
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

{ Making memories to last a lifetime }

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”
― Edith Sitwell
It is currently 58 degrees and cloudy.  There is a scent of rain in the air, and a quiet only broken by the random chirps of birds littered throughout the tree branches.
The kind of morning that makes you smile, that makes you appreciate that hot cup of coffee or tea, even more.  Although I am quite ready for Spring time, even knowing what means for my allergies, I do try to enjoy these last winter mornings as much as I can.   
I made this decision that I need to be present on my blog more.  I was looking for a specific post the other day, trying to find something, and I was saddened at the fact that the past few years, my life is but a memory in my mind, and not recorded here on my blog.   Until 2016, I could go back to a month or day, and tell you exactly what we were doing, what had happened, what we ate or watched, where we went and so forth.
It's always been my little corner, a place to come back to to and reminisce, watch my children literally growing before my eyes, as I move from post to post.
Funny enough, there were even moments where Curt and I would be trying to remember something and needed a specific date, and I was able to come back to the blog, knowing that I had written it down.
But that was then, and this is now.
When did I stop taking note of my life and what we were doing?  
Anyway, my husband said to me the other day "How is your blog?   Did you make anymore blog books to add to your collection?"  Sadly my reply was "oh the blog is still there, but no I haven't made anymore books, there hasn't been much to put in the books the past few years."  How sad!!!
Speaking with him, he reminded me that it's not about having some major fun adventure to put on the blog, it is about doing what I always did, which was share my day, no matter what I did, no matter how boring or trivial I may think at the moment, because the point is to have it as a memory for when we are older.  A memory we can pass down to our children and grandchildren.
He is 100% correct!!!
I have often thought how amazing it would have been, if my grandmother or great grandmother had kept a blog, that I could go back and read right now.  I would have loved to read about her day to day, seen pictures of her homemaking, her children, what she was doing and what life was like at that moment.
Like my husband said "just get back in there, share what you did that day, even if it doesn't interest anyone else, it is for our records, your blog, your life, that's what matters."  Smart man I say.
So, here we go, let's just get on that horse again.  You ready to read some posts that may at times seem boring to you?  After all, I'm just a homemaker like many of you, so what I do around here is what you do every day, and you may not want to read about it, but it's my life right and it's what I have to show.
You know the kids are growing up.  Jasmine is about to turn 23 and Nick is turning 19.  My earlier blog posts were all about raising the kids, and that was so much fun, but life continues even after they're grown, so now it's all about older kids, a slower life, and still keeping track of what we're doing.
I can't wait to sit down one day, when I am much much older, and read my blog from start to finish.  Boy what a trip down memory lane that will be. 

So here's a rundown of my Tuesday.......
::::  Woke up 
My usual 6am time.  Prepared lunch for my husband and daughter, and made our coffees.  Got dressed, and ready to leave the house to take Jasmine to work.
::::  Breakfast
Had a cup of milky tea and toast.
::::  What I did
Switched the dining area and den area around.  I love doing that every year, and usually I would wait until end of March, but I just couldn't anymore.  We love eating dinner while watching nature around us, whether it's the deer that visit our home, the birds, skunks, cats, oppossums, racoons, the alpacas right across the road.  You name it.
::::  Lunch
Made a quick tuna salad for Nick and I, but Jasmine also got to enjoy some when she got home from work at 3pm.
:::: Watched
The Secret Garden, finally.
::::  Afternoon
Picked Jasmine up at 3pm then came home and folded a load of laundry, and started dinner right away.
::::  Dinner
Beef Burrito Skillet.  Super quick and easy meal to throw together, but very yummy and filling.  Recipe will be up today on the food blog.
::::  Night
Had the best shower, did my night skin routine, then climbed into bed and read my Devotional and my bible.


  1. You go girl. Hope you continue with daily posts. Let us in on your nightly skin routine. Course, you're much younger than this oldy but goody...anything might help!

  2. I'm curious about your nightly skin routine also! My youngest (15) has gone crazy about skin routines lately. I know I should be taking better care of my skin but just don't take the time. I look forward to reading about your daily adventures :)


  3. Glad you're feeling a pull to start blogging again! The memory-keeping aspect really is so important (and it is what blogging used to be about years ago). I always enjoy your posts and lovely photos, no matter the topic :-)

  4. Hello! As a new reader, I am thrilled to hear you are planning on posting more. Your post today validates my personal feelings about blogging. My children are older, my days not as exciting, but I still hope to capture a bit of what I am doing for the same reason you are. And truth be told? The ordinary day posts are my favorite! I love knowing that somewhere out there someone is doing the same as I...keeping a home and loving a family. Thanks for this!

  5. I don't find your blog boring at all and hope you continue with your daily updates!

  6. The last thing your blog is, is boring. I love reading the day to day things....


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
