
Monday, July 22, 2024

{ Happy Homemaker Monday - 07/22/2024 }

Happy Homemaker Monday
Good morning sweet ladies, come on in.  I have some hot coffee waiting for you all, or tea if you prefer. 

I am just sipping on my second cup of coffee and having my breakfast which today consists of scrambled egg whites and a piece of multigrain toast.  
It is just after 7am although it seems earlier because it's cloudy and dark outside.  I'm ok with that, if you know me, you know I love a dreary cloudy rainy day.  
My last post was on Thursday, I didn't get one up Friday or the weekend, because I was just so busy.  I think some weeks may be like that, but we will see.  I do have posts scheduled for this week, which make me happy because I really am trying to be more consistent with my posting.
Anyway, let's get right on with our post.  Have a wonderful Monday friends ♥  
*** The Weather *** 
We've had the best week, our temperatures dropped into the 80s and 90s and we even had some rain.  That's my kind of weather.  I don't like too hot or too cold.  Looks like we have another good week ahead before heading back into the impossibly hot weather.  I'm ready for Fall, aren't you?

*** Right now I am ***
Sitting in bed, listening to a video on the TV and working on this post.      
*** Thinking and pondering *** 
I have nothing specific going on in my brain, which I guess it's a good thing.  Hahahah  
*** How I am feeling *** 
Thankfully the allergies have calmed down a little.  I'm feeling a little tired this morning, had a good workout at the gym yesterday and am definitely feeling it today.  I'm just hoping to get going with my day and hopefully get a boost of energy. 
*** On the breakfast plate *** 
Cup of coffee with 2% milk and a little scoop of Vanilla protein powder.  Scrambled egg whites and a piece of multigrain toast with a little smear of Irish grass fed butter. 
*** On the lunch plate *** 
Salad, that's all I feel like today.  I over indulged this weekend, had family over for dinner on Saturday and had some dessert with them.  Time to get reset this week.  I usually will indulge in a sweet or something over the weekend, then go back to clean eating the rest of the week.  I honestly thing that moderation is key and we need everything in our diets, just being mindful not to over eat. 
*** On the dinner plate *** 
Ikea Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veggies  
*** On the menu *** 
Just a reminder, anytime you see potatoes, rice or pasta, I don't eat it.  I usually either have just the salad or veggies, or I substitute with cauliflower rice, sweet potato or brown pasta, although even the brown pasta I don't tend to eat it.  I've gone off most carbs, don't feel a yearning for them, don't really much care for them anymore.

Ikea Meatballs, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Veggies  
Tilapia Fish Tacos, Mexican Rice, beans
Pork chops, Garlic Spaghetti, Squash Casserole
Summer Beef Casserole with couscous, Salad
Homemade Pizza
Eat whatever you want
Ham, Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Lemon Pie (brother in law's birthday)
*** What I am wearing *** 
Still in my nightgown, will change into a summer dress after, then into workout clothes later this afternoon. 
*** On my reading pile *** 
Have started 1 Samuel in the Bible, not sure why but felt that I needed to read it.
Read 3 books last week, my word, I'm finally out of my reading funk.  
Started Sweet Black Waves by Kristina Perez.

*** On my TV this week *** 
Not a lot, aside from a YouTube video here or there, I'm reading more than watching anything. 
Youtube - usual homemaking, quiet, slow living videos, but also been watching some book hauls and book reviews.
*** Looking around the house *** 
It is dark, so the house looks all cozy and warm.  Yesterday, my husband hung some LED lights all around the trims of our living room, dining room and hallway.  This house is pretty dark, especially the hallway and the dining room (dining room is wood paneling).  It looks much better with these soft lights. 
*** To do list *** 
Housework Bible and Devotional time Workout Reading 
*** From the camera *** 
The one thing I do love about summer, are the flowers in all their glory.  They just bring so much joy to a home. These hang on my front porch.

*** Devotional, Prayers, Bible Verses *** 
Don't have a specific verse or prayer, but wanted to ask you, have you been reading your Bible? Do you read it daily, do you lean into the scriptures and allow God to work in your life?  If you don't, please consider starting.  It really does help the day flow better.  Also, when you pray, pray daily for Grace for that day, it does make a difference. 


  1. Yes, the flowers, actually everything grows and blooms so exuberantly here.
    You can really enjoy that!
    Have a nice week

  2. So happy to hear the allergies are better dear Sandra! And we too, continue to adapt our diet over here to less carbs and more protein. We've both been losing weight and feeling better too. :) Your flowers look so beautiful! I can't believe how fast summer is flying. Blessings. xo

  3. Hi Sandra ~ I'm catching up on reading from my blog list. Hot and humid here in s.e. FL. ~ Yes, I read my Bible every morning along with devotionals through email, and books I have. A great way to start the day. ~ Enjoy your week. ~ FlowerLady


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Thank you for stopping by, hope you are having a blessed day!
