so if that's something you enjoy, come back tomorrow.
I am going to finish off this post, take my allergy pill *again* because it's very windy here today, which means I am feeling it.  Also going to do a little more cleaning and organizing, and then it will be time to get into the kitchen and work on dinner and a delicious cake using that yummy dulce de leche that I made yesterday afternoon. 

Dinner tonight is Fish Sticks, Scalloped Potatoes and some Mixed Veggies.

And on the TV, I'm watching some homemaking vlogs and trying to finish a really sweet movie on Amazon Prime, called Cider with Rosie.

I'll finish off the night with more Bible reading, and that will be my Tuesday.

If you've made it all the way to the bottom here, thank you for coming by and visiting.  I really appreciate all the visits and the sweet comments.  I promise I'm going to try very hard to start replying to your comments on the blog here, so that I can interact more with you.  

Have a blessed Tuesday, and I'll see you tomorrow!


Monday, September 20, 2021

{ Kicking Ass in a Corset by Andrea Kayne - TLC Book Tours }


About Kicking Ass in a Corset

• Publisher: University of Iowa Presss (September 15, 2021)
• Paperback: 208pages

What can organizational leaders in business, education, government, and most any enterprise learn from an unemployed, unmarried woman who lived in patriarchal, misogynistic rural England more than 200 years ago? As it turns out, a great deal. In identifying the core virtues of Austen’s heroines—confidence, pragmatism, diligence, integrity, playfulness, and humility—Andrea Kayne uncovers the six principles of internally referenced leadership that, taken together, instruct women how to tap into a deep well-spring of personal agency and an internal locus of control no matter what is going on around them. Utilizing practical exercises, real-life case studies, and literary and leadership scholarship, Kicking Ass in a Corset maps out effective leadership that teaches readers how to tune out the external noise and listen to themselves so that they can truly live and lead from the inside out.

Social Media

Please use the hashtag #KickingAssInACorset and tag @tlcbooktours, @uiowapress, and @andreakayne.

Purchase Links

IndieBound | Amazon | Barnes & Noble

About Andrea Kayne

Andrea has spent her personal and professional life engaging with one basic question: How can we, as women, realize our own internal power both personally and professionally, no matter the constraints in the external world?

As Director of the Leadership Program at DePaul University College of Education, where she has spent the last twenty years. Andrea has taught, written, spoken, and consulted, all around the country and world, in the areas of empowered leadership, feminist leadership, emotionally intelligent leadership, constructive culture and conflict resolution, data-informed professional learning communities, and the area she has developed called Internally Referenced Leadership™. Andrea earned a bachelor’s degree from Vassar College, a master’s degree in Education from Harvard University, and a Juris Doctor from the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

She lives in Oak Park, Illinois with her husband and their beautiful blended family and, of course, her Pride and Prejudoodle, Addy.

Find out more about Andrea on her websiteInstagram, and Twitter.

Jane Austen!!!! 
I could say just that and it would be enough, but then maybe now because not everyone is an Austenite like I and so many others.
The minute this book came up for review, I knew I had to have it.  I was so curious as to how the author would take some of Austen's heroines and use them to inspire us in today's day and age, to empower ourselves.  I mean, Austen was 1800's, so how and why would we take those characters as inspiration?
Personally, I could see it, but that is because I do love her books and her heroines, but like I said above, not everyone knows or reads her books, so how could they take something to apply in today's world?
The book can be classified as a self help, which in itself is not one of my favorite genres, or the type of reading I drift towards, but again AUSTEN!
I'm glad I read it and went into it with an open mind, because it does teach us some pretty important lessons, if anything, we can take the characteristics that we should all strive for.  Integrity, humility, confidence, is something lacking quite a bit nowadays.
Each chapter focuses on a different character, and Kayne taps into the traits and lessons we can learn from each one, and then apply them to leadership positions or life in general.

I think it's very much worth a read, and it was quite fun revisiting each heroine and imagining her in the workplace today.

Thank you to TLC Book Tours and University of Iowa Press, for providing me with a review copy.