
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

{ Windy Wednesday and new recipes posted }

This afternoon, it was 75 degrees.  The day was absolutely gorgeous.  But the wind, oh the wind.  It has been the kind of wind that smacks you in the face the minute you open the front door.  
The kind of wind that if you don't hold on to the front door tight, it goes flying out of your hand, slamming into the wall behind it.
Also the kind of wind that makes you show up anywhere you're going, looking like you just got out of one of those mall tornado machine simulators.
I won't even go into what it does for the allergies.


I started my morning reading my devotional and my Bible.  I find that my day just doesn't flow if I don't do it, and then I wonder just how I got by the past 40 years of my life without it.  

I had some breakfast which comprised of toast with homemade pumpkin spice apple butter.  I had forgotten just how good that butter was.  I'm glad I made extra a few months ago and canned it....I think I still have one jar.


I also made some milky tea. I used to have two cups of coffee, one at 6am when we get up, and then another around 9 or 10 when I finally had breakfast.  But, the coffee was starting to affect my stomach, and I decided to cut back on that, and just start having some tea instead with my breakfast.

Jasmine had bought 4 new teas, and they arrived yesterday.  I am so eager to try them, they sound absolutely divine, so over the next 4 days I'll try each one and let you know what I think.

Also if you're wondering where she bought them, she got them from Dryad Tea.  They have a wonderful selection of teas available.

This morning, I tried the tea called A Deck of Cards.

Ingredients: Black tea, anise seed, anise star pods, calendula petals, elderberries, rosehips, raspberry pieces, raspberry leaves, cranberry pieces, safflower petals, natural flavors.


It was soooooo good.  Oh my word!!!

After breakfast, I made my bed.  This pretty much is my morning routine, unless Jasmine is going in at 8am and we have to leave by 7:20.  On those days, I my routine is slightly different, because I have my coffee at 6am, get dressed, get everything sorted and out the door, and then come home to have breakfast and made the bed etc.

I don't ever go a day where I don't make my bed.  It drives me crazy, and I always feel that if you take 2 minutes to make the bed, even if you don't do anything else, it makes the house seem put together.  Not to mention, there's nothing better than climbing into a neat bed at the end of the day.


Since I had done all that moving around of big furniture yesterday, my poor back and sciatica were not very happy today.  But on days like these, I try to sit as much as I can, work on computer and blog stuff, or read, and not overdo the housework.
I did finish off my menu plan for the next two weeks, and started the grocery list too.  Tomorrow I need to go through the pantry, cupboards, fridge and freezers to see what I have on hand, and what I am out of, or need to restock.
I can't stand those days where I don't do this part of the planning, and then end up coming home from grocery shopping, only to find that it's the third bottle of ketchup that I've bought, and is now going to live lined up next to it's other sibling bottles on the shelf.  Makes me quite annoyed  LOL
So, I've learned to make the time to check everything first.
I've also been making some really delicious meals, and slowly adding them to the food blog.  I apologize that I haven't kept up with it very well, but I think some people also tend to forget, that it's not just as easy as putting the recipe on the blog.  
There are photos that need to be taken, edited, uploaded to Flickr, then the recipe needs to be typed up along with some sort of introduction or explanation.
Speaking of which, I was typing up one of the recipes earlier, and one thing I've never enjoyed about this part of the blogging, is that I always feel like I need to tell a story about the recipe, and really, what is there to say other than "it was good, try it"  Hahaha
It made me realize that I don't enjoy food blogs anymore, because of the new format everyone seems to be using.
Before I get to the actual recipe, I have to read half a page of random things, including 10 recipes to other meals related to the recipe, plus a manual on how to make the dish, what pots and pans and spoons to use.   Then a page jump to another page, and eventually the recipe is hidden underneath it all.

I've never understood this whole thing, and I guess that's why my food blog doesn't get much traffic at all, because I still post my recipes the old fashioned way.   The way we all used to post them when this blogging thing became a thing.

I thought about maybe changing it to the new format, but I can't bring myself to do it, because if I don't like it for myself, I don't want to put my readers through it either.

So, with me, you get what you get, a quick note on the recipe, where it is from and the recipe.  Quick sticks!

Anyway, I have added 4 new recipes to Full Bellies, Happy Kids.


Tomorrow I have a recipe for Salmon Croquettes.  That was our dinner tonight, along with some spinach rice and steamed broccoli.
I had been wanting some salmon for a while, but it's not something I buy at all because it's always so expensive.  I decided to get a small bag at Walmart, it was $7, for some 3 small pieces of salmon.  Nowhere near enough to make it as a meal on it's own for us, so I figured I would make some croquettes instead because I could make it stretch further.  
It was sooooo good.   
Other than that, nothing much else happened today.  I did watch a very interesting documentary on Amazon Prime, about Corrie Ten Boom.  You can just search her name and I'm sure it will pop right up.
I am going to end off this post, watch my Portuguese soap real quick and then get an early night in.  We are expecting some strong thunderstorms overnight, which means sleeping really well.  Anyone else love sleeping to the sound of thunderstorms?
Have a wonderful night and I'll be back here tomorrow with more to share.


  1. Laken and I made Oreo Truffles for Valentine's Day. So yummy! I don't drink coffee at all. I'm a tea drinker. Must be my English/Irish roots coming through :) I enjoyed reading about your day.


  2. I prefer a quick blurb and then get right to the recipe. I don't like having to wade through a long story or look for the Jump link. So, thank you for doing it the old fashioned way! I am looking forward to trying the burrito skillet and Amish chicken for sure! I'll keep an eye out for the salmon croquettes!

  3. I enjoy reading about your day even if you're not doing anything "exciting." You're writing is like I'm sitting and chatting with my friend about everyday life. I also like the way you do the recipes you share with us...right to the recipe.

  4. I love reading your blog. I love the old style of it. I like blogging that way myself. It is how it all started. I will now mosey on over to your recipe blog. Because, I like the old style and know I will love it! Your food looks delish!

  5. Oh I forgot...Please tell me how to make the spinach rice! Sounds good. And good for you too.


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
