
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Clean house, clear mind, combating the daily chores

July 24, 2024

Good morning everyone, come on in and spend another day with me.  To some these posts may seem a little monotonous, dragging, boring, the same thing over and over.  To me, they just portray my real life and what my days look like, a life devoted to God, to my family and home, and a homemaker who is not afraid to be who she is.

But there are days where even the happiest of homemakers, feels a little defeated.  Maybe you're not feeling well physically or mentally, maybe you didn't sleep well and feel a bit tired, or maybe it's just one of those days where you can't pinpoint what the issue is, but in your soul, you feel defeated, unmotivated and often unwilling to deal with anything or anyone.

I have my days like that, and on those days, I push through.  I don't allow myself to dwell on things for too long, I think it's important to address the issue, but it's pointless to keep dwelling on it.

Today was one of those days, I wasn't unwell physically or mentally, but I didn't feel it.  I just wasn't feeling it!  You understand I'm sure.

July 24, 2024

On days like that, I grab my Bible before I even get up from bed, because I know that it's going to be a battle within me to get through the day.

Reading the Bible strengthens my faith and gives me the strength I need to face the day.  I read my Bible every day, and pray, but some days we need a little extra help from above, and that is where God comes in.  That motivation, that strength, that grace to get up and get the homemaking chores done come through these moments.

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

I don't often pray on my knees, but some days I feel compelled to lay it all before the Lord and leave it at His feet.  Yesterday was one of those days, I did my usual prayers and then gave it all to God and let Him speak, let Him guide me.
Once my prayers were done, I got busy with my day.  All those chores that I really didn't feel like doing, but I knew I had to whether I felt like it or not.  I don't want to procrastinate.
Do you know what procrastination is?  It's doing the things we would rather do, than doing the things we know we need to do.  I think we're all guilty of that at times, and it doesn't make us bad people, or horrible homemakers, it just makes us human.

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

I know it's hard to sometimes find the motivation or joy to get through the daily tasks that seem to accumulate throughout the day.  No matter how many times we wash dishes, there's always more in the sink.  No matter how many times we clean the floors there's always crumbs, vacuum the carpets and there's always pet hair, dust the furniture and two days later it's as if it never came close to a dust cloth.

Those tasks that seem mundane and never ending.

But as women of faith we have strength and courage, and motivation that comes from our Lord above.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me - Philippians 4:13

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

Our homes are our haven, and the numerous chores before us can seem daunting, but they really are to be looked at as acts of love, which we should do with a grateful and happy heart.  If you're feeling unmotivated, tired, grumpy, or overwhelmed, take a moment to sit and pray.  

Our strength comes from the Lord above, and when we got to Him and ask, He gives willingly.

We don't always have to clean our homes with a ton of energy or a the biggest smile on our faces, we don't even have to do it quickly.  It's ok to have a slower day, to do what needs to be done even in a reflective mood.  Just remember always to think of it as worshiping, as doing your job as a woman of God.

Those dishes that you wash, enjoy the moment, enjoy the warm water, revel in the bubbles made by the soap, take in the fresh scent as each dish it cleaned and imagine you're cleansing away the dirty parts of your soul.  The things you shouldn't have said or done, the thoughts that are not Godly, the unmotivation and the procrastination sitting heavily on your shoulders.

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

Put on some music or a podcast, or watch a documentary as you move about the house, sometimes just having that background noise helps a lot.  Be grateful for the home you have, the fact that you can be safe, have food in the fridge and a roof over your head.  The more we are grateful the more we are blessed, I truly believe that.

Blessings come in all shapes and forms, they don't have to be defined by big things, huge shows from God, because He is in everything, in every detail, even the minute little things we tend to overlook.

Also remember to take time to sit, to relax, to rest a bit.  Everything is part of your day, not just the chores and tasks at hand, but the time you take to enjoy a hobby, to sit on the couch, to play with your pets or water your plants. 

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

For me, reading is one of those joys that I thoroughly enjoy, so on days like today, I especially take time off to sit with a book and let my mind rest.  

You'll be surprised how just half an hour to replenish your soul, will change your day.  We are able to get back on to business not feeling as defeated as we were before.

Today I had to post some books as well, and reply to some requests too which included having to print labels and wrap books to get them ready for mailing.  It's not what I felt like doing, it's an extra task that was added to what already seemed like an impossible day for me, but I just pushed that feeling aside and did what I needed.

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

July 24, 2024

As the day came to a close, dinner was eaten, dishes were washed again, kitchen was tidied up and before I could retire for the day, I remembered that I had one last load of clothes in the dryer.  I truly wrinkled my nose at the thought, and if you look at my face in these pictures, you can see how not in the mood I really was.

But once again, I said a quick prayer and asked God to just push me through this last chore of the day.  He did, and I got the laundry out and folded and put away.

Once I had my shower and changed into my comfy pajamas, I climbed into bed with a thankful heart, because even though my mind may not have been in it this day, I still got done what I needed to and went to bed feeling accomplished.

Tomorrow is another day.  Whether I wake up in a good mood, or not, it will not deter me from being the homemaker that I am and my family needs and appreciates.

Clean house, clear mind and a victory over the daily chores!


  1. That's exactly how many similarities there are with most housewives!
    Where you think you're done, you still have a lot more!!
    But we are given strength by your words!
    Many times I tell myself tomorrow is another day!!

    1. Absolutely! We just push through and the next day is often much better than the one before :)

  2. I loved this post and I never find any of your blogging to be boring. In fact, you encourage me to look at homemaking in a more positive way. And, yes, I feel defeated quite often. This morning after my husband left for work and my kids were still sleeping I grabbed a cup of coffee and sat outside with my Bible. It's my favorite way to start the day.

  3. Sandra, I always enjoy visiting your place. The past week, I have been ill with cov id. Weak, still coughing, but on the mend. I can't hardly wait to go walking again. Praying. God bless, ~d

  4. Mai vrem astfel de postări "monotone".
    Ce mult mă regăsesc în tot ceea ce spui numai că mie nu prea îmi iese mereu să numai Aman însă cu siguranță voi salva acest articol și atunci când simt că o iau la vale îl voi reciti .

  5. What an absolutely beautiful post, filled with such truth that is applicable to all of us. Have a great weekend!

  6. Hello! Sandra, this is a beautiful post. Thank you for validating and encouraging my thoughts on homemaking, family, and faith. I find comfort in knowing you and other women do the same thing I do daily in my home. Have a cozy weekend, my friend.

  7. I know what you mean, clean house clear mind. I feel scrambled and discombobulated when the house is in disarray.

    I noticed your book, my mum loves Georgette Heyer, I've been meaning to read her books. Reading scripture always calms the soul.


Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Please be respectful of each other and my blog. Rude comments will be deleted.

Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
