
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Bookshelf organizing

July 22, 2024

July is coming to an end, even though it feels like we just celebrated the new year.   
The weather is hot, the summer days are upon us, our gardens are thriving and producing, and we inch closer and closer to cooler days and what may now be my best time of year.  Fall!

I used to be a summer girl, actually, spring more than summer and I guess I still am in a way, but over the years I have fallen in love with the cooler weather, the darker shorter days, and cozier moments spent indoors.  

Since the weather has been so hot lately, I have chosen to spend most of my days inside.  And lately, having my reading mojo back, it means you can usually find me curled up with a book, in a corner chair, with a cup of tea.  Books have started filling my heart and my every spare moment.  I dream about books, I read a ton, I add more to my shelves and I've been taking immense pleasure in organizing the shelves and displaying my beautiful collections.

July 22, 2024

Have some plants that I need to move to this pot by the front door, in the meantime....
I received a package from Amazon with some items I needed, and as always my safety inspectors are on the case.  They have to sniff it all, check around and in the box, to make sure that it's safe for us.  I love these two ♥

Protein Powder, my Weetabix and a new strap for my Galaxy watch.

July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

Homemaking has been the top of my list.  I get everything I need to do first thing in the morning, then the rest of my day is more laid back.  I can read, or run errands or go to appointments, or even watch a show, in between the other day to day chores that we have to attend to every day.
When we first moved into this house, I couldn't stand the color of this wall in the living room.  I am not a fan of mint green, especially for a wall color, so it used to bug me.  But as the years have gone by, I have learned to embrace it and just go with it.  Eventually I would love to paint it a darker sage green and remove the carpets, put in wood floors and so on.  It is all on God's timing though, when we have the finances available for it, then it will be done.

July 22, 2024

Just like the paneling in den/dining room area.  I would have already removed it or painted over it, but hubby likes it and I've just learned to live with it and humor him for now.  I have been able to convince him to eventually paint it, and he said ok, so that's a start.

I will say though, the paneling and the leather couches and the way I have it decorated at the moment, makes for a very cozy and warm room, and anyone who comes into our home always comments on how much they love the cozy vibes.  That's a huge compliment for me.  I am not a decorator, I don't even think I have a specific theme other than cozy, cabin, country, I don't know.  I am definitely not a modern looking home decorated fan.  Nothing against it, but it's not my vibe, so to speak.

July 22, 2024

This is my current read.  Sweet Black Waves by Kristina Perez.  I don't know if I've just been lucky with my book chases the past two weeks, but my goodness, every single book I have picked up to read has been so good, I can't put it down.

July 22, 2024

Below you can see my TBR (To Be Read) shelf.  I picked some books that were calling to me, and created a TBR shelf, as I finish one, I just move it to a different shelf and grab the next one.

There are four Alison Weir books which I am very much looking forward to

The Last White Rose
The Lady in the Tower
The Lost Tudor Princess 
The Wars of the Roses

Children of Ragnarok by Cinda Williams Chima
Woven in Moonlight by Isabel Ibanez - Book 1 of the Woven in Moonlight Duology
Written in the Stars by Isabel Ibanez - Book 2 of the Woven in Moonlight Duology

July 22, 2024

The next shelf just holds my older books and this beautiful copy of Jane Austen illustrated life, as well as some older vintage books, my Jane Austen novels, Little House on the Prairie and Little Women.

July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

And lastly, I decided to do a shelf that shows a standout collection of what has become one of my favorite authors, Nancy E. Turner.  I've mentioned her here many times, the first book These is my Words was one of the best books I've ever read, and I immediately picked up the others in the series Sarah's Quilt and The Star Garden.  

The other two books are also by Nancy E. Turner and were equally just as good.  Light changes Everything and The water and the Blood.  Worth a read if you've never read her books.

Now I am off to clean windows, which need doing because Kaia's nose is always up against them.  It's a never ending job I tell you.

Also need to go check on the chickens and make sure it's not too hot for them, and then I have to get my workout in and make sure I have my 10 000 steps, before it's time to start dinner and the night routine.  I am a little tired today so very much looking forward to bedtime.  
Some days are just like this, you're tired, you drag around, then thankfully lay your head on that pillow and hope to get enough sleep before the next day.  And it never seems enough for me, at least.

Anyway, enough blabbing, have a wonderful rest of your Tuesday, friends!


  1. Love these posts like of old dear Sandra! You're such a homemaker extraordinaire after my own heart. How you love and tend your home makes me feel like I'm there and such a kindred spirit with you. I love seeing pics of all of your books, plants, candles and all the cozy. I remember when you once dreamed on having your country life and chickens and gardens and it's been so fun watching you bring it all into your life! Blessings blogland Bestie to you always. xoxo

  2. I agree with Carrie. You are a homemaker extraordinaire. This post made me so happy. Thank you.


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